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NEET Phase 1 Question Paper 2016

1) A woman with normal vision ,but whose father was colorblind , marries a colorblind man. Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy . This boy
1) Must have normal color vision
2) May be colorblind or may have normal vision
3) Will be partially colorblind since he is heterozygous for the colorblind mutant allele
4) Must be colorblind

2) ABO blood groups in humans are controlled by gene I . It has three alleles IA,IB and I .Since there are three different alleles ,six different genotypes are possible .How many phenotypes can occurs ?
1) Three
2) one
3) four
4) two

3) Semiconservative mode of DNA replication was experimentally proved in prokaryotes by
1) Meselson &Stahl
2) Taylor
3) Jacob & Monod
4) A. Kornberg

4) In Meselson & Stahl’s experiment , heavy isotope 15 N was used in the form of
1) 15 NaNo3
2) 15 NH4 Cl
3) 15 KNO3
4) 15 NH4 NO3

5) New strands of DNA are formed only in
1) 53 direction
2) 35 direction
3) both directions
4) There is no specific polarity

6) The first amino acid in polypeptide chain of prokaryotes is always
1) Formylated methionine
2) Formylated arginine
3) Lysine
4) Methionine

7) The age of fossils was previously determined by radioactive elements. More precise recent method which has led to the revision of evolutionary periods is
1) Study of carbohydrates & proteins in fossils
2) Study of conditions of fossilization
3) Electron spin resonance & fossil DNA
4) Presence of carbohydrates & proteins in rocks

8) An important evidence in favor of organic evolution is the occurrence of
1) Homologous & analogous organs
2) Homologous & vestigial organs
3)Analogous &vestigial organs
4) Homologous organs only

9) Chronological sequence of evolution of the genus Homo is
1) Homo habilis, H. erectus, H sapiens neanderthalensia,H.sapiens sapiens
2) Homo habilis,H.sapiens neanderthalensis, H .sapiens sapiens
3) Homo erectus , H.habilis, H.sapiens sapiens, H. neanderthalensis
4) H.neanderthalensis, H.erectus, H. sapiens sapiens, H.habilis

10) Malarial parasite can be obtained in RBCs of patient
1) When temperature reaches normal
2) An hour before rise in temperature
3) When temperature rises with rigor
4) A few hours after temperature reaches normal

11) Which term would you use for the combination of diseases such as Ka posi’s sarcoma, Pneumocystis cari nii pneumonia, and Leukopla kia?
1) Contagious diseases
2) Opportunistic diseases
3) Diarrhoeal diseases
4) m Autoimmune diseases

12) Which of the following is not a difference IgG &IgM ?
1) IgM is a pentamer while IgG is a monomer
2) IgG is formed early during the primary response: IgM is formed later
3) LgG can cross the placenta, IgM usually does not
4) IgG has two antigen binding sites , IgM has ten

13) Turnip mosaic & black rot of crucifers are due to
1) Viruses & bacteria, respectively
2) Bacteria & viruses, respectively
3) Bacteria &nematodes, respectively
4) Virus & nematodes, respectively

14) During sewage treatment, biogas is produced which includes
1) Methane, Oxygen, and hydrogen sulfide
2) Hydrogen sulfide, methane and sulfur dioxide
3) Hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and methane
4) Methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide

15) When a piece of DNA is digested with Eco RI,what kind of ends are created ?
1)Blunt ends
2) Flush ends
3) Cohesive ends
4) Non-staggered ends

16) The sticky ends generated by the ac tion of Eco RI, on insert DNA facilitate the action of which enzyme?
1) DNA polymerase
2) Taq polymerase
3) Alkaline phosphatase
4) DNA ligase

17) What is the first step in the Southern blot technique ?
1) Denaturation of DNA on the gel for hybridization with specific probe
2) Production of a group of genetically identical cells
3) Digestion of DNA by restriction enzyme
4) Isolation of DNA from a nucleated cell such as the one from the scene of crime

18) Golden rice- a transgenic variety of rice is principally richer than normal rice in
1) Cry I Ab
2) Hirudin
3) TPA
4) -carotene

19) RNA interference (RNAi) technique has been devised to protect plants nematode.In this technique, the mRNA of nematode is silenced by -- -- - produced by the host plant
1) ds DNA
2) ssDNA
3) dsRNA
4) Target proteins

20)Which of the following statements is not true for J-shaped growth curve ?
1) Exponential phase is prolonged
2) Population never grows beyond carrying capacity
3) Population crash occurs
4) Population seldom reaches equilibrium

21) The interaction between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to both but is not obligatory because they can live without each other is known as
1) Proto-cooperation
2) Mutualism or symbiosis
3) Commensalism
4) Amensalism

22) Competition for food, light, & space is most severe between two
1) Distantly related species growing in different habitats
2) Distantly related species growing in same habitats
3) Closely related species growing in different habitats
4) Closely related species growing in same area

23) people who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang Pass about 6 months back
1) Are not physically fit to play games like foot ball
2) Suffer from altitude sickness with symptoms like nausea, fatigue, etc.
3) Have the usual RBC count but their hemoglobin has very high binding affinity to O2
4) Have more RBCs and their hemoglobin has a lower binding affinity to O2

24) An ecosystem contains
1) Green plants & animals
2) Green plants & decomposers
3) Green plants,animals, decomposers,
& abiotic environment
4) Producers & consumers

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