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Public Policy - UPSC Civils IAS MainExamination Topic wise Comprehensive Material

Chapter 10 
Public Policy
Models of policy-making and their critique: Processes of conceptualization, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review and their limitations; and public policy formulation

Models of policy-making & their critique
1 "Yehezkel Dror's normative mode of policymaking tend to be academic in perspective with poor operational utility, Comment (2009/20)

2. Policy is a decision driven model ofresearch use Explain. (2004/20)

3. Public Policy is not an independent variable and human history shows little evidence of systematic leaming from policy experience, Discuss. (2004/20)

4. "Public policy is what politics is about Substantiate (2002/20)

5. Elucidate the political process of policy formulation, Bring outitsdistinguishing features in developing countries. (1999W60)

6. "Policy-making does not end once a decision is made. The implementation of the decision can have justas gi-cat an impact on public policy asthe decision itself" Discuss. (1997/60)

7. sketch and overview of the State of Public Policy Analysis as it is most likely to interest those who have a public administration perspective (1996/60)

8. Policy-makingis aseriesofcontinuing dynamic processes which are plural and composite 'Explain. (1992/30)

9. "The emerging discipline of policy science aims to work out solutions to problems in policy making (1990/20)

10. "Incrementalism in administration is n in principle, a slow moving tactic of conservatism,instead, it is a fast moving sequence ofsmall ch
aflerthe status que Examine, inthe light of his statement, the desire of development administration, for increment a list policymaking. (1988/30)

Process of conceptualization
1. ............even if policies are well
efficiently operated, widely utilized, adequately financed and supported, we may still ask, so what? Do they work? What about their costs, outputs and impact?" Discuss (2009/60)

2. "The activities of public administrators at various stages of the policy process illustrate the difficulty of divorcing politics from administration."Comment.(1993/20)

3. "There has been an increasing emphasis on the need for policy formulation and policy analysis In order to ensure improved performance and to avoid ad hoc or fragmented approach to administration, particularly in the context of active role of the state in econo social, defence and scientific areas Discuss. (1991/60)

4. "Every public policy is a government decision aimed at solving a problem of society and a calls for collective approach to its planning and implementation. Comment (1991/20)

5. "Policy process must take account of the political complexion of an authority, demography and the historical pattern of service."Comment (1989/20)

Planning, Implementation
1. "Public administration can be portrayed as a wheel of relationships focused on the formulation and implementation of public policy." Explain.(2010/20)

2 "Implementing a public policy is a process of discovering what works and what does not." Examine (2007/20)

3. "Nothing comes across more strongly than the great naivete about policy implement
Discus (2006/20)

4.  Give an assessment of the processes of policy formulation and discuss the problems of policy implementation (2005/60)

5. Comment on the role ofpublic administration in policy making and its implementation. What are the other factors influencing the policy process? (2003/60)

6. "Policy implementation in Less Developed countries needs to be effective." Comment (1998/20)

7. Explain how factors such as communications, resources, self interests and bureaucratic structures affect implementation of public policies. (1995/60)

8. Elucidate the concept of policy implementation. How does implementation assessment focus on the operation of a public policy? (1994/60)

9. "The basic issue of administrative accountability relates to that part of Public Administration which has something concrete to contribute towards not only policy execution but also policy formulation and policy adjudication." Comment. (1994/30)

10. "One way of anal
begin by thinking about what" perfect administration" would be like, comparable to the way in which economists employ the model ofperfect competition. Discuss. (1993/30)

11. Define Public Policy. How does it's formulation and implementation involve participation by administrators, voluntary agencies and pressure groups in a democracy? (1987/60)

1. Laxity in monitoring and evaluation can render even the best policies infructuous. Discuss.(2008/20)

Evaluation and review and their limitation
1. "Cost-benefit analysis is a very unsatisfactory view of evaluating public policy."Comment.(2010/20
2. outline the traditional and Cost-Benefit approaches policy evaluation. (1988/30)

State theories and public policy formulation
1. "All policy-making is decision-making, but all decision-making is not policymaking. "Elaborate. How does a policy emanate and what course does policy-making in government follow?(1998/60)

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