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Biology Quiz for CTET / Junior Lecturers and Groups


1) Which of the following experiment showed that CO2 is essential for photosynthesis?
A) Half-leaf experiment
B) Variegated leaf experiment
C) Priestley s experiment
D) J.von Sachs experiment

2) The following hypothesis, “plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove” was given by
A) Joseph Priestley
B) Jan Ingenhousz
C) T.W.Engelmann
D) C. van Neil

3) Who demonstrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light dependent reaction in which hydrogen from a suitable oxidisable compound reduces carbon dioxide to carbohydrates?
A) Julius von Sachs
B) Cornelius van Neil
C) T.W.Engelmann
D) Jan Ingenhousz

4) Match the column I & II and choose the correct combination from the options given
     Column I                                         Column II
a) Chlorophyll                                       1. Yellow
b) Chlorophyll                                       2. Yellow green
c) Carotenoids                                       3. Yellow to yellow
d) Xanthophylls                                     4. Bright or blue green
A) 1-a,3- b, 1-c,2- d
B) a-3, 4-b, 1-c, 2-d
C) 4-a,2- b,3-c,1- d
D) 2-a, 1-b, 4-c,3- d

5) A photosynthetic organism which does not release oxygen is
A) Blue-green alga
B) Green sulphur bacterium
C) Green alga
D) Algal component of lichen

6) Who demonstrated for the first time that in photosynthesis, oxygen is evolved from water?
A) Ruben & Kamen
B) Calvin
C) R.hill
D) Govindji

7) Moll’s experiment shows 
A) Unequal transpiration from two surface of leaf
B) CO2is essential for photosynthesis
C) Relation between transpiration and absorption
D) Chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis

8) Bacterial photosynthesis differs from that of higher plants in
A) Not liberating oxygen
B) Non-requirement of light
C) non-fixation of energy
D) requirement of host organism

9) Light harvesting complexes (LHC) are made up of hundreds of pigment molecules bound to proteins. In LHC reaction centre is formed by
A) A single chlorophyll a molecule
B) All the pigments except one molecule of chlorophylla
C) Carotenoids and xanthophylls
D) Both B & C

10) The PSII & PS I in Z-scheme are connected by
A) Electron transport system
B) Light harvesting complex
C) Cyclic photophosphorylation
D) Non-cylic photophosphorylation

11) The evidence that during photosynthesis oxygen comes from water
A) Photosynthetic bacteria employ H2 S&CO2 to form carbohydrates, water and sulphur
B) Isolated illuminated chloroplasts release oxygen if provided with potassium ferrocyanide
C) Isotopic 180 provided as H2 180 appears as 1802 liberated in photosynthesis
D) All the above

12) Main difference between chlorophyll ‘a’ and chlorophyll ‘b’ is
A) CH3 of chlorophyll a is replaced by CHO in chlorophyll b
B) Chlorophyll a is linear while chlorophyll b is branched
C) Chlorophyll a has no Mg
D) All the above

13) Liberation of oxygen when green cells in water are exposed to sunlight in presence of suitable acceptor is
A) Emerson effect
B) Blackman s reaction
C) Hill s reaction
D) Arnon reaction

14) Photophosphorylation is the process in which
A) CO2&O2 unite
B) Phosphoglyceric acid is produced
C) Aspartic acid is formed
D) Light energy is converted into chemical energy through production of ATP

15) Which one occurs both during cyclic and non-cyclic modes of photophosphorylation?
A) Involvement of both PSI&PSII
B) Formation Of ATP
C) Release of O2
D) Formation of NADPH

16) In the two light reaction of photosynthesis
A) PS I produces strong oxidant while PS II a strong reductant
B) PS I produces strong reductant NADPH while PS II a strong oxidant
C) PS I emits electrons for PS II
D) PS I produces ATP which is not formed by PS II

17) Cyclic phosphorylation cannot sustain photosynthesis
A) PS I does not function beyond 680 nm
B) No evolution of oxygen
C) Unidirectional cyclic movement electrons
D) only ATP is formed, NADPH is not formed

18) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement
A) Second step of Calvin cycle ( i.e reduction) involve utilisation of 2 molecules of ATP for reduction and 2 of NADPH for phosphorylation per C02 molecule fixed
B) The regeneration steps required one ATP for phosphorylation to form RuBP
C) It is probably to meet the differences in number of ATP and NADPH used in dark reaction that the cyclic phosphorylation takes place
D) Plant that are adapted to dry tropical regions have the C4 pathway

19) Algae employed by Calvin et al in experiments on photosynthesis belong to
A) Euglena and Scenedesmus
B) Chara
C) Chlamydomonas and Chlorella
D) Chlorella and Scenedesmus

20) Assimilatory power produced in Hill reaction and used in Blackman’s reaction refers to
A) Generation of ATP & NADPH
B) Reduction of CO2
C) Splitting of water
D) Disintegration of plastids

21) In C4 plants, Calvin cycle operates in 
A) Stroma of bundle sheath chloroplasts
B) Grana of bundle sheath chloroplasts
C) Grana of mesophyll chloroplasts
D) Stroma of mesophyll chloroplasts

22) The C4 plants are different from the C3 plants with reference to the
A) The substance that accepts CO2 in carbon assimilation
B) Types of end product of photosynthesis
C) The number of NADPH that are consumed in preparing sugar
D) Types of pigments involved in photosynthesis

23) Which is wrongly matched?
A) Sorghum Kranz anatomy
B) PS II -700
C) Photorespiration C3
D) PEP carboxylase Mesophyll cells

24) Which of the following statements regarding C4 plants is false?
A) The primary CO2 acceptor is a 5-carbon molecule
B) The initial carboxylation reaction occurs in mesophyll
C) Calvin pathway does not take place in the mesophyll cells but does so only in bundle sheath cells
D) Leaves that fix CO2 have two cell types

25) CAM plants do not show photorespiration due to
A) Keepimg stomata closed during day time
B) Using PEP carboxylase
C) Fixing CO2 into organic acid in night and releasing Co2 during day
D)Performing Calvin cycle at night

26) Which one is wrong in photorespiration ?
A) It occurs in chloroplasts
B) It occurs in day time only
C) It is characteristic of C4 plants
D) It is Characteristic of C3 plants

27) In presence of high concentration of oxygen RuBP carboxylase converts RuBP to
A) Malic acid and PEP
C) PGA & malic acid
D) PGA & Phosphoglycolate

28) ATP molecules required to synthesize one molecule of glucose by C4, pathway are
A) 12
B) 18
C) 24
D) 30

29) Photorespiration is favoured by
A) High oxygen and low carbondioxide
B) High carbon dioxide and low oxygen
C) High temperature and low oxygen
D) High humidity and temperature

30) Primary carboxylation occurs in C3 & C4 plants with the help of 
A) PEP carboxylase and pyruvate carboxylase respectively B) PEP carboxylase and RuBp carboxylase respectivel
C) RuBP carboxylase and PEP carboxylse respectively
D) RuBP Carboxylase & pyruvate Carboxylase respectively

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