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Administrative Behavior - UPSC Civils IAS Main Examination Topic wise Comprehensive Material

Chapter -3 Administrative Behavior
Process and techniques of decision-making; Communication, Morale; Motivation Theories content, process and contemporary; Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modern

Process and techniques of decision making
1. Examine the respective roles of facts and values n the decision-making process. Is it possible to make value-free decisions in government system? How can government decisions be made more rational? (2008/60)

2. "Consensus and Unanimity are used as styles in decision-making."Comment.(1998/20)

3. "While the entrepreneur makes strategic decisions, the manager makes tactical ones." Elucidate.(1993/30)

4. "A management which takes its environment as given is pursuing a dangerous course. Comment on the environment of decision-making. (1990/30)

5. Elucidate the socio-psychological bases of individual and group behavior in a complex organization (1988/30)

1. "The nature and role of communication in administration indicates that "Communication is authority. Comment (2001/20)

2. "Information constitutes the life-blood of the functioning of organization." In the light of this statement, explain the utility and importance of communication in decision-making. (2000/60)

3. "Communication holds the organisation together." Comment.

4. Authority has been defined in part as a "character of a communication in a formal organisation." Comment (1995/20)

5. Bring out the importance of communication in administrative organisations. What are the drawbacks in upward communication? (1994/60)

6. "Without communication, there can be no organisation Discuss the importance of communication in public administration . (1990/30)

7. Critically examine the functions of administrative leadership. What role does communication play in improving the quality of administrative decisions in goal setting and goal getting by public servants. (1987/60)

1. What is meant by morale? There is a belief that moral and productivity go hand in hand and higher the morale, higher the productivity, " Do you agree ? substantiate. (2007/60)

2.  What is morale? State its significance and suggest methods to foster and sustain morale in an organization. (2003/60)

Motivation Theories content, process and contemporary
1. "Motivation theory is not synonymous with behaviour theory. The motivations are only one class of determinants of behaviour while behaviour is almost always motivated, it is also almost always biologically, culturally and situationally determined as well." Comment. (2004/20)

2. Compare Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation and Herzberg's motivation -hygiene theory. Do you think that they are universally applicable? Ifso, why? not, why not? (2002/60)

3. "Frederick Herzberg's Two-factor theory is more or less an extension of Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation." Explain. (1997/30)

4. "The interest or power group base provides a member of an organisation with negotiable goods that can be  cashed  in for recognition ,  status  and rewards . examine (1995/30)

5. "A managerial leader should effectively communicate to motivate his team." How do Maslow and Herzberg see this inter linkage between motivation and communication? (1993/60)

6. Compare the relative merits of Maslow's Theory of Human Needs and Herzberg's conception of Motivation and Hygiene Theory. (1991/60)

7. outline the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards that motivate the public employees to achieve personal and organizational goals(1989/60)

8. "Adam nature of man seeks the avoidance of dissatisfaction and is basically concerned with the job environment: Abraham nature of man seeks satisfaction in job content. "(Frederick Herzberg .Comment (1988/20)

9. contributions of Maslow and Herzberg have deepened our understanding about the State of morale and motivation of public servants. Comment (1987/20)

Theories of Leadership Traditional and Modern
1. "Leaders do the right things, managers do them rightly." ennis) Comment. (08/1/1b/20)

2. "Thus the endurance of organization dependstipon the quality of leadership." Comment. (1994/20)

3. 'A leader must always adapt his behaviour to take account ofthe persons whom he leads. Comment (1990/20)

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