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How do Wild Animals go to the Bathroom ? Questions on Sanitation, Health and Hygiene


[1] Which is the tank on the back of a toilet?
a. Soap tank
b. Septic tank
c. Flush tank
d. None
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[2] What is another name for poop?
A. sludge
B. Defecation
C. urine
D. compost
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[3] How do wild animals go to the bathroom?
A. into a toilet
B. into a chamber pot or outhouse
C. into a litter box
D. onto the soil
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[4] Which stream animal is an indicator of poor water quality?
A. a black fly larva
B. a caddis fly larva
C. a May fly larva
D. a riffle beetle
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[5] What is the most common kind of litter, by number, found in waterways?
A. plastic bags
B. plastic bottles
C. aluminium cans
D. cigarette butts
E. All of these
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[6] What is sediment ?
A. sand and rocks that are too heavy to be carried by water
B. the organic solids that are suspend in wastewater
C. soil or bits of rock suspended in water
D. the solids, like fats, grease and oils, that float on top of wastewater
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[7] What happens during the clarification or separation step at a wastewater treatment plant?
A. large solid things are screened out
B. scum and sludge are separated from the liquid wastewater
C. treatment with chlorine or ultraviolet light to kill pathogens
D. liquid wastewater is mixed with air to help bacteria breakdown small particles of solid material
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[8] What is the first thing that happens to wastewater at a wastewater treatment plant?
A. treatment with chlorine or ultraviolet light to kill pathogens
B. liquid wastewater is mixed with air to help bacteria breakdown small particles of solid material
C. large solid things are screened out
D. scum and sludge are separated from the liquid wastewater
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[9] What happens to liquid wastewater in a septic tank?
A. it evaporates through holes in the top of the septic tank
B. it is converted to sludge over time
C. it flows through pipes in the septic tank to the drain field
D. it drains through the bottom of the septic tank
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[10] What is a zero liquid discharge system
A. a system that precipitates metals out of factory wastewater by changing the pH
B. a system that uses ozone or hydrogen peroxide to oxidize organic chemicals in
factory wastewater
C. a system that neutralizes acids or alkalis in factory wastewater
D. a system that evaporates water from factory wastewater so only solids remain
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[11] What causes acid rain?
A. sulfur and nitrogen compounds from power plants, factories and motor vehicles
B. sulfur and nitrogen compounds given off by plants as the weather warms in the summer
C. carbon dioxide from power plants, factories and motor vehicles
D. carbon dioxide and methane given off by arctic soils as they warm in the spring
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[12] What is sludge?
A. insects that live under rocks in streams
B. the liquid part of wastewater
C. the solids that are heavier than liquid wastewater and sink to the bottom
D. the solids, like fats, grease, and oil, that float on top of liquid wastewater
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[13] What happens during the disinfection step at a wastewater treatment plant?
A. scum and sludge are separated from the liquid wastewater
B. treatment with chlorine or ultraviolet light to kill pathogens
C. liquid wastewater is mixed with air to help bacteria breakdown small particles of solid material
D. large solid things are screened out
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[14] How does a pit toilet or latrine work?
A. by separating sludge and scum from the liquid wastewater
B. by holding feaces' and urine in a pit or tank until it can be removed for further treatment
C. by allowing feaces and urine to flow directly to a drain field for bacteria to continue their work
D. by mixing in air to speed up the breakdown of liquid wastewater
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[15] What happens to sludge in a septic tank?
A. it dries out and form clumps that have to be shoveled out every few years
B. it floats on top of the liquid wastewater in the tank and needs to be pumped out every few years
C. it collects at the bottom of the tank and needs to be pumped out every few years
D. it flows through pipes in the septic tank to the drain field
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[16] What role do non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play in protecting water quality?
A. they pass water protection laws, assign protection to an agency and provide funding for enforcement
B. they encourage passage of water protection laws and support their enforcement
C. they decide if a water quality protection law or regulation is being broken
D. they set specific standards for water protection laws, help people, businesses and other agencies follow them and enforce them when they are not followed
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[17] What role does Central or a state Government play in protecting water quality?
A. they set specific standards for water protection laws, help people, businesses and other agencies follow them and enforce them when they are not followed
B. they decide if a water quality protection law or regulation is being broken
C. they encourage passage of water protection laws and support their enforcement
D. they pass water protection laws, assign protection to an agency and provide funding for enforcement

[18] What would happen if all the fungi and other decomposers disappeared?
A. nothing
B. the air would be cleaner
C. bodies of dead plants and animals would pile up
D. soil would have more nutrients
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[19] How many people in the world do not have access to toilets?
A. about 10 million
B. about 1 million
C. about 100 million
D. about 1 billion
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[20] What is wastewater?
