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1. Which of the following combinations are auto immune disorders of Thyroid gland?
1) Myxodema&Hashimoto Disease
2) Hashimoto Disease&Grave's Disease
3) Cretinism & Grave's Disease
4) Endemic goitre&Myxoedema

2. A neurological disorder has autonomic dysfunction, neuro-psychiatric problems, uncontrolled body movements etc. Identify it?
1) Alzheimer's Disease
2) Parkinsons
3) Dementia
4) Meningitis

3. Identify correct sequence w.r.t Propagation of Cardiac Action potentials
a. AV Node b. SA Node
c. Bundle branches
d. A.V Bundle
e. Bundle branches
f. Purkinje fibres
g. Ventricular Syncyticum
1) bcadfeg
2) bcadefg
3) acdfebg
4) bcaefdg

4. Kidney damage causes anemia, because?
1) Haemoglobin isn't sufficiently formed
2) RBC's pass through glomerulus
3) Sufficient erythropoietin isn't formed
4) None of the above

5. S1: Cardiac muscle tissue has a short refractory period which prevents tetanus S2: Cardiac muscle tissue lacks endomysium but Contains Perimysium and epimysium correct option is
1) S1 & S2
2) only S1
3) only S2
4) None

6. Which of the following is incorrect?
1) Cocaine modifies the action of dopamine in the brain
2) Chronic alcoholism causes fatty liver, cirrhosis, but not hepatitis
3) Zidovudine is given for HIV positive pregnants
4) TAB Vaccine is useful against tetanus

8. During prolonged fastings the sequence of organic compounds used up by the body?
1) Carbohydrates->Fats->Proteins
2) Carbohydrates->Proteins->Fats
3) Fats->Carbohydrates->Proteins
4) Proteins->Carbohydrates->Fats

9. The world is divided into sir bio geographical realms by:
1) Charles Darwin
2) A.R. Wallace
3) E Haeckel
4) Dobzhansky

10. Identify the correct statement:
1) First human like being was homo erectus
2) Brain size of Neanderthal man was 900 c.c
3) Connecting link b/w ape&man: Australopithecus
4) Fossils of Homo habilis were discovered in java

11. Human Placenta is:
1) Chorionic, haemochorial, metadiscoidal, deciduate
2) Chorionic, haemo-endothelial, metadiscoidal, deciduate
3) Chorioallontoic, haemochorial, Discoidal, deciduate
4) Chorionic, Endothelio chorial, Discoidal, Non-deciduate

12. Correct sequence of menstrual cycle phases?
a. menstrual
b. luteal
c. follicular 
d. ovulatory
1) a, c, d, b
2) a, c, b, d, a
3) a, d, b, c
4) b, a, c, d

13. Match the following
A. Ig G 1) found in body secretians link milk
B. Ig A 2) Present on surface of B-Cells
C. Ig D 3) Acts as mediator in allergic reactions
D. Ig E 4) Crosses Placenta&provides natural Passive immunity
1) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
2) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
3) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
4) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

14. Which of the following isn't a characteristic of true species?
1) Members of a species can interbreed
2) Variations occur among members of a species
3) Reproductive isolation is there among different species
4) Gene flow doesn't occur b/w populations of a species

15. Correct sequence of release of aldosterone in RAAS
a. release of renin
b. Fall in GFR
c. release of aldosterone
d. Conversion of angiotensin
I into angiotensin II
e. Increase in GFR
f. Conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
1) e, a, d, f, c, b
2) b, a, c, f, d, e
3) b, a, f, d, c, e
4) b, a, d, f, c, e

16. Components of ornithine cycle?
1) Ornithine, Citrulline, alanine
2) Ornithine, Citrulline, arganine
3) Ornithine, Citrulline, Valline
4) Ornithine, arginine, methionine

17. Read the following about ECG:
a. prolonged Q-T interval: Myocardial infraction
b. prolonged P-R interval: Tachycardia
c. R-R interval: One Cardiac cycle
d. Tall T-wave: hyperkalemia correct combination is
1) a, b, c
2) b, c, a
3) a, c, d
4) a, b, d

18. Select the mismatch
1) Lub - 1st heart sound due to closure of tricuspid&bicuspid valves
2) Cardiac output - stroke volume X heart rate
3) Dub - 2nd heart sound due to opening of semilunar valves
4) Heart murmurs - result of faculty valves in adults

19. Identify the correct statement
1) Villikinin is secreted by large interestine
2) Argentaffin cells secrete serotonin
3) In cheilosis, deficiency nutrient is nicotinamide
4) CIF is essential for absorption of vitamin B6

20. Inflammation of which of the following leads to mumps?
1) adenoids
2) parotid glands
3) sub lingual
4) infra orbitals

21. vital capacity includes?
1) Tv+IRv+ ERv
2) Tv+IRv
3) Tv+IRv+ERv+RV
4) Tv+ERv

22. Over - streching of the lungs is prevented due to:
1) Hamburger's phenomenon
2) Conditioned reflex
3) Hering - Breuer reflex
4) Haldane effect

23. S1: Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid artery recognise changes in
Co2 and H+ concen tration in the body S2: Role of O2 is quite signifacant in regulation of respiratory rhythm 
Which statements are correct?
1) S1&S2
2) only S1
3) only S2
4) None

24. choose the correct statement:
1) Using Recombinant DNA technology, Hepatitis-B vaccine is produced from bacteria
2) Complement system takes part in both innate&acquired immunities
3) HIV-1 is less pathogenic in human than HIV-2
4) Main targets of HIV are TH cells with CD8 receptors

26. Arrange the bones in ascending order w.r.t length:
1) stapes, femur, radius, ulna
2) lacrimal, stapes, mandible, femur
3) stapes, lacrimal, mandible, tibia
4) lacrimal, stapes, tibia, femur

27. Choose the incorrect statement 
1) Hyoid bone: present b/w pharynx&mandible
2) sphemoid bone: keystone bone of cranium
3) stapes: modified hyomandibula
4) centrum of human vertebrae: amphiplatyan

28. Which of the following describe aldosterone?
1) its secretion is stimulated by fall in plasma Na+ concentration
2) it increases volume of blood and other extra cellular fluids
3) it increases elimination of k+
4) all the above

29. choose the incorrect combination w.r.t homology:
Male Reproductive Female Reproductive system system
1) cow per's glands - Bartholiris glands
2) prostate gland - Skene's gland
3) Scrotum - Labia majora
4) Glans penis - clitoris

30. study the following:
a. lactiferous duct
b. mammary tubuler
c. mammary ducts
d. ampulla e. alveoli
f. nipple correct sequence of milk ejection
1) eabcdf
2) dcabef
3) ebcdaf
4) ecbadf

31. study the following:
s1: estrogen&progesterone are essential for development of breasts during pregnancy
s2: They promote milk secretion which statements are correct?
1) both
2) only s1
3) only s2
4) None

32. Mutations cannot explain:
1) Industrial melanism
2) connecting links
3) Living fossils
4) Mimicry

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