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SSC CGL TIER 1 English Language Quiz


Directions: In question nos. 1 to 3, sentences given with blanks are to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.
1. When she made a proposal, I felt like agreeing ........... her.
A) for 
B) to 
C) with 
D) by

2. She was afraid .............. snakes.
A) of 
B) by 
C) from 
D) with

3. She is clever ............. cooking.
A) in 
B) at 
C) with 
D) on

Directions: In question nos. 4 to 8, you have a passage with 5 questions. Read the passage
carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives

Something strange haunts the cultural landscape of America. Movie makers and television producers have become the most powerful, though perhaps, not the most careful historians.
It seems fair to say that more people are getting their history or what they think is history,
from the movies these days than from the standard history books. The phenomenon is probably unavoidable yet, if the history as presented by the movies turns out to be a muddy blur of fantasy and fact, the consequences cannot be good. In the 16th century, Francis Bacon said that history makes men wise. It follows that bad history, trivialized history, history distorted and sensationalized, can make them foolish. This is indeed something disconcerting about the tendency of today's movies-as-history to construct multicoloured and soundtracked edifices of entertainment on the slender foundations of what appear to be actual events. 

4. Consider the following statements:
i) Movie makers can manipulate the actual events of history.
ii) The quality of standard history books has deteriorated.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
A) (i) only 
B) (ii) only
C) Both (i) and (ii) 
D) Neither (i) nor (ii)

5. As historians, movie makers are:
A) Both powerful and careful
B) Powerful but not sticklers for accuracy
C) Neither powerful nor careful
D) Forced to stick to facts

6. Bacon's statement that ''history makes men wise'' is interpreted by the author as follows:
A) History aided by technological support makes men wise.
B) History as a plain and actual record of events makes men wise.
C) A sentimentalized account of events is good history as it gives pleasure.
D) Good history cannot dispense with the help offered by movies.

7. Which one of the following statements best reflects the attitude of the author in the passage?
A) The author is all admiration for the movie makers and television producers of America.
B) The author regrets that movie makers and television producers of America do not have good stories.
C) The author does not find fault with trivialized or distorted history.
D) The author does not really approve of the rather disturbing trend of today to rely on movie makers and television producers to describe history

8. Which of the following, according to the passage, cannot make men foolish?
A) Trivialized history 
B) Factual history
C) Sensationalized history
D) Distorted history

Directions (9 -13): Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and mark it in the Answer Sheet.

Two years later, in November 1895, he signed his final will. He left the bulk of his fortune, amounting to about £ 1,75,000 to a trust fund administered by Swedish and Norway gain trustees. The annual interest shall be awarded as prizes to those persons who during the previous year have rendered the greatest services to mankind. The interest shall be divided into five equal parts, now amounting to about £ 8,000 each, one of which shall be awarded to the person who has made the most important discovery or invention in the realm of physics, one to the person who has made the most important chemical discovery or improvement, one to the person who has made the most important physiological or medical discovery, one to the person who has produced the most outstanding work of literature, idealistic in character, and one to the person who has done the best work for the brotherhood of nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, as well as for the formation or popularization of peace congress,

9. Prize is awarded for outstanding work in:
1) Chemistry
2) Literature
3) Physics
4) All the above

10. Total annual prize money amounts to
2) £ 1,750,000
1) £ 8,000
3) £ 350,000
4) £ 40,000

11. The number of prizes in the field of science are
1) Four
2) One
3) Three
4) Five

12. Which is the prize that is referred in the passage?
1) Nobel Prize
3) Pulitzer Prize
2) Megasaysay
4) Booker Prize

13. The said prize is awarded:
2) every year
1) once in 5 years
3) once in 4 years
4) once in 2 years

Directions (Q. No. 1- 50): In the following questions, you have one brief passage with five questions. Read the passage carefully and choo-se the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. 

