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Banking Awareness Questions and Answers for IBPS / SBI Clerks

Special Banking Awareness
Banking / Financial Awareness Quiz for IBPS PO's / SBI Clerks
1. Flow of credit to Agriculture targetedn for 2016-17 is Rs. _____ crores.
a) 575000
b) 700000
c) 900000
d) 850000
e) 925000
Answer : C

2. What is the purpose of Loan Policy in a Bank?
a) Speedy and timely credit disposal
b) To have uniform procedure of sanction/ review/ recovery of advances.
c) To have standard bench marks for assessing loan proposals
d) a and b
e) All the above
Answer : E

3. Which of the following Agencies services are used to obtain credit information?
b) Equifax Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
e) a and b
Answer : E

4. Scale of finance for KCC will be approved by:
d) Individual Banks
e) b and c
Answer : A

5. Which of the following are the basic characteristics of JLGs?
a) Tenant farmers/ oral lessees/ share croppers
b) Small farmers without proper titles
c) 4 - 10 individuals
d) Savings by JLG members is voluntary
e) All the above
Answer : E

6. In case of Medium Manufacturing Enterprises, investment in plant & machinery should be:
a) More than Rs. 50 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore
b) More than Rs. 1 crore but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore
c) More than Rs. 2 crore but does not exceed Rs. 10 crore
d) More than Rs. 5 crore but does not exceed Rs. 10 crore
e) None of the above
Answer : D

7. In case of Micro Service Enterprises, investment in equipment should not exceed _____
a) Rs. 1 lakh
b) Rs. 2 lakh
c) Rs. 5 lakh
d) Rs. 10 lakh
e) Rs. 15 lakh
Answer : D

8. As per the existing guidelines of RBI, Loan limit up to Rs. ___ per borrower can be classified under Social Infrastructure of Priority Sector.
a) Rs. 1 crore
b) Rs. 2 crore
c) Rs. 3 crore
d) Rs. 5 crore
e) Rs. 6 crore
Answer : D

9. NAV is a term generally associated with the schemes floated by which of the following institutions?
a) Banks
b) Mutual Funds
c) Credit Societies
d) Merchant Bankers
e) None of the above
Answer : B

10. Advances under consortium are classified as NPA, ____
a) when any account of any bank becomes NPA
b) based on record of recovery of individual bank
c) when all the member banks agree for the same
d) when all facilities of any bank are bad assets
e) None of the above
Answer : B

11. The SARFAESI Act 2002 confers on the bank which of the following kind(s) of power for enforcement of security interest?
a) To take possession of secured assets
b) To take over management of secured assets
c) Sale of seized secured assets
d) Filing application for recovery of balance amount before DRT
e) All the above
Answer : E

12. Which of the following nations is considered the originator of the concept of Micro Finance?
a) India
b) Bangladesh
c) South Africa
d) USA
e) Canada
Answer : B

13. What is the maximum amount that can be remitted by any person to Nepal through NEFT under Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme?
a) Rs. 25000
b) Rs. 30000
c) Rs. 35000
d) Rs. 40000
e) Rs. 50000
Answer : E

14. The relationship between RBI and the bank maintaining currency chest is of:
a) Principal and Agent
b) Licensor and Licensee
c) Trustee and Beneficiary
d) Bailor and Bailee
e) None of the above
Answer : A

15. In case of Garnishee order issued by a court, then who will be the Garnishee?
a) Judgement Debtor
b) Judgement Creditor
c) Bank which receives the order
d) Customer in whose name order is received
e) None of the above
Answer : C

16. What is the limit of maximum number of transaction in SB Zero account?
a) 30 per quarter
b) 15 per half year
c) 60 per half year
d) 20 per half year
e) 10 per quarter
Answer : B

17. What is the charge per entry for the No-frill account when it exceeds the maximum free limits per quarter?
a) Rs. 5
b) Rs. 10
c) Rs. 25
d) Rs. 15
e) Rs. 20
Answer : A

18. Under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), overdraft facility can be extended to borrowers whose household annual income does not exceed Rs. ___
a) Rs. 10,000 for rural and Rs. 20,000 for non-rural areas
b) Rs. 50,000 for rural and Rs. 1,00,000 for non-rural areas
c) Rs. 2,00,000 for rural and Rs. 2,50,000 for urban areas
d) Rs. 1,00,000 for rural and Rs.1,60,000 for non-rural areas
e) No such criteria
Answer : D

