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Comparative Public Administration - UPSC Civils IAS Main Examination Topic wise Comprehensive Material

Chapter -7 
Comparative Public Administration
Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems; Administration and potitics in ditrerent countries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration Ecology and administration Riggsian models and their critique

Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative system
1. "No science of public administration is possible unless ...there is a body of comparative studies from which it may be possible to discover principles and generalities that transcend national boundaries and peculiar historical experiences. Discuss. (2005/20)

2. "Instead of looking inward in theirown values and requirements, the Asian countries looked outward,. Comment (1999/20)

3. A major problem with comparative public administration is that it has been behavioural. Comment (1995/20)

4. "The main distinction between administration in western countries and in underdeveloped countries does not lie indifferences in socio-cultural heritage rather in the respective economic environments. Comment (1994/20)

5. "Comparative Public administration asa field of research is not so much comparative, as it is the study of Public administration in foreign countries "Comment. (1993/20)

Administrative and politics in different countries
1) .....non-western states often, if not always, have unbalanced politics, but4 , these may not necessarily be bureaucratic politics."Discuss. (2009/20)

2) Critically comment on the function of administrative capabilities with reference to developing countries. (1999/60)

Current Status of Comparative Public Administration
1. "Truly comparative administrative studies are empirical, nomothetic and ecological "(Riggs) In this perspective, examine the current status of Comparative Public Administration. (2008/20)

2) Explain the meaning, significance and Models ofComparative Public Administration. (2004/60)

3) "The emphasis in most of the writings on comparative bureaucracy appears to be on the mteraction between the administrative subsystem and the political system in which itexists."Comment.(1994/200

4) "The growth ofcomparative Public Administration is a continuing process and is of relevance for both operational and academic study of PublicAdministration.(1991/20)

5) Discuss the major conceptual approaches to the study of of Comparative Public Administration and explain how Max Weber is considered to be the foremost mentor in the field. (90/1/7/60)

Riggsian models and their critique
1. The Prismatic model of Riggs is equally applicable to developing as wellas developed society." Comment. (2010/20)

2. Which of the model(s in development administration is are characterised by selectivismc "Attainment and Poly-functionalism?Describe the corresponding theoretical roots and attributes (2009/30)

3. "Not to be comparative is to be naively parochial" (Riggs) Comment (2007/20

4. How did Fred W. Riggs conceptuailse the interactions between administrative systems and their environment? (2002/60)

5. Critically comment on Riggsian Prismatic sala model of administration of developing societies. To what extent Indian Administrative system exhibits prismatic characteristics? (2001/20)

6. Critically examine the approach and methodology adopted by Fred W. Riggs in his study of prismatic and sala societies. What is valid-content of Raj Krishna's criticism of refraction? (2000/60)

7. Political environment conditions administrative system (F. W. Riggs Comment. (2000/20)

8. What, according to Riggs, are the three important characteristic features of the prismatic society (1996/30)

9. Rigg's key concepts have alerted the researcher that Weberian bureaucracy might not be entirely predictive of behaviour in most Third World countries comment.

10. Rigg's approach and models may be considered as more sophisticated tools for describing and diagnosing administrative situations. Discuss (1992/30)

11. Explain howthe concept of clects' and bazaar-canteen' model explain the working of the administrative system in a developing society. In this context compare the working of the administrative system in a developed & in a developing society. (1990/60)

12. The prismatic sala model "enables us to cope with many problems of transitional societies...." (Riggs). What are these problems and how can this model enables ns to cope with them. (1989/60)

13. "The nature of Prismatic Society adversely tells upon the phenomenon of administrative development which in-tum hinders the working of development administration." Comment (1988/20

14. Distinguish between administrative development administration of development. In what way is and  the former supplementary to the latter in a Prismatic Society? (1987/30)

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