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Center and States Relations in India - English Short Essay



India has a federal structure. The country is a union of States. At the head is the central government and the state governments subordinate to it.

At present there are 29 states in India. Each has its own government. They have freedom in some matters. Issues like foreign relations and defence are in the hands of the central government. It sits in judgement when disputes arise between states. It also co-ordinates the activities of the different state governments. Regional feelings have a prominent place in our political set up. The centre has to take a balanced view in dealing with different states.

The central government has absolute powers in some areas. Defence, currency and foreign relations are some of these The Constitution clearly defines the rights and duties of the states and the centre. It is often felt by the states that the centre is given overriding powers. But Dr. Ambedkar feels that it is necessary to keep the centre in a strong position. 

The centre has to allocate funds to the states. In times of distress it has to support the states. It is here that the states are dissatisfied with the centre. States have a share in the revenue of the nation, Article 3is a much debated issue in Centre State relations. This Article enables the centre to impose President's rule in any state when there is a break down of the Constitution. States naturally oppose this provision. Very often this article is misused for political ends. Disputes among states over river waters also cause trouble. over the years certain guidelines have been framed to keep the centre state relations cordial. They have to be followed at any cost.

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