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Important Persons in the World - Their Name Starting from (M)


Mahatma Gandhi : Indian leader who fought against the British rule. He believed in nonviolence and led India to achieve independence.  He is called the  `Father of Indian Nation’.   Gandhiji founded the Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmedabad.  Gandhiji made his first experiment of Satyagraha in Champaran.   In  1919  Gandhiji  led  an agitation against the Rowlatt Act and made Satyagraha his instrument of struggle.  Gandhiji  gave  to  the country  the slogan,  “Do or Die”.  On January 30, 1948 he was assassinated at the prayer meeting.  Jawaharlal Nehru declared  “The light has gone out of our lives”. The world dignitaries  visit  his  Samadhi  at  Rajghat whenever they visit India.

Mahavira :  Vardhaman Mahavira is considered to be the founder of Jainism.   He was born as Kundagram near Vaisali.  He was called Mahavira or the Great Hero and Jina or the Conqueror.  He first preached in Maghada.  His teachings were  Karma  and Transmigration  and  Nirvana.   The object of life is to attain Nirvana, which can be achieved by following the three fold path namely (1) Right Faith, (2) Right Knowledge and (3) Right Conduct.  These three principles are called  “Three Jewels”  or  “Tri Ratna”. The Jains worship Tirthankaras.  Mahavira died at the age of 72 at Pawa. (Patna district).

Mahmud of Ghazani : A brilliant General and a mighty conqueror.  He led as many as 17 expeditions into India.  He attacked the most celebrated temple of Somnath.  He entered the temple, broke the idol and took vast booty.   He would rather like to be known as Mahmud  the  idol-breaker  than  Mahmud  the  idolseller.   The frequent invasions and conquest of India. He was a patron of art and letters.   Alberuni, Firdausi and Ansari  adorned his court.  He also erected mosques and one of the mosques was called the “Celestial bride”.

Major Yuri  Gagarin  :  This Russian cosmonaut was the first spaceman of the world at the age of 27.  He launched into space on  April 12, 1961 in  Vostok  I and returned to earth safely.  He died in an air crash.

Manu :  Famous Hindu Law giver and author of  Manu Smiriti.

Margaret Atwood :  One of Canada's most prolific and well known authors bagged the prestigious Booker Prize for 2000 in London on November 7, 2000 for her novel "The Blind Assassin".  The 60 year old author has written some 10 novels and various critical works and poetry collections.

Maria Montessori : Founder of the Montessory system of child education, who hailed from Italy.  Her system enables the child to learn naturally and easily.

Martin Luther :  A celebrated German reformer who fought against the dogmas of the Catholic Church and got himself excommunicated on that account.  His movement of reformation eventually led to the emergence of  Protestantism.

Masti Venkatesh  Iyengar  :  The grand old man of Kannada literature, popularly known as `Masti’ and also  `Srinivasa’, he won the Jnanpith  Award in 1983 for his novel  `Chikkaveera Rajendra’.

Megasthanese :  Megasthanese was a Greek scholar who was sent by Seleucus as an ambassador to the court of Chandra Gupta Maurya.  He lived in Pataliputra, the capital of Chandragupta for about a period of 5 years.  During his stay whatever he heard and saw with his own eyes he jotted down in a book called  "Indica". Indica throws a flood of light on the personality of the king, his capital and also his system of administration.

Michael Faraday :  He was an English Scientist who made important discoveries in electricity and magnetism which laid the foundation of the modern electrical industry.   At first, he was assistant to Sri Humphrey Davy at the Royal Institution.

Mother  Teresa  :  The angel of mercy who conquered the world by serving the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholic nun born to  Albanian parents in  Yugoslavia, and baptized Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhin. Came to India and was a teacher at Kolkata. Founded  "Missionaries of Charity", devoted to working for destitutes. Became a citizen of India in 1962. Set up about 570 homes for the poor, spread in about 125 countries. Nobel Peace Prize 1979, Magsaysay  Award 1962, Bharat Ratna 1980, and many other awards. Mother  Teresa died on September 5, 1997 due to cardiac arrest. She was conferred with Saint hood on October 19, 2003 at St.Peter's Square in  Vatican by Pope John Paul II.

Motilal Nehru :  A great patriot, famous lawyer and leader of Swaraj Party, was father of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Muhammad Tughlak  :  The real name of Muhammad Tughlak was Jauna Khan.  He made Devagiri his capital and named it Daulatabad.  This hasty project of the Sultan has caused immense suffering to the people.  He issued copper coins and ordered that they should be considered equal in value to the gold and silver coins. But the people began to make counterfeit coins.  The result was that the government suffered heavily and the trade and industry came to a standstill.  The Sultan was a man of able ideals which were far in advance by the age in which he lived.   Ibn Batuta, the celebrated Arabian traveller visited his court and wrote a very interesting account of his experiences.

Munshi, K.M. :  A  great writer, educationalist and expert on constitutional law.  He played an active role for India’s freedom.  He is associated with `Vanamahotsava’.

Muthulakshmi :  Dr. Muthulakshmi was a pearl among women and a champion among social reformers.  She was the first Indian woman   to  take  MB  &  C.M. Degree  in  Medicine.   She campaigned against the evil custom of the Devadasi system.  By this,  young  girls were  dedicated  to  the  temple  and  subjected  to moral   indignities in the name of God.  She is the founder of Adyar Cancer Institute.

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