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General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Railway | SSC CGL Exams


1. Which of the following is an impact printer?
(A) Daisy wheel printer
(B) Ink-jet printer
(C) Bubble-jet printer 
(D) Laser printer
Ans : (A)

2. Identify the odd term amongst the following group–
(A) Coaxial cable 
(B) Optical fibre
(C) Twisted pair wire 
(D) Microwaves
Ans : (D)

3. Soil profile refers to arrangement within a soil of–
(A) its vertical layers 
(B) its inclined layers
(C) its horizontal layers 
(D) group of soil grains
Ans : (C)

4. The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonia sulphate is–
(A) 18% 
(B) 21%
(C) 25% 
(D) 30.5%
Ans : (B)

5. Ethanol containing 5% water is known as–
(A) Absolute alcohol 
(B) Dilute alcohol
(C) Power alcohol 
(D) Rectified spirit
Ans : (D)

6. Service Marketing is the same as–
(A) Internet Marketing 
(B) Telemarketing
(C) Internal Marketing 
(D) Relationship Marketing
Ans : (D)

7. Market-driven strategies include–
(A) identifying problems
(B) Planning marketing tactics of peers
(C) Positioning the organisation and its brands in the market
(D) Internal marketing
Ans : (C)

8. Innovation in marketing is same as–
(A) Motivation 
(B) Perspiration
(C) Aspiration 
(D) Creativity
Ans : (D)

9. Personal Loans can be canvassed among–
(A) Salaried persons 
(B) Pensioners
(C) Foreign Nationals 
(D) NRI customers
Ans : (A)

10. Which of the following countries conferred its Highest State Honour on Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi for her contribution in its ‘Liberation war’?
(A) South Sudan 
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Bhutan 
(D) Slovakia
Ans : (B)

11. In which one of the following Latin American countries, a woman has for the first time won the presidential elections for the second term ?
(A) Brazil 
(B) Venezuela
(C) Uruguay 
(D) Argentina
Ans : (D)

12. Which one of the following famous events is being held in Jaipur, Rajasthan in January every year since 2006 ?
(A) Gangaur Festival 
(B) Jaipur Literature Festival
(C) Elephant Festival Jaipur 
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

13. The minor planets revolving between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars are called–
(A) Asteroids 
(B) Comets
(C) Meteors 
(D) Novas
Ans : (A)

14. Which of the following world famous events is/are held to mark the Onam festivities in Kerala?
(A) Snake Boat race 
(B) Bull race
(C) Cock fights 
(D) All these
Ans : (A)

15. The best colours for a Sun umbrella will be–
(A) black on top and red on inside.
(B) black on top and white on inside.
(C) red on top and black on inside.
(D) white on top and black on inside.
Ans : (D)

16. Diarchy in the provinces was introduced through the–
(A) Government of India Act, 1919
(B) Government of India Act, 1935
(C) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(D) Indian Councils Act, 1892
Ans : (A)

17. Which of the following is the world’s largest desert?
(A) The Great Australian Desert
(B) Arabian Desert
(C) Gobi
(D) Sahara
Ans : (D)

18. The rate of erosion in a stream is lowest where–
(A) the river joins the sea 
(B) depth is greater
(C) breadth is greater 
(D) velocity is more
Ans : (A)

19. The name ‘Sahyadri’ is related to–
(A) A rain-bearing wind 
(B) Himalayan Peak
(C) Western Ghats 
(D) Cyclone hazards
Ans : (C)

20. People die in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide because–
(A) of want of oxygen 
(B) of suffocation
(C) it is a poisonous gas 
(D) it destroys tissues
Ans : (A)

21. Doddabetta Peak is located in the–
(A) Anaimalai 
(B) Mahendragiri
(C) Nilgiris 
(D) Shevaroys
Ans : (C)

22. ‘Genes’ are made up of–
(A) Only RNA 
(B) Only DNA
(C) DNA, RNA and Protein 
(D) DNA and RNA
Ans : (B)

23. The Lotus plants have no root hairs because–
(A) the conducting tissue is not well-developed in roots.
(B) it can store water in the stem.
(C) the roots are adventitious.
(D) it need not absorb water by roots.
Ans : (D)

24. The organism living at the bottom of water mass is called–
(A) Benthos 
(B) Plankton
(C) Nekton 
(D) Neuston
Ans : (A)

25. Light energy is converted to chemical energy during the process of–
(A) photosynthesis.
 (B) fat metabolism.
(C) transpiration. 
(D) respiration.
Ans : (A)

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