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APPSC Forest Officers Environmental Science Sample Multiple - Choice Questions


Sample Multiple - Choice Questions
The following are examples of the kinds of multiple - choice questions found on the APPSC Environmental Science Exam. The distribution of topics and range of difficulty are illustrative of the composition of the exam.

1. which one the following is not biodegradable ?
1. Vegetal
2. Fruits
3. Earth worm
4. Aluminium foil

2. Animals which is/are active at night
1. Camel
2. Rats
3. Cockroach
4. All the above

3. An Animal that can tolerate the heat of the desert is
1. Carmel
2. Rats
3. Lion
4. Cow

4. Air pollution is caused by?
1. Insecticides
2. Sewage
3. Smoke
4. Loud speakers

5. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water which of the following diseases will spread?
1. Scurvy
2. Typhoid
3. Malaria
4. Anaemia

6. In our country the Van Mahotsav Day is observed on
1. Second of October
2. First of December
3. Tenth of August
4. First of July

7. Which of the following wastes cannot be decomposea by bacterial to form compost?
1. Kitchen wastes
2. Plastic and polythene bags
3. Dead plants.
4. Bodies of insects living in the soil

8. Which of the following problems is not created by noise pollution?
1. Diarrhoea
2. Hypertension
3. Deafness
4. Imitation

9. Rocks are composed of few common minerals like
1. Quartz
2. Gold
3. Silver
4. Bronze

10. One among the following does not constitute a major food of humans
1. Maize
2. Wheat
3. Rye
4. Potato

11. India is the producer of staple crops largest
1. Second
2. First
3. Third
4. Fouth

12. The sum total of all the ecosystems on planet earth is called
1. Biosphere
2. Biodiversity
3. Biofilm
4. Biotic community

13. The dynamic entity composed of a biological community and its associated abiotic environment is defined as
1. Biodiversity
2. Biofilm
3. Ecosystem
4. Community

14. The Gir national park is famous for the population of
1. Asiatic lions
2. Indian peacock
3. Cheetah
4. Buffalo

15. Group of organisms resembling: one another in appearance, behavior, chemistry and genetic structure form
1. Population
2. community
3. species
4. Genus

16. is When was project tiger initialed in India?
1. 1908
2.  1963
3. 1972
4. 1976

17. One of the following is not a tiger reserve?
1. Bandipur
2. Corbett
3. Nagarjunasagar- srisailam
4. Agasthyamalai

18. The species found only ill a specillo area and nowhere else are called ?
1. Endemic species
2. Epidemic species
3. Conserver species
4. Red list species

19. Example of an extinct species?
1. Loin tailed macasue
2. Passenger pigeon
3. Solitary eagle
4. Indian rhinoceroses

20. The pygmy hog is classified under Extinct
1. Vulnerable
2. Critically
3. Endangered
4. Lower risk

21. I Man made extinction causing severe depletion of biodiversity
1. Anthropogenic extinction
2. Mass extinction
3. Natural extinction
4. Habitat loss

22. Biodiversity can be utilized for?
1.  Red list
2.  Human consumption
3.  Poaching
4.  Biodegradable Presticides

23. The study of _______and the impact on ozone, led to the understanding of the ozone hole?
1. CFC'S
2. Methane
3. CO2
4. Sulphide

24. When is the world environment day celebrated?
1. 8th March
2. 14th April
3. 5th June
4. 15th August

25. One of the following is not an environment related issue
1. Glow warming
2.  Delegation of finances
3. Depletion of ozone layer
4. Groundwater deplction

26. Use of high quantities of fertilizers and pesticides leads to
1. Soil salinity
2. Soil erosion
3. Global warming
4. Deforestation

27. What is the o growth rate of world population?
1. 1.5
2. 1.7
3. 1.9
4. 2.1

28. ___________is called the cultural feature
1. Seismic activity
2. Tsunami
3. Earth quake
4. Plantation

29. ________should be provided for mass migration of animals during unfavourable periods
1. Solar powered fencing
2. Wild life corridors
3. Tranquilizer guns
4. Cropping pattern.

30. The science divided among the study of atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the geosphere and the biosphere is called?
1. Atmospheric Science
2. Hydrology
3. Geology
4. Environmental science


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