The magnetic treatment ofvarious human diseases, said to havebeen mentioned in the Atharva Veda,but forgotten for centuries till it wasrecently revived by homeopaths in the United States, the Soviet Union and Japan, has sparked off a controversy in New Delhi. Homeopath Dr. H.L. Bansal,who runs a free magnetotherapy clinic, says magnets act on the iron in the blood, thus benefiting human metabolism.   The pervading of the magnetic field into blood circulation, the nerves and the muscles curesdiseases ranging from appendicitis and asthma to sprain and sleeplessness. But a Delhi University zoologist,Dr. K.S. Balasubramanyam, cautions that magnetic treatment harms braincells, affects the functioning of the vital pituitary gland and causes sterility.  His research on the effect of anelectromagnetic field on the brains of rats and birds revealed that a magnetic field of 10 Gauss caused spent cells in the testes to decay within two weeks of exposure.   The end result was that no sperm cells were formed.

1.What, according to Dr Bansal, is the effect of magnets on human metabolism?
1) Magnets enrich iron contents in human blood
2) By inducing magnetic field,diseases like heart blockage,haemorrhage and anaemia can be cured
3) Magnets act on the iron in the blood and benefit human metabolism
4) All the above

2.Which of the following has/ have been the outcome of the researchcarried out to know the effects of an electromagnetic field on the brains of rats and birds?
1) The magnetic field of less than 10 gauss has no effect on the reproductive tissues.
2) The electromagnetic field badly affects the sperm cells.
3) Though numerous sperm cells were formed only a few of them could survive.
4) All the above

3.Which of the following is/ aretrue, in the opinion of Dr. K.S.Balasubramanyam, regarding magnetic treatment?
1) Magnetic treatment harms brain cells, affects the functioning of the pituitary gland and causes sterility.
2) Magnetic treatment is useful in treating epilepsy and brain disorder.
3) Magnetic treatment is in vogue in most of the Western countries.
4) All the above

4.Which of the following can be said about the given passage?
1) The given passage intends toprove the superiority of Westover East in the field of medicine.
2) The main intention behind wr-iting the passage is to disapprove the facts mentioned in the Atharva Veda.
3) The given passage seems to bean extract of scientific research paper of a Delhi University research scholar.
4) None of the above.

5.What do you mean by the word"pervading"as used in the passage?
1) Detecting
2) Learning
3) Crossing
4) Permeating

Directions (Q. No. 19 - 28): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.These numbers are printed below thepassage and against each, five wordsare suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The date was September 5th,2003 or Teacher's Day. As I stood behind some youth in a queue I began___ (11) with them. Suddenly it occurred to me that they should have been in college. "How it feels you aren't in college attending the celebrations?" I asked. "Why should there be a celebration?" was the reply.  I refused to give up in the face of their ignorance and ___ (12).  "Do you ___ (13) why September 5th is celebrated as Teacher's Day? It was___ (14) to see that they had no idea."Have you heard of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan?" I asked. "No, wellhe was a famous philosopher and agreat teacher. When he left Mysore, itis ___ (15) that the students themselves pulled the carriage to the station not the horses.  He was ___(16) as one of the greatest teachers and he ___ (17) on to become the President of India. His birthday is celebrated as Teacher's Day!" It was then I realised that we declare holidays but ___ (18) to tell children the reason for the holiday. We usually ___ (19) the day off anddo not make any effort at all to ___(20) children as to why the day should be celebrated or remembered.

1) agreeing
2) argument
3) interact
4) conversing
5) questioning

1) returned
2) forced
3) continued
4) left
5) thought

1) justify
2) sure
3) aware
4) identify
5) know

1) sad
2) disheartened
3) guilty
4) wonderful
5) worried

1) usual
2) said
3) seen
4) decided
5) invited

1) presented
2) example
3) acknowledged
4) worshipped
5) invited

1) stayed
2) hesitated
3) travels
4) achieved
5) went

1) certain
2) fail
3) try
4) want
5) don't

1) happy
2) pleased
3) spend
4) take
5) apply

1) enlighten
2) explain
3) discuss
4) preach
5) observe

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