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Who Against Devadasi System ? SSLC History Questions and Answers - SSLC History Quiz


1.  What are the principal  objectives  of  the EU  ?
  • European  Citizenship,
  • Ensure  Civil  rights  of  European  citizens
  • Promote  social  progress,
  • Protect European Security and Justice.

2. What are the organs of the EU ?
  • European Parliament
  • European Council
  • European commission
  • Court of Justice
  • Court of Auditors.

3. What is the significance of the Euro ?
  • Single European currency, circulated on 1st January2002
  • The  symbol  of  the  Euro is   €
  • Euro eliminated foreign exchange hurdles encountered by companies doing business across European border 
  • It promotes free trade policy

4. Name the important leaders and centres of the mutiny. Leaders  ?
  • Rani  Lakshmi Bai,
  • TantiaTope,  
  • Nana Saheb,  
  • Begum Hazrat  Mahal  
  • Kunwar Singh
  • Cetres:  
  • Barrackpore  
  • Meerut   
  • Delhi
  • Lucknow
  • Agra  
  • Jansi   
  • Banaras  
  • Central India

5. Mention the importance of Queen Victoria’s proclamation.
  • A royal  durbar  was  held  at  Allahabad  in nov 1  1858.
  • The proclamation issuied by Queen Victoria is described as the Magna Carta of India. 
  • India came under the direct control of British
  • It gave regard to ancient customs and rites.
  • It granted general pardon to all the offenders except those who had  directly taken part in the murder of the British subjects.

6.  What was the immediate cause  for the Revolt  of 1857?
  • The greased cartridges supplied  for the new  Enfield Riffles was the immediate cause for the revolt.
  • The  cartridges  had to  be bitten  off  before loading
  • Believing that the fat of cow and pig had been used to grease these cartridges, both Hindus and muslims refused to use them as the cow is sacred to Hindus and the pig is detestable to Muslims.

7. What are the services rendered by the Agra Samaj ? 
Arya Samaj  opposed  :
  • Child  marriage  
  • polygamy 
  • Purdha system  
  • Casteism 
  • Sati Samaj 
  • Supported    :  
  • Women education  
  • Inter-caste marriage  
  • Inter dining

8. What are the teachings of Vallalar ?
  • Condemned inequalities.
  • Compassion to all living things
  • Service to mankind is the service to moksha
  • Preached  Jeeva Karunya.

9. Mention the main principles of the Theosophical society .
  • To develop the feelings of fraternity
  • To study ancient religion, philosophy and science
  • To find  out  the laws of nature.

10.  Point  out  the  impacts  of  social  and  Religious  reform  movements  in  the 19th  Century ?
  • These movements  helped to abolish  Sati, Child marriage and unsociability
  • It promoted education, encouraged widow remarriage, inter-caste marriages and inter dining

11. What were the aims of the Indian National  Congress ?
  • Expansion and greater representation of legislative Councils
  • Freedom of press
  • Holding of Indian Civil Service examination in  India.
  • Reduction of Military expenditure
  • Taxation should be made lighter

12.  Name some of the important  moderate leaders
  • S.N.Banerjee  
  • Dadabai  Naoroji    
  • Pheroze Shah  Mehta  
  • Gopala Krishna  Gokhale 
  • M.G.Ranade.

13.  Mention  the  importance  of  Lucknow  session  of  the  Indian  National Congress 1916?
  • The moderates and the extremists  joined together.
  • The Congress and Muslim league  Co-operated with each other to achieve self Government
  • It was at this session Jawaharlal Nehru met Gandhiji for the first time.

14.  What  are  the  changes  introduced    by    the  Government  of  India  Act  of 1935?
  • Introduced provincial autonomy
  • Abolished diarchy in the provinces
  • Established Federal Government at the Centre.
  • Federal Court
  • Federal Reserve Bank

15. What was the resolution passed in the Lahore session of the Congress in 1929?
  • Congress met under the  leadership  of Nehru
  • It declared Poorna Swaraj
  • The tri-colour flag was unfurled on the banks of river Ravi and admist  the slogans “ vande matharam “

16. Write a short note on the cabinet  Mission
  • Pethick Lawrence, A.VL.Alexander and Sir  Stafford  Cripps visited India
  • It proposed  to form a Constituent Assembly.
  • It recommended an interim government
  • Consequently, jan 26 1930 was celebrated as Independence day all over the country, now we celebrate this day as Republic day

17. Write a brief note on Vellore Mutiny
  • The Revolt broke out in  1806
  • Hindu soldiers were prohibited from smearing religious marks on their fore head.
  • The Muslims  were ordered to shave their beard  and trim their moustache.
  • The second son of Tipu, Fateh Hyder declare as the ruler.

18. Write a note on the welfare measures taken  by  Kamaraj ?
  • Opening of new schools, free education, mid-day meals scheme.
  • Constructed dams and canals to improve agriculture.
  • Started  new industries.
  • Started mid  day meals scheme.

19.  Why do we call  Periyar  as  “Vaikam Hero”?
  • In Vaikam the people of downtrodden community were allowed to enter into the  temple   
  • With the effort taken by Periyar the Travancore government relaxed such segregation and allowed the people to enter into the temple. So he is called the Vaikam Hero. 

20.  Narrate  Dr.Muthu  Lakshmi’s  role  in  the  agitation  against  Devadasi system.
  • She fought vigorously against this system
  • She made active propaganda against devadasi  system
  • This system was abolished by law.
  • Appreciating her role in the agitation against devadsi system she was nominated to the  TN  Legislative council.

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