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Banking Knowledge & Financial Awareness Quiz


1.RBI decided, in consultation with the Government of India, that the limit for(WMA) forthe second half of the financialyear2016-17 (October2016 - March 2017)will be Rs.25,000 crore. In the abbreviation WMA, the letter Wstands for what?
a ) water
b) Ways  (WMA: Ways and Means Advances)
c) wish
d) welfare
e) World

2.The Business Expectation Index (BEI) is a composite indicator calculated as weighted (share of GVA of different industry group) net response of how many business indicators?
a) three  
b) nine  
c) five  
d) two  
e) None

3.The nine indicators considered for computation of BEI are:
(1) overall business situation,
(2) production,
(3) order books,
(4)inventory of raw material,
(5) inventory of finished goods,
(6) profit margin,
(8) exports and
(9) capacity utilisation. 
It gives a single snapshot of business outlook in every quarter. BEI lies between  how much ? 100 is the threshold separating expansion from contraction.
a) 301 to 410
b) 410 to 450
c) 0 and 200
d) 510 to 600
e) None

4.The opening of new branches and shift-ing of existing branches of banks is governed by the provisions of  which Section of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949?
a) 5    
b) 23    
c) 25    
d) 30    
e) 35

5.Banks are allowed to open banking outlets subject to their meeting the _______norm of opening banking outlets in unbanked rural centres.
a) 25%  
b) 40%  
c) 45%  
d) 10% 
e) None

6.What is  'banking outlet'?
a)  It is  "a fixed point service delivery unit,manned by either bank's staff or itsBusiness Correspondent where services ofacceptance of deposits, encashment ofcheques/ cash withdrawal or lending ofmoney are provided for a minimum of 4hours per day for at least five days a week.
b) It is a shop
c) It is a super bazaar
d) It is a Show room   
e) None of these

7.The Reserve Bank of India released theReport of the Internal Working Group(IWG) on Rationalisation of Branch Authorisation Policy. Who is the chairman of this IWG?
a) Usha Thorat
b) Smt. Lily VAdera, Chief General Manager, Department of Banking Regulation
c) Usha Anantha Subramanian
d) R. Gandhi
e) None of these

8.The Government of India in the Union Budget 2016-17 had announced its resolve to double the income of farmers by 2022.Which of the following are part of it?
a) Focus on irrigation with large budgets,with the aim of "per drop, more crop"
b) Provision of quality seeds and nutrientsbased on soil health of each field. Investments in warehousing and cold chains to prevent post harvest crop losses. Promotion of value addition through food processing
c) Creation of a national farm market,removing distortions and develop infra-structure such as e-platform across 585 stations. Strengthening of crop insurance scheme to mitigate risks at affordable cost
d) Promotion of ancillary activities like poultry, bee keeping and fisheries
e) All the above

9.Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)decided to reduce the Repo rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)by 25 basis points from 6.50 percent to how much w.e.f.4.10.2016 ?
a) 6.25% 
b) 8% 
c) 7% 
d) 7.5% 
e) None

10. Repo rate, the Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate will stand adjusted to how much  w.e.f.4.10.2016?
a) 4%  
b) 6.75%  
c) 3%  
d) 2%  
e) None

11.Bank Rate stands adjusted by 25 basis points from 7.00 %to 6.75% with effect from which date?
a) 1.1.2016
b) October 04, 2016
c) 30.4.2016
d) 1.4.2016
e) None

12.What is legal tender?
a) Every banknote issued by Reserve Bank ofIndia (Rs. 2, Rs. 5, Rs. 10, Rs. 20, Rs. 50, Rs.100, Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000) shall be legal tender at any place in India in payment or onaccount for the amount expressed therein, and shall be guaranteed by the Central Government, subject to provisions of subsection (2) Section 26 of RBI Act, 1934.
b) Tender quotation in government offices
c) Quotation of shares
d) Quotation of debentures
e) None

13.What was the highest denomination note ever printed?
a) The highest denomination note everprinted by the Reserve Bank of India wasthe Rs.10000 note in 1938 and again in1954. These notes were demonetized in1946 and again in 1978.
b) Rs.500   
c) Rs.100   
d) Rs.50  
e) Rs.20

14.Where are the  coins produced?
a) Mumbai
b) Noida
c) Kolkata
d) Hyderabad
e) All the above (at mints)

15.What is a currency chest?
a) It is almirah
b) To facilitate the distribution of ban-knotes and rupee coins, the Reserve Bankhas authorised select branches of scheduled banks to establish currency chests.
c) box
d) suit case
e) None

16.What is a counterfeit note?
a) It is like promissory note
b) Asuspected counterfeit note, forgednote, or fake note is any note which doesnot possess the characteristics of genuine Indian currency note
c) White paper
d) Tissue paper
e) None

