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Biology Quiz for Competitive Exams


1. One of the following is not a vitamin deficiency disease?
a) beri- beri
b) diabetes
c) anaemia
d) rickets 

2. A father got a child having bowlegs. This is due to?
a) lack of growth in bones
b) lack of supply vitamin D
c) lack of supply of retinol 
d) it is a gift of life

3. Which of the following shows saprophytic nutrition is?
a) mushroom
b) plasmodium
c) leech 
d) lice

4. The length of small intestine in human being is?
a) 4.5 m
b) 1.5m
c) 3.5m
d) 6.5m

5. The enzyme which mixes up with food in alimentary canal first is?
a) pepsin
b) trypsin
c) ptyalin
d) glycogen

6. The maintenance of equilibrium of concentration of liquids is
a) homosapien
b) stability
c) homostasis
d) control

7. Pathway & sperm release from the testes?
a) seminal duct, epididymis. urethra
b) urethra, epididymis semninnal duct
c) epididymis, epididymis
d) epididymis, seminal duct, urethra

8. The cup like structure in nephron is
a) glomerulus
b) bowman's capsule
c) malphigian body
d) loop of henle

9. The part where the main tenance of pH occur
a) renal tubule
b) distal convoluted tubule
c) collecting tubule
d) pelvis

10. When pressure is exerted on lungs, the following one occurs?
a) inspiration
b) chest cavity increases
c) expiration 
d) chest cavity decreases

11. Warming and moisturising goes on this passage?
a) pharynx 
b) nasal cavity
c) larynx
d) trachea

12. Find the correct statement
i) when we are running pain in muscles occurs
ii) due to the conversion of latic acid to pyruvic acid muscle pain occurs
a) 1, 2 are true
b) 1 true, 2 false 
c) 2 true, 1 false
d) 1, 2 are false

13. You respire more when you are tired why?
a) to compensate tire someness
b) to stop compensate tiresomeness 
c) to regain strength
d) to increase energy expenditure

14. What is the reason for the entry of air into stomata?
a) due to increase in the density of air
b) behind the stomata, air density increase
c) due to increase in the density of CO2
d) increase in the density of O2 

15. If there are two different factors for a character, it is called
a) Heterozygous
b) Homozygous
c) independent assorts
d) dominant

16. The alleles or factors which are named by Mendal are known as
a) Genes
b) Heritable factors
c) factors
d) traits

17. The number of autosomes in human being
a) 23 pairs
b) 22 pairs
c) 1 pair
d) 46 pairs

18. Swatch Bharath program related to
a) agriculture
b) industries
c) environment
d) stock market

19. Which one of the following is micro irrigation technique?
a) lift irrigation
b) farrow irrigation
c) tube wll irrigation
d) Sprinklers

20. Which of the following practice is suitable for farmer with less water resource?
(i) select short term crops
(ii) cultivate commercial crops
(iii) adapt drip irrigation system
(iv) crop holiday
a) i, ii
b) i, ii, iii
c) i, iv d) iii, iv

21. During the following, variation occurs
i) During reproduction ii) changes in DNA transcription
iii) changes in RNA transcription
iv) synthesis of protein
a) i, ii, iii only
b) i only
c) i, ii only
d) i, iv only

22. Arrange the following in order....
i) pharynx
ii) larynx
iii) alveolous
iv) bronchus
a) i, ii, iii, iv
b) i, iii, iv, ii
c) i, ii, iv, iii 
d) ii, i, iv, iii

23. Observe the following assertion and reason sentences?
Assertion: when we take rest, breathing will be slow
Reason: at the time of running or doing vigorous exercise our breathing be fast
a) A, R both are true 
b) A is true, R is false
c) A is false, R is true
d) A and R both are false

24. Percolation tanks helps to
a) supply waste for agriculture
b) increase ground water level
c) preserve rain water
d) prevent overflow of water during rainy season

25. The plants used for production of biofuel are
a) Jatropa carcus
b) Acacia arabica
c) Helianthus anus
d) Arachis hypogea

26. Biodiversity is more important for more than just food and for ___ also
a) firewood
b) medicines
c) honey
d) plastics

27. Which of the following is a non renewable resource?
a) petroleum
b) coal
c) natural gas
d) all the above

28. Photosynthesis and respiration both are called
a) anabolic activities
b) catabolic activities
c) combustion activities
d) metabolic activities 


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