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Biology Quiz for Competitive Exams


1) Read the following statements and select the incorrect statement
A) Hydroponics technique was demonstrated for the first time by Julius von Sachs in 1860, for growing plants in completed absence of soil.
B) By hydroponics technique , essential elements were identified and their deficiency symptoms discovered
C) The basic need of all living organisms are essentially the same
D) Essential elements are divided into two broad categories based on their qualitative requirements

2) Which of the following is not considered as the criterion for essentiality ?
A) The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of plant
B) The element must be absolutely necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction
C) The requirement of element may be specific and not replaceable by another element
D) In the absence of element the plants do not complete their life cycle or set the seeds

3) Enzymes RuBisCO, catalase and alcohol dehydrogenase are activated by
A) Mn, Mg, Mo respectively
B) Mn, Fe,Zn respectively
C) Mg, Mn, Cu respectively
D) Mg, Fe , Zn respectively

4) Read the following statements and select the incorrect statement
A) An essential elements which is the component of energy related compounds in plants in chlorophyll is also involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA
B) An element required by plants in greatest amount is also component of biomolecules
C) An element which is the activator of alcohol de hydrogenase is also needed for the synthesis of auxin.
D) All essential elements are absorbed from the soil as mineral solution

5) Scientist credited with development of formula for balance solution of mineral elements is
A) Knop
B) Went
C) Hill
D) Emerson

6) Match the column I & column II and select the correct combination 
      Column I                      Column II
a) Magnesium              i) Protein synthesis
b) Iron                        ii) Nucleic acid synthesis
c) Calcium                  iii) Overall metabolism in plants
d) Potassium              iv) Formation of mitotic spindle
e) Boron                      v) Chlorophyll formation
f) Copper                    vi) Pollen germination
A) a-v, b-I, d-ii e-vi
B) b-v,c- I,d-iv, f-iii
C) a-ii,e- vi, c-iv, d-v
D) f-iii, b-v, a-ii, e-vi

7) Which of the following is a true statement ?
A) B deficiency leads to stout axis
B) Every mineral element that is present in a cell is needed by the cell
C) N as a nutrient element , is highly immobile in the plants
D) It is very easy to establish the essentially of micro nutrients because they are required only in trace quantities

8) Match the column I & column II and select the correct combination 
      Column I                                                                  Column II
a) Carbohydrate                                                          i) Iron translocation
b) Component of vitamins (biotin and thiamine)         ii) Phosphorus
c) Synthesis of cell wall                                              iii) Boron
d) Component of cytochromes                                    iv) Sulphur
e) Phosphorylation reactions                                       v) Calcium
A) a-v, b-iv,c- ii, d-iii e-i
B)a-iii, b-iv,c- v,d-i, e-ii
C) a-v,,b- iv, c-ii, d-I, e-iii
D) a-iii, b-i, c-v,d- iv e-ii

9) Match the column I & column Ii and choose the correct combination
   Column I                        Column II
a) Sulphur                      1) Chlorophyll
b) Zinc                           2) Nitrogenase
c) Magnesium                3) Methionine
d) Molybdenum             4) Auxin
A) a-1, b-2,c- 3,d-4
B) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
C) a-2,b- 4,c-1,d- 3
D) a-4, b-3, c-2,d- 1

10) Find out correctly matched pair Nutrients Functions
A) Zinc helps to maintain ribosome structure
B) Magnesium Needed during formation of mitotic spindle
C) Potassium Plays a role in opening and closing of stomata
D) Magnesium Needed in splitting of water to liberate oxygen during photosynthesis

11) Match the column I & column Ii and choose the correct combination 
    Column I                                       Column II
a) Potassium                       1) Consitituent of ferre doxin
b) Sulphur                          2) Involved in stomatal movement
c) Molybdenum                   3) Needed in synthesis of auxin
d) Zinc                               4) Component of nitrogenase
A) a-2, b-1,c- 4,d-3
B) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
C) a-4,b- 3,c-2,d- 1
D) a-1, b-3, c-4, d-2

12) Which group of three micronutrient elements affect both photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron transport?
A) Cu, Mn, Fe
B) Co, Ni, Mo
C) Ca, K, Na
D) Mn, Co, Ca

13) Which of the following symptoms is not due to manganese toxicity in plants ?
A) Appearance of brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins
B)Calcium translocation in the shoot apex is inhibited
C) Deficiency of Fe, Ca & Mn is induced
D) None of the above

14) Chlorosis is the loss of chlorophyll leading to the yellowing of leaves . This symptom is caused by the deficiency of the elements
A) N, K, Mg, S
B) Mg, Mn, Mo, Fe
C) Zn, Mo, Fe, N
D) All of the above

15) Read the following statements and select incorrect statement  
A) Deficiency of Mg may leads to chlorosis and necrosis
B) Deficiency of N may leads to inhibition of cell division & delay flowering
C) Deficiency of S may leads to chlorosis and inhibition of cell division
D) Deficiency of Mn may leads to loss of chlorophyll and death of tissue

16) On the basis of symptoms of chlorosis in leaves a student inferred that this was due to deficiency of nitrogen. This inference could be correct only if we assume that yellowing of leaves appeared first in
A) Old leaves
B) Young leaves followed by mature leaves
C) Young leaves
D) Mature leaves followed by young leaves

17) The studies about mechanism of absorption of elements revealed that the process of absorption can be demarcated into two main phases. The first phase and second phase are 
A) Active and passive respectively
B) Active and active respectively
C) passive and active respectively
D) passive and passive respectively

18) Essential elements are often supplied to the crop plants through fertilizers. The components of fertilizers are
A) Micro-nutrients (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn etc)
B) Macro-nutrients (N, p,k,S etc)
C) Both A & B
D) Na, Se , Si , Co

19) During N2  fixation by Rhizobium in soyabean, which one is in correct?
A) Leghaemoglobin is a pink coloured pigment
B) Nitrogenase helps to convert N2 gas into two molecules of ammonia which requires 16 ATP
C) Nitrogenase required anaerobic condition for its functioning
D) Nitrogenase is an oxygen scavenger

20) Among the following , select the freeliving N2 -fixers: Nostoc, Anabaena, Rhizobium, ,Frankia, Azotobacter, Rhodospirillum, Beijernic kia, Bacillus, Nitrobacter & Thio bacillus
A) 5
B) 8
C) 7
D) 6

21) Asparagine and glutamine formed in plants from aspartic acid and glutamic acid respectively . Which of the following process is involved in above conversion ?
A) Reductive deamination
B) Transamination
C) Nitrogen fixation
D) Reductive amination

22) Find out the incorrect statement
A) Azotobacter and Beijernickia are aerobic, free living nitrogen fixing micro bes
B) Rhodospirillum and Bacillus polymyxa are anaerobic, free living bacteria
C) Rhizobium and Frankia are symbiotic , N2 fixers in legumes
D) Cyanibacteria ( Nostoc and Anabae na) are free living N2 fixers

23) Which of the following pairs of bacteria is involved in two step conversion of NH 3 into nitrate ?
A) Azotobacter & Nitrosomonas respectively
B) Nitrosomonas & Nitrobacter respectively
C) Azotobacter & Nitrobacter respectively
D) Pseudomonas & Nitrobacter respectively

24) Read the following statements and select the incorrect statement
A) Rhizobium is aerobic under free living condition but become anaerobic during N2 -fixation
B) Energy required for N2 fixation is obtained from the respiration of bacteria
C) To protect nitrogenase enzyme, nodule contains an oxygen scavenger called leghamoglobin
D) Conversion of nitrogen to ammonia i

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