17.Does possession of a forged note attract the punishment of fine or imprisonment?
a) No
b) Mere possession of a counterfeit note doesnot attract punishment. Possession of a counterfeit note knowing to be such and intendingto use the same as genuine or that it may beused as genuine, is punishable under Section489C of Indian Penal Code, 1860.
c) Not known
d) It is not a crime
e) None of these

18.What is a "star series" banknote?
a) Notes issued to cinema stars
b) The Bank has also adopted the "STARseries" numbering system for replacement ofdefectively printed banknotes. The Star seriesbanknotes are exactly similar to the existingMahatma Gandhi Series banknotes, but havean additional character viz., a *(star) in thenumber panel in the space between the prefix and the number as indicated.
c) They are issued to star cricketers
d) They are available in star hotels
e) None of these

19.The first banknote issued by indepen-dent India was the one rupee note issuedin which year? While retaining the samedesigns the new banknotes were issuedwith the symbol of Lion Capital of AshokaPillarat Sarnath in the watermark window in place of the portrait of King George.
a) 1950 
b) 1947 
c) 1949 
d) 1969 
e) None

20.The Union Govt appointed R SubramaniaKumaras Executive Director(ED) of state-owned Indian Overseas Bank. The Indian Overseas Bank is headquartered in_______.
a) Hyderabad  
b) Bengaluru 
c) Kochi
d) Chennai
e) Mumbai

21.Which of the following private sector lenders has acquired BSS Microfinance in an all-cash deal for Rs 139.2 cr?
a) Federal Bank
b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
c) Yes Bank  
d) Axis Bank
e) IDFC Bank

22.The constitution of the six members Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) was notified recently. One of the six membersof the MPC will be the deputy governorof RBI, in charge of Monetary Policy,who at present is_________
a) NS Viswanathan
b) Harun R Khan
c) R Gandhi 
d) SS Mundra 
e)Anand Sinha

23.The public sectorIndian Bank recently revised its interest rates for foreign currency non resident (FCNR) banking deposits with immediate effect. The bank is headquartered in ______
a) Hyderabad
b) Chennai
c) Kolkata
d) Mumbai
e) Bengaluru

24.Fiscal deficit in the first five months ofthe current fiscal stood at Rs 4.08 lakhcr, which was _______ of Budget estimates for2016-17.
a) 55.3%
b) 65.6% 
c) 72.6%
d) 76.4%
e) 87.2%

25.Which of the following Indian banks hasannounced its entry into Myanmar by opening a branch in the capital city of Yangon, the first domestic lender to do so?
a) SBI
b) CBI
c) PNB
d) Bank of Baroda
e) None of these

26.As decided by the RBI, the statutory liq-uidity ratio (SLR) of banks will comedown 0.25 percent every quarter till Jan2017. What is the present SLR?
a) 20.75%
b) 20.50%
c) 21.25%
d) 21.75%
e) None of these

27.The six member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) made India's first collective interest rate decision on 4 Oct. What is the new repo rate?
a) 6.25% 
b) 7% 
c) 7.25% 
d) 6.50% 
e) 8%

28.The Goods and Services Tax (GST)Council has decided that businesses in rest of India (excluding those in Northeastern and hill states) with annual turnover below_______ would be out of the GST net.
a) Rs.20 Lakhs
b) Rs.10 Lakhs
c) Rs.8 Lakhs
d) Rs.5 Lakhs
e) None

29.The Centre has finally made up its mind on setting up an independent agency to manage its debt after years of discussions with the RBI. The new body will be called
b) NDA
c) UPA
e) None

30.Which of the following banks has appointed Parvez Ahmed as Chairmanand CEO of the bank?
a) Andhra Bank
b) PNB    
c) BMB
d) Jammu and Kashmir Bank
e) None

31."e-stamping" denotes which of the following?
a) replacement of the traditional system of affixing postal stamps in postal services
b) doing away with the need of banks to brand stamps on negotiable instruments manually
c) sending message through e-mail, where no stamping is necessary
d) replacing stamp duty required for payment of registration of properties and documents
e) None of the above

32.Many Banks these days are entering intobusiness of offering loans against property. This business of the banks can be categorized under which of the following heads of banking?
a) Corporate Banking
b) Personal Banking
c) Merchant Banking
d) Portfolio Management Services
e) None of the above

33.Banking Sector will fall under which of the following?
a) Agricultural Sector
b) Service Sector
c) Manufacturing Sector
d) Industrial Sector
e) None of the above

34.Banking and financial services all over the world are regulated usually by the Monetary Authority of the land. Who controls this function in India?
a) Ministry of Finance
c) RBI & MPC

35.Ten-rupee notes contain the signature of............?
a) Finance Secretary, GOI
b) Chairman, State Bank of India
c) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
d) Finance Minister, GOI
e) Prime Minister

36.The coins issued under the authority of Section 6 of which Act shall be legal tender in payment or on account ?
a) The Coinage Act, 2011
b) Indian Contract Act
c) Negotiable Instruments Act
e) None of these

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