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Assistant Conservator of Forests - APPSC Environmental Science Quiz


1. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by _______reaches the ground as nitric oxide ?
1. Microbes
2. Lightening discharge
3. Rain water harvesting.
4. Photosynthesis

2. The global carbon cycle is driven by the two processes ?
1. Photosynthesis and decomposition
2. Decompostion and respiration
3 Respiration and photosynthesis
4. Fixation and decomposition

3. Volcanic activity causes increase in the amount of
1. Carbon
2. Nitrogen
3. Phosphorus
4. Sulphur

4. The deepest part of the ocean is called
1. Littoral zone
2. Pelagic zone
3. Benthoic zone
4. Abyssal zone

5. The coral reefs are made up of
1. Potassium nitrate
2 Calcium carbonate
3. Magnesium carbonate
4. Phosphorus nitrate

6. The largest coral reef system in the world is
1. Great barrier reef
2. Belize barrier reef
3. Bahamas barrier reef
4. Caledonia barrier reef

7. __________are composed of trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics
1. Estuaries
2. Mangroves
3. Coral reefs
4. Wetlanda

8. What is groundwater ?
1.  Water that is spilled onto the ground
2. Water beneath the ground surface
3. The bottom part of a lake or river
4. Rainwater that lands on the ground

9. What material do we throw away the most?
1) Paper
2) Glass
3) Aluminum
4) Plastic

10. How long does it take Styrofoam to break down in a landfill?
1. 10 Years
2. 50 Years
3. 100Years
4. 500 Years

11. Used oil should be disposed of by ?
1. Dumping it on your driveway
2. Watering it down and spreading it as fertilizer
3. Collecting it in a sealed container and taking it to an oil changing business
4. Keeping in the garage for years before throwing it away in the trash

12. Our waterways are polluted by
1. Dumping used oil on the ground
2. Leaking underground gasoline storage tanks
3. Leaking of old landfills
4. All of the above

13. Components of environment studies include
1. Biology. Geology, Chemistry, Physics. Engineering. Sociology
2. health. Anthropology, Economics,  Statistics, Computers, Philosophy
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Nome of the above

14) Name the process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets concentrated at each level in the food chain
1) Concentration
2) Bio magnifications
3)  Expansion
4)  Pollution

15. Most of the trash your family through away each day ends up getting
1. Burned
2. Recycle
3. Land filled
4. Eaten

16. Crude oil contains petrochemicals used in the production of ?
1) Paper
2) Fertilizers
3) Automobiles
4) None of the above

17.  Mercury is a hazardous chemical Which item does not contain mercury ?
1. Computer disks
2. Blinking lights in speakers
3. Fluorescent light buIbs
4. Thermometers

18. Which items are recyclable?
1. Plastic milk jugs
2. Cereal boxes
3. Aluminum soda cans
4. All of the above

19. What is the environment friendly way to dispose of used tires
1) Send them to a landfill
2) Recycle them into playground matting
3) Dump them in a ditch along the roadway
4) Collect them and put them in a big pile


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