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NEET Phase 1 Question Paper 2016


1) Read the following statements & select the incorrect one
1) Isolated metabolic reactions in vitro are not living things but surely living reactions.
2) The sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in our body is metabolism.
3) All organisms, from the prokaryotes to the most complex eukaryotes have selfconsciousness.
4) Metabolic reactions can be demonstrated outside the body in cellfree system

2) Read the following statement and select the incorrect statement .
1)Though the bacterial structure is very simple , they are very complex in behaviour
2) Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria play a great role in recycling nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and sulphur
3) Majority of the heterotrophic bacteria are important decomposers
4) Autotrophic bacteria synthesize their food from organic substrates

3) I) Unicellular, colonial, filamentous, marine or terrestrial forms
II) The colonies are surrounded by a gelatinous sheath
III) Some can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialized cells called heterocysts
IV) They often form blooms in water bodies
These above characters are seen in
1) archaebacteria
2) Cyanobacteria
3) Chrysophytes
4) Dinoflagellates

4) Which of the following combination of characters is true for slime moulds ? 
1) Parasitic, plasmodium with true walls, spores dispersed by air currents
2) Saprophytic, plasmodium without walls , spores dispersed by water
3) Parasitic , plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by water
4) Saprophytic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by air currents

5) Read the following statement and select the correct statement 
1) Members of kingdom fungi show a great diversity in structures & habitat
2) Most fungi are saprophytic in their mode of nutrition
3) There are four classes under kingdom fungi
4) All of the above

5) Read the following statement and select the correct statement 
1) Members of kingdom fungi show a great diversity in structures & habitat
2) Most fungi are saprophytic in their mode of nutrition
3) There are four classes under kingdom fungi
4) All of the above

7) In phaeophyceae, the spores ( zoospores) are 
1) Pyriform and bear 2 flagella( one longitudinal and other transverse)
2) Pear-shaped and bear 2 flagella that are laterally attached
3) Pyriform and bear 2-8, equal and apical flagella
4) Pear- shaped and bear 2-8, equal and apical flagella

8) Prothallus is 
1) a structure in pteridophytes formed before the thallus develops
2) a sporophytic inconspicuous free living structure formed in pteridophytes
3) a gametophytic inconspicuous free living structure formed in pteridophytes
4) a gametophytic conspicuous structure formed after fertilization in pteridophytes

9) Match the columns I & II , and choose the
correct combination from the options given
    Column I                  Column II
a) Gorgonia                 1) Brain coral
b) Adamsia                 2) Jelly fish
c) Meandrina              3) Portuguese -man-of –war
d) Physalia                  4) Sea anemone
e) Pennatula               5) Sea-fan
f) Aurelia                    6) Sea- pen
1) a-6, b-4, c-3, d-1, e-5, f-2
2) a-5, b-4, c-1, d-3, e-6, f-2
3) a-5, b-3, c-1, d-4, e-2, f-6
4) a-5, b-4, c-3, d-1, e-6, f-2

10) Which one is correctly matched ?
1)Scorpion, Spider, Cockroach- Ventral solid central nervous system
2) Cockroach , locust, Taenia- Metameric segmentation
3) Liverfluke, Sea Anemone , Sea Cucumber- Bilateral symmetry
4) Centipede, Prawn, Sea Urchin- Jointed appendages

11) Match the columns I & II , and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I                  Column II
a) Porifera                  1) Canal system
b) Aschelminthes      2) Watervascular system
c) Annelida                3) Muscular Pharynx
d) Arthropoda             4) Jointed appendages
e) Echinodermata      5) Metameres
1) a-2,b-3,c-5,d-4,e-1
2) a-2,b-5,c-3,d-4,e-1
3) a-1,b-3,c-5,d-4,e-2,
4) a-1,b-5,c-3,d-4,e-2

12) Match the columns I & II , and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I             Column II
a) Lamprey            1) Flame cells present
b) Rohu                  2) Tetrpoda
c) Lancelet            3) Migrate to fresh water for spawning
d) Camelus            4) Cycloid/ ctenoid scales
e) Trygon                5) Placoid scales
1) a-3,b-4,c-1,d-2,e-5
2) a-2,b-3,c-5,d-2,e-4
3) a-3,b-5,c-1,d-2,e-4
4) a-2,b-4,c-3,d-1,e-5

13) Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic feature without even a single exception ?
1) Chordata—posses a mouth provided with an upper and a lower jaw
2)Chondrichthyes- Possess cartilaginous endoskeleton
3) Mammalia- give birth to young ones
4)Reptilia- possess3-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle

14) In some plants a slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially for some time arch downwards to touch the ground. Here we are talking about
1) Pistia & Eichhornia
2) Mint & Jasmine
3) Banana, pineapple and Chrysanthemum
4) Opuntia & Euphorbia

15) Match the columns I, II, & III and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column I
a) If a pair of leaves arise at each node and lie opposite to each other
b) If more than two leaves arise at a node 
c) If a single leaf arise at each node
Column II
1) Alternate phyllotaxy
2) Opposite phyllotaxy
3) whorled phyllotaxy
Column III
K . Alstonia
L. China rose
M. Guava
1) a-1-L, b-3-M, c-2-K
2) a-2,-M,b-1-N,C-3-K
3) a-3-K,b-2-L,c-1-M
4) a-2-M, b-3-K,c-1-L

16) Read the following statements and find the suitable option
a) Generally petals are green, leaf like and protect the flower in the bud stage
b) Sepals are brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination
c) If stamens in a flower remain free this is called polyandrous
d) Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flattened , cushion like placenta
e) There may be a variation in the length of filaments of stamen within a flower, as in Salvinia and mustard
1) a,b &d are true but c&e are false
2) c,d and e are true but a &b are false
3) c & d are true but a,b &e are false
4) d & e are true but a,b & c are false

17) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement about dicotyledonous seed 
1) Above the hilum is a small pore called the micropyle
2) Within the seed coat is the embryo, consisting of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons
3) In castor the endosperm formed as a food storing tissue is pre-fertilisation structure
4) At the two ends of embryonal axis are present the radical and plumule

18) (A): Epiphyllous condition is found in the flowers of lily
(R ): In lily, stamens are attached to the perianth.
1) If both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of the A
2) If both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the A
3) If A is true , but R is false
4) If both A & R are false

19) Well developed pith is found in 
1) Monocot root & monocot stem
2) Monocot stem & dicot root
3) Monocot root & dicot stem
4) Dicot root and dicot stem

20) Match the Columns I and II and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I                Column II
a) Tendon                   1) Loose connective tissue
b) Ligament               2) Dense regular connective tissue
c) Areolar tissue       3) Dense irregular connective tissue
d) Adipose tissue      4) Specialised connective tissue
1) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
2) a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2
3) a-2, b-2, c-3, d-1
4) a-2, b-2, c-1, d-1

21) Bacterial cells have a chemically complex cell envelope. The cell envelope consists of a tightly bound three layer structure , i.e the
1) Outermost cell wall followed by the plasma membrance & then the glycocalyx
2) Outermost glycocalyx followed by plasma membrane and the cell wall
3) Outermost cell wall followed by the glycocalyxand then the plasma membrane
4) Outermost glycocalyx followed by the cell wall and then the plasma membrane

22) Which one is the wrong statement regarding cell organelles ?
1) Lysosomes are double-membraned vesicles budded off from Golgi bodies and contain digestive enzymes
2) Endoplasmic reticulum consists of a network of membranous tubules and helps in transport, synthesis and secretion
3) Leucoplasts are bound by two membranes , lack pigments but contain their own DNA and protein synthesizing machinery.
4) Spherosomes are single membrane bound and are associated with synthesis and storage of lipids

23) Match the Columns:
Column I
a) Endoplasmic reticulum
b) Free ribosome
c) Mitochondrion
d) Contractile vacuole
Column II
i. Cellular respiration
ii. Osmoregulation and excretion
iii. Synthesis of lipids
iv.Synthesis of non-secretory proteins
1) a-I,b-ii c-iv d-iii
2) a-iii, b-iv , c-I, d-ii
3) a-iii, b-ii, c-I, d-iv
4) a-ii, b-I, c-iii,d-iv

24) (A) : Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes are not considered as a part of the endomembrane system
(R) : Function of chloroplast , mitochondria and peroxisomes are not coordinated with ER, golgi complex , lysosomes and vacuoles
1) If both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of the A
2) If both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the A
3) If A is true , but R is false
4) If both A & R are false



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