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General Intelligence & Reasoning for SSC CGL TIER -1


Directions (Q. No. 1 - 3): There are eight persons seated in a row facing North. A is immediate left of B. D is immediate right of C. E, who is not at the extreme end, is neighbour of neither B nor C. B is third from the west end. F is neighbour of E. There are two persons between D and G. E is between F and G.
1.Who are sitting at the extreme ends?
1) HG
2) FG
3) AE
4) GF

2.Who is fourth to the left of D?
1) G
2) F
3) A
4) H

3.If A and D interchange their places, then who is seated to the immediate left of D?
1) G
2) F
3) A
4) H

4. In the following question, number of letters is skipped in between by a particular rule. Which of the following series observes the rule?

5.In a certain code "MADE" is written as "EADM", 'FINE' is written as "IEFN", "LEAK" is written as "EAKL". How will"MORE" be written in that code?

6.Taman is son of Rahul. Shyamala is daughter of Kishore. Rahul is brother in law of Shyamala. Kalpana is the only sister of Shyamala. Then, how is Taman related to Kishore?
1) Taman is the great grandson of Kishore
2) Taman is the nephew of Kishore
3) Taman is the son-in-law of Kishore
4) Taman is the grandson of Kishore

7.If "A" is coded as 2, "B" as 4,"C" as 6 and so on, which of the following is the numerical value of the word "MASTER"?
1) 182
2) 152
3) 154
4) 160

8.Which of the following word pair is related in the same way as"TRAJECTORY", "TRACTOR"?

9.In a certain code language "% @# 3"means "Ramu is intelligentperson", "7 # 3 %8"means "He is highly intelligent person". How"Ramu"is coded in the code language?
1) %
2) @
3) #
4) 3

10.Select the one, which is different from the other three responses.
1) Cow
2) Donkey
3) Horse
4) Ass

11.Find the odd words/ letters/numbers out from the given alternatives.
1) p11r13t
2) b3d5f
3) h5j7l
4) n1p3r

12.Karthik is fifteenth from the leftend and Suman is twentieth fromthe right end. Ramana is nine places to the left of Karthik. How many students are there between Ramana and Suman in a row of sixty students?
1) 34
2) 16
3) 22
4) 28

13.Which one would be a meaningful order of the following?
a) flower
b) bud
c) fruit
d) seed
e) plant
1) d, c, e, a, b
2) d, e, b, a, c
3) d, e, b, c, a
4) a, b, c, d, e

14.If third day before yesterday was Thursday, then what is day after tomorrow?
1) Wednesday
2) Monday
3) Friday
4) Saturday

15.Select the one, which is different from the other three responses.
1) moon
2) goof
3) keep
4) neem

16.After interchanging ÷ and +, 12and 6, which one of the following equations becomes correct?
1) (72 ÷ 6) + 12 = 12
2) (18 + 6) ÷ 12 = 20
3) (72 ÷ 12) + 6 = 70
4) (120 + 6) ÷ 12 = 16

Directions (Q. No. 17 - 18): In each of the following questions, arrange the following in a logical order.
A) walls
B) site Plan
C) painting
D) foundation
1) A, C, B, D
2) A, B, C, D
3) B, D, A, C
4) B, A, C, D

A) helps in testing
B) interview
C) the candidate's
D) personality
1) D, C, A, B
2) B, A, C, D
3) B, C, D, A
4) D, B, C, A

Directions (Q. No. 19- 22):There are six friends Amrit, Balu,Chandu, Dinesh, Eesha and Fani.
�Chandu likes Chemistry, Music and History but not Painting
�Eesha likes Painting, Journalism,History and Music but not Geography and Chemistry.
�Amrit likes History, Painting,Music and Geography but not Chemistry.
�Dinesh likes Geography, Journalism, History and Chemistry but not Music & Painting.
�Fani likes Music, Painting and History but not Geography
�Balu likes Journalism, Geography and Chemistry but not History & Painting.

19.Who likes Geography and Chemistry but not Painting?
1) Balu & Dinesh
2) Amrit & Fani
3) Chandu & Fani
4) Amrit & Eesha

20.Who likes Painting & History but not Geography?
1) Balu & Dinesh
2) Amrit & Fani
3) Eesha & Fani
4) Amrit & Eesha

21.Who likes Painting & Music but not Chemistry?
1) Balu & Dinesh
2) Amrit & Fani
3) Eesha & Fani
4) Amrit & Eesha

22.Who likes Music, Painting &History but not Geography?
1) Balu & Dinesh
2) Amrit & Fan
3) Eesha & Fani
4) Only Eesha

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