A. Water after it's been used in the toilet, tub or sink
B. Poo water
C. Both of the above
D. None
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[21] Wastewater released by houses is called ___________
A. Sewage
B. Sludge
C. Both of them
D. None
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[22] Dried _________ is used as manure.
A. Sewage
B. Sludge
C. Both of them
D. None
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[23] Study the following statements about ozone and find out the correct ones:
(a) It is essential for breathing of living organisms.
(b) It is used to disinfect water.
(c) It absorbs ultraviolet rays.
(d) Its proportion in air is about 3%.
A. (a), (b) and ( c )
B. (b) and ( c )
C. (a)and (d)
D. All four
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[24] Sewage is mainly generated from which of these?
A. Houses
B. Factories
C. Offices
D. Hospitals
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[25] Effluent is mainly generated from which of these?
A. Houses
B. Factories
C. Offices
D. Hospitals
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[26] Which process is used to remove dirt and sand from wastewater?
A. Aeration
B. Chlorination
C. Sedimentation
D. Flocculation
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[27] Aeration of water during wastewater treatment removes which of these?
A. Insoluble things
B. Human waste
C. Bacteria
D. Germs
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[28] Which process during wastewater treatment helps in killing germs?
A. Aeration
B. Chlorination
C. Sedimentation
D. Flocculation
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[29] Which of these diseases can happen from drinking contaminated water?
A. Pneumonia
B. Small pox
C. Malaria
D. Cholera
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[30] Which organ does Jaundice affect?
A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Stomach
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[31] Which of the following is not a type of waste water?
A. Sullage
B. Sewage
C. Grey water
D. Black water
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[32] Sanitation is the __________ means of promoting health through prevention of human
contact with the hazards of waste.
A. Hygienic
B. Proper
C. Better
D. Perfect
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[33] Which is the cleanest city of India?
A. Mysore
B. Surat
C. Delhi
D. Chandigarh
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[34] Which is the cleanest village of India?
A. Mawlynnong
B. Punsari
C. Dharnai
D. Ballia
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[35] Which is the cleanest Country in the world?
A. Singapore
B. Cuba
C. Austria
D. France
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[36] The main objective of a _______________is to protect and promote human health by providing a clean environment and breaking the cycle of disease.
A. Drainage System
B. Flush System
C. Toilet System
D. Sanitary System
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[37] "Of the six billion people in the world, how many live without safe water?"
A. 10.1 billion
B. 1.1 billion
C. 10.1 million
D. None
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[38] Where do most of the people without access to safe water live?
A. Asia
B. Oceania (the Pacific islands)
C. Africa
D. All of them
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[39] What is DDT?
A. an elemental plant nutrient
B. a low-toxicty drug taken to cure malaria
C. a microbicide that is safe for people
D. a persistent, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide
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[40] Which agency handles global health issues?
A. the World Health Organization, WHO
B. the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO
C. the Centres for Disease Control, CDC
D. the Food and Drug Administration, FDA
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[41] What is an occupational disease?
A. a condition caused by a difference in the genes that someone inherited from their parents that interferes with how the body works
B. a condition caused by a pollutant or toxin getting into someone and then interfering with growth, development or function of the body
C. a condition caused by a foreign organism getting into someone where it interferes with how the body works and reproduces and spreads to someone else
D. a condition caused by exposure to dangerous conditions or toxic substances in a work situation
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[42] Moulds, yeast and fungi are examples of a
A. Physical hazard
B. Chemical hazard
C. Pathogenic bacterium
D. Biological hazard
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[43] The conditions for bacteria to survive are
A. Food, temperature, stress, oxygen, acidity, time
B. Food , temperature, moisture, radiation, acidity, time
C. Food moisutre, acidity, oxygen, time, temperature
D. None
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[44] Food Contact surfaces should be cleaned:
A. Before and after they are used
B. When they are visibly dirty
C. Every four hours
D. All of the above
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[45] Identify which one is correct process.
A. Sanitize, Disinfect, and Clean
B. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat
C. Wash, Rinse, and Sanitize
D. Wash, Rinse, Towel Dry
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[46] In Africa alone, people invest _______ hours every year walking to collect water.
A. 100 thousand
B. 50 million
C. 40 billion
D. 100 billion
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[47] Medical research indicates that ________ is a leading cause of growth stunting.
A. Lack of exercise
B. Eating unhealthy foods
C. Defecating in the open
D. Sleeping on hard surfaces
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[48] Approximately _____ people in the world lack access to clean, safe water.
A. 534 million
B. 1 billion
C. 783 million
D. 2.3 billion
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[49] How long do most toilets take to flush?
A. 3 seconds
B. 5 seconds
C. 10 seconds
D. None
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[50] How much water does a standard toilet tank hold?
A. 1 gallon
B. 2 gallons
C. 3 gallons
D. None
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