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RRBs Assistants - Prelims Model Paper - Institute of Banking Personnel Selection RRBs Recruitment - 2016

Directions (Q. 1-3): Study the given following information carefully and answer the following
A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the brother of D. F is the mother of E. G is the grand-daughter of A. H has only two children − B and C.
1. How is F related to H?
1) Son-in-law
2) Daughter-in-law
3) Father-in-law
4) Grand-daughter
5) Cannot be determined

2. How is C related to E?
1) Father
2) Son
3) Mother
4) Cousin brother
5) Cannot be determined

3. Who is the mother of G?
1) C
2) B
3) F
4) Either B or F
5) Either C or F

Directions (Q. 4-8): Study the given information carefully and answer the following questions.
Auditions for a show were held in seven different cities of India, Chennai, Bengaluru, Cochin, Mumbai, Delhi, Bhopal and Kolkata, not necessarily in the same order during the first seven months of the year 2011 (starting in January and ending in July). The auditions were held only in one city during a month. Auditions in only four cities were held between the Kolkata audition and the Cochin audition. The Kolkata audition was not held in June. Only one audition was held between the Kolkata auditions and the Bengaluru audition. The Chennai audition was held immediately after the Kolkata audition. The Delhi audition was held immediately before the Bhopal audition. The Bhopal audition was not held in May.

4. How many auditions were held between the Mumbai audition and the Chennai auditions?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) None
5) More than three

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the given sequence?
1) The Mumbai audition was held in July
2) Delhi audition was held in April
3) Cochin audition was held before May
4) Kolkata audition was held in January
5) None of the above is true

6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given sequence and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
1) January-Kolkata
2) March-Bengaluru
3) June-Cochin
4) May-Delhi
5) February-Chennai

7. During March, the audition was held in which of the following cities?
1) Bengaluru
2) Kolkata
3) Mumbai
4) Chennai
5) None

8. The audition in Mumbai was held in which of the following months?
1) July
2) May
3) February
4) March
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 9-13): Study the given information and answer the following questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit  numbers.)
Input: 40 made butter 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now 19

  • Step I: butter 19 40 made 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
  • Step II: cookies 23 butter 19 40 made 37 salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
  • Step III: extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 40 made salt 52 86 92 fell now
  • Step IV: fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 made salt 52 86 92 now
  • Step V: made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 86 92 now
  • Step VI: now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 92
  • Step VII: salt 92 now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19
  • Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 32 proud girl beautiful 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 17 nice life

9. How many steps will be required to complete the given input?
1) Five
2) Six
3) Seven
4) Eight
5) Nine

10. Which of the following is the third element from the left end of step VI?
1) beautiful
2) life
3) 61
4) nice
5) 17

11.Which of the following is step III of the given input?
1) proud 72 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 55 97 rich 61 nice life
2) life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice
3) girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life
4) family 32 beautiful 17 proud girl 48 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life
5) girl 48 life 55 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

12. What is the position of 'nice' from the left end in the final step?
1) Fifth
2) Sixth
3) Seventh
4) Eighth
5) Ninth

13. Which element is third to the right of 'family' in step V?
1) beautiful
2) 17
3) proud
4) 97
5) 32

Directions (Q. 14-15): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Point B is 12 m South of point A. Point C is 24 m East of point B. Point D is 3 m South of point C. Point D is 12 m East of point E and point F is 8 m North of point E.

14. If a man has to travel to point E from point A (through these points by the shortest distance),
which of the following points will he pass through first?
1) Point C
2) Point D
3) Point F
4) Point B
5) None of these

15. If a man is standing facing North at point C, how far and in which direction is point F?
1) 12 m, West
2) 24 m, East
3) 12 m, East
4) 24 m, West
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 16-20): In these questions, relationship between different elements is show in
the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer:
1) if only conclusion I follows
2) if only conclusion II follows
3) if either conclusion I or II follows
4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows
5) if both conclusions I and II follow

16. Statements: N > O > P = Q > R
Conclusions: I. N > R II. R = N

17. Statements: W ≤ X < Y = Z > A; W < B
Conclusions: I. B > Z II. W > A

18. Statements: H > I > J > K; L > M < K
Conclusions: I. I > M II. L < H

19. Statements: C < D < E ; D > F > G
Conclusions: I. C > G II. F > E

20. Statements: R > S >T > U ; V < T
Conclusions: I. V > U II. V < R

Directions (Q. 21-25): In each of questions below are given four statements following by four Conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
21. Statements: 

  • All cups are bottles.
  • Some bottles are jugs.
  • No jug is a plate.
  • Some plates are tables.


  • I. Atleast some tables are bottles.
  • II. All plates are cups.
  • III. No table is a bottle.
  • IV. Some jugs being cups is a possibility.

1) Only I follows 2) Only II follows
3) Only III follows 4) Only IV follows
5) Either I or III and IV follow

22. Statements: 

  • All birds are horses.
  • All horses are tigers.
  • Some tigers are lions.
  • Some lions are monkeys.


  • I. All tigers are horses.
  • II. Some monkeys are definitely birds.
  • III. Only tigers are birds.
  • IV. Some monkeys being horses is a possibility.

1) I and III follow
2) I, II and III follow
3) III and IV follow
4) All of these
5) None of these


  • Some chairs are handles.
  • All handles are pots.
  • All pots are mats.
  • Some mats are buses.


  • I. At least some buses are handles.
  • II. All mats being chairs is a possibility.
  • III. No bus is a handle.
  • IV. Some mats are definitely handles.

1) I, II and IV follow
2) II, III and IV follow
3) Either I or III and II follow
4) Either I or III and IV follow
5) Either I or III and II, IV follow


  • Some sticks are lamps. 
  • Some flowers are lamps.
  • Some lamps are dresses.
  • All dresses are shirts.


  • I. All shirts are sticks.
  • II. Some shirts are not flowers.
  • III. Some lamps are dresses.
  • IV. Only dresses are sticks.

1) None follows
2) Only I follows
3) Only II follows
4) Only III follows
5) Only IV follows


  • Some benches are walls.
  • All walls are houses.
  • Some houses are jungles.
  • All jungles are roads.


  • I. All roads are not benches.
  • II. All jungles are walls.
  • III. Some houses are definitely benches.
  • IV. Atleast some roads are houses.

1) I and II follow
2) I and III follow
3) III and IV follow
4) II, III and IV follow
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 26-30): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
J, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V four married couples sitting in a circle facing the centre. The profession
of the males within the group are lecturer, lawyer, doctor and scientist. Among the males, only R (the lawyer) and V (the scientist) are sitting together. Each man is seated besides his wife. U, the wife of the lecturer is seated second to the right of V. T is seated between U and V. P is the wife of the doctor. Q is not immediate neighbour of S and not the doctor. S is a male.

26. Which of the following is P's position with respect to S?
1) Second to the right
2) Second to the left
3) Immediate right
4) Immediate left
5) Third to the left

27. Which of the following is J's position with respect to T?
1) Third to the left
2) Fourth to the right
3) Third to the right
4) Opposite T
5) Second to the right

28. Which of the following is not true regarding the couples?
1) P is the wife of S
2) T is the wife of Q
3) R is the husband of J
4) J and S are seated adjacent to each other
5) All the above are true

29. The wives of which two husbands are immediate neighbours?
1) UT
2) SR
3) VQ
4) RV
5) None of these

30. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in
the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
1) RSJ
2) TRV
3) UTV
4) SQP
5) UPQ

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