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NEET Model Paper 2017


1) Read the following statements and select the incorrect one.
1) Mountains, boulders & sand mounds do grow if we take increase in body mass as criterion for growth
2) Many organism like mules, sterile worker bees and infertile human couples do not reproduce at all
3) Living organism are self-replicating, evolving & self-regulating interactive system capable of
responding to external stimuli
4) Isolated metabolic reaction in vitro are living things

2) Match the columns I & II , and cho ose the correct combination from the options given Kingdom Body organization
a) Plantae                       1) Cellular
b) Monera                      2) Multicellular/ loose tissue
c) Fungi                         3) Tissue/organ
d) Animalia                    4) Tissue/organ/ organ system
e) Protista                      5) Tissue
1) a-4,b- 1,c-2,d- 3,e-5
2) a-3,b- 1,c-2,d- 4,e-5
3) a-3,b- 2,c-5,d- 4,e-1
4) a-3,b- 1,c-2,d- 4,e-1

3) Which one of the following is a char acteristics feature of Chrysophytes?
1) They are parasitic forms which cause disease in animals
2) They have a protein rich layer called pellicle
3) They are commonly called diatoms
4) They are saprophytic protest

4) What is common among Agaricus, rust &smut ?
1) All are parasites
2) All are the members of basidiomycetes & bears basidiocarps
3) All are not reproduced sexually
4) Both 2 & 3

5) Read the following statements & select the incorrect statement
1) The colonies of cyanobacteria are generally surrounded by gelatinous sheath
2) The cyanobacteria are unicellular, colonial or filamentous, fresh water/ marine or terrestrial algae
3) Rhizopus belongs to class phycomycetes of kingdom fungi
4) Bacteria are grouped under two categories based on their shape

6) Match the columns I & II , and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I                        Column II
(Types of spore)                (production)
a) Zoospores                   1) Exogenous
b) Aplanospores              2) Endogenous
c) Conidia
d) Ascospores
e) Basidiospores
1) a-1,b- 2,c-1,d- 2,e-1
2) a-2,b- 1,c-2,d- 1,e-2
3) a-2,b- 2,c-1,d- 2,e-1
4) a-1,b- 2,c-1,d- 2,e-1

7) In phaeophyceae the gametes are
1) Pyriform and bear 2 flagella(one longitudinal and other transverse)
2) Pear-shaped and bear 2 flagella that are laterally attached
3) Pyriform and bear 2-8, equal and apical flagella
4) Pear- shaped and bear 2-8, equal and apical flagella

8) Moss peat is used as a packing material for sending flower and live plants to distant places because
1) It is easily available
2) it reduces transpiration
3) it is hygroscopic
4) All of the above

9) Match the columns I & II, and list of animals with their level of organization & choose the correct sequence
       Column I                      Column II
a) Organ level                     p) Pheretima
b) Cellular aggregate level   q) Fasciola
c) Tissue level                    r) Spongilla
d) Organ system level          t) Obelia
1) a-s,b- r,c-p,d- q
2) a-s,b- q,c-r,d- p
3) a-q,b- s,c-r,d- p
4) a-q,b- r,c-s,d- p

10) Match the columns I & II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
      Column I                     Column II
a) Spongilla                     1) Bath sponge
b) Euspongia                   2) Boring sponge
c) Cliona                          3) Scypha
d) Sycon                          4) Fresh water sponge
1) a-4,b=2,c- 1,d-3
2) a-4,b- 1,c-3,d- 2
3) a-1,b- 4,c-2,d- 3
4) a-4,b- 1,c-2,d- 3

12) Which one of the following is a matching pairs of an animal & a certain phenomenon it exhibits?
1) Pheretima- Sexual dimorphism
2) Musca- Complete metamorphosis
3) Chamaeleon- Mimicry
4) Taenia- Polymorphism

13) Match the columns I &II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
          Column I                          Column II
a) Limbless amphibia                1) Icthyophis
b) Jawless vertebrate                 2) Icthyosaurs
c) Tailess amphibia                   3) Frog
d) Limbless reptile                    4) Lamprey
e) Fish like reptile                     5) Snake
1) a-1,b- 2,c-3,d- 5,e-4
2) a-1,b- 4,c-2,d- 5,e-3
3) a-2,b- 4,c-3,d- 1,e-5
4) a-1,b- 4,c-3,d- 5,e-2

14) Underground parts of some plants spread to new niches & when older parts die new plants are formed. This condition is seen in
1) Grass, Monstera & banyan
2)Mint & Jasmine
3) Banana, pineapple & chrysanthemum
4) Grass & strawberry

15) A lateral branch with short internodes & each node bearing a rosette of leaves & a tuff of roots is found in aquatic plant like
1) Pistia & Eichhornia
2) Mint & Jasmine
3)Banana, pineapple&Chrysanthe mum
4) Opuntia & Euphorbia

16) Match the columns I & II and choose the correct combination from the options given
     Column I                     Column II
a) Colocasia                  1) Flattened stem
b) Watermelon              2) Stem thorn
c) Opuntia                    3) Storage stem
d)Euphorbia                 4) Stem tendril
e) Bougainvillea            5) fleshy cylindrical stem
A) a-3,b- 4,c-5,d- 1,e-2
B) a-3,b- 2,c-1,d- 5,e-4
C) a-4,b- 2,c-5,d- 1,e-3
D) a-3,b- 4,c-1,d- 5,e-2

17) Read the following statements & find out the incorrect statement
1) A typical leaf of three main parts:leaf base, petiole & lamina
2) The leaf is attached to the stem by the leaf base while the petiole help hold the blade to light
3) The lamina (leaf blade) is the green expanded part of the leaf with vein and veinlets
4) A bud is present in the axil of petiole of compound leaf but not in the axil of the simple leaf

18) Pentamerous actinomorphic flowers, bicarpellary ovary with oblique septum & a fruit of capsule or berry belong to family
1) Liliaceae
2) Asteraceae
3) Brassicaceae
4) Solanacae

19) In dicot stem, the cells arranged in multiple layers between epidermis and pericycleconstitute the cortex. It consists of three sub-zone from outer to inner as follows
A) Epidermis,hypodermis,endodermis
B) Hypofrmis,endodermis, pericycle
C) Hypodermis, endodermis, starch sheath
D) Hypodermis, cortical layer, endodermis

20) Match the columns I and II and choose the correct combination from the options given
           Column I                                     Column II
a) Adhering junctions                      1) Help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue
b) Gap Junctions                             2) Perform comenting to keep neighbouring cells together
c) Tight Junctions                           3) Facilitate the cells to communicate with each other
A) a-3 b-2 c-1
B) a-2 b-3 c-1
C) a-2 b-1 c-3
D) a-1 b-3 c-2

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