19. RIDF (Rural Infrastructure Development Fund) is managed and operated by:
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Finance Ministry
c) Commercial banks
d) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
e) None of the above
Answer : D

20. Scientific cultivation of fruit,vegetables, flowers and shrubs is called as:
a) Agriculture
b) Horticulture
c) Sylviculture
d) Sericulture
e) Vermiculture
Answer : B

21. The Head Office of National Housing Bank (NHB) is at:
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Bangalore
d) Hyderabad
e) Nagpur
Answer : A

22. Which of the following statement is not correct?
a) Nomination can be made by illiterate depositor
b) Nomination can be made in joint Accounts also
c) One person should be nominated
d) Nominee need not be an individual;nominee can be an institution also
e) None of the above
Answer : D

23. Who is the Chairman cum Managing Director of New India Assurance Co. Ltd?
a) G. Srinivasan
b) A.R. Sekar
c) K. Sanath Kumar
d) Sadasiv Mishra
e) S. Sethuramanan
Answer : A

24. A Bills of Exchange in vernacular language is called as:
a) Hundi
b) Vachanpatra
c) Banker Cheque
d) All the above
e) None of the above
Answer : A

25. "Crossing" applies to:
a) Cheques
b) Bills of exchange
c) Promissory Notes
d) Hundis
e) None of the above
Answer : A

26. When a person makes an endorsement as "Pay to Mr. X only", it is an example of:
a) Conditional Endorsement
b) Facultative endorsement
c) Restrictive Endorsement
d) Special crossing
e) None of the above
Answer : C

27. When a cheque is returned/dishonoured for insufficient funds, it is treated as:
a) Civil Offence
b) Criminal Offence(sec.138-142)
c) Semi Criminal Offence
d) Insubordination
e) None of these
Answer : B

28. As per the revised guidelines of RBI, Medium Enterprises is now forms part of:
a) Export Advance
b) Priority Sector Advance
c) Agriculture Advance
d) Consumer Loan Portfolio
e) None of the above
Answer : B

29. Categories under priority sector are _____
a) Agriculture; MSME; Export Credit
b) Education; Housing
c) Social Infrastructure
d) Renewable Energy
e) All of the above
Answer : E

30. Scheduled Commercial Banks having any shortfall in lending to Priority Sector shall be allocated amount for contribution to:
a) Social Infrastructure Development Fund
b) Rural India Development Fund
c) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
d) Regional Infrastructure Development Fund
e) None of the above
Answer : C

31. Grey Revolution refers to:
a) Reduction in wastages of food grains, fruits and vegetables
b) Non conventional energy resources
c) Manures and fertilizers
d) Production of leafy vegetables
e) None of the above
Answer : C

32. The Government has a system of assessing crop loss on account of natural calamity. It is called as:
a) Ryotwari system
b) Mahalwari System
c) Annewari system
d) Zamindhari system
e) None of the above
Answer : C

33. Description of the Priority Sectors was formalized for the first time in India in the year:
a) 1969
b) 1972
c) 1980
d) 2014
e) 1994
Answer : B

34. An urban Bank branch is one which is located in a place with a population of ___ and above.
a) 50,000
b) 1 lakh
c) 5 lakh
d) 10 lakh
e) 15 lakh
Answer : B

35. Which of the following document/s can be accepted by banks as a proof of Customer Identification?
a) Electricity Bill
b) Salary Slip
c) Income/ Wealth tax assessment order
d) Election Identity card
e) None of the above
Answer : D

36. Which of the following is the recommendation of the IBA committee on Money laundering?
a) Appointment of MLRO (Money Laundering Reporting Officers)
b) Appointment of outside agency to monitor the suspicious transactions of the bank
c) Appointment of law officer to monitor the suspicious accounts
d) Appointing a High Court Retired Judge as In-charge of Money Laundering in each State
e) None of the above
Answer : A

37. KYC guidelines have been issued by RBI under the provisions of ___
a) Section 35 of Banking Regulation Act
b) Section 35(A) of RBI act
c) Section 35(A) of Banking Regulation act
d) Section 35(A) prevention of Money Laundering Act
e) Section 35(A) of Foreign Exchange Management Act
Answer : C

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