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NEET UG 2016 Question Paper

1) Match the column I & Ii and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I                     Column II
a) Fishes                    1) Single circulation
b) amphibians          2) Incomplete double circulation
c) Reptiles                3) Double circulation
d) Birds              
e) Mammals
1) a-1, b-1,c- 2,d-2,e- 3
2) a-1,b- 1,c-2,d- 3,e-3
3) a-1,b- 2,c-2,d- 3,e-3
4) a-1,b- 2,c-3,d- 2,e-2

2) Match the abnormal conditions given in Column A with their explanations given in Column B and choose the correct option
       Column A                                        Column B
a) Glycosuria                              i) Accumulation of uric acid in joints
b) Renal calculi                        ii) Inflammation in glomeruli
c) Glomerulao nephritis          iii) Mass of crystallized salts within the kidney
d) Gout                                      iv) Presence of glucose in urine
1) a-i, b-iii,c- ii, d-iv
2) a-iii, b-ii, c-Iv, d-i,
3) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i,
4) a-iv, b-Ii, c-iii, d-i

3) If after cutting through dorsal root of a spinal nerve of a mammal, the associated receptor in skin was stimulated the animal would
1) Still be able to feel the stimulation
2) Show no response
3) Show a normal but slow response
4) Respond but only at a different level of spinal cord

4) In a medullated nerve fibre, conduction of impulse is faster due to
1) pericytes
2) Endoneurium & epineurium
3) Myelin sheath & nodes of Ranvier
4) Nissl granules

5) Fight-or flight reaction cause activation of
1) The pancreas leading to a reduction in the blood sugar levels
2) The parathyroid glands, leading to increased metabolic rate
3) The kidney, leading to suppression of rennin-angiotensin- aldosterone pathway
4) The adrenal medulla , leading to increased secretion of epinephrine & norepinephrine

6) In geitonogamy, pollen grains are transferred to
1) Genetically different flower
2) Genetically similar flower
3) Stigma of another flower of a different plant
4) Stigma of the same flower

7) A characteristic of entomophilous pollen grains is the presence of
1) Powdery nature
2) Sticky pollen kit material
3) Carotenoids
4) Ubisch bodies

8) Which is generally not a characteristic of anemophilous flower ?
1) Unisexual nature
2) Abundant pollen grains
3) Bright color
4) Reduction in number of sepals, petals & ovules

9) When some natural barriers exist between the stamens and pistil to check self-pollination, it is known as
1) Heterostyly
2) Dichogamy
3) Herkogamy
4) Dicliny

10) When the hilum , chalaza & micro pyle of ovule lie in the same long axis , it is known as
1) Amphitropous
2) Anatropous
3) Orthotropous
4) Campylotropous

11) If both the ovaries of a pregnant female are removed in the second trimester, it will lead to
1) Abortion
2) Slow development of fetus
3) Normal development
4) Premature birth

12) After a sperm has penetrated an ovum, the entry of other sperms is prevented by
1) Condensation of yolk
2) Formation of pigment coat
3) Development of vitelline
4) Development of fertilization membrane

13) Two off springs developed in the same uterus from the fertilization of two different ova are
1) Monozygotic twins
2) Dizygotic twins
3) fraternal twins
4) Both 2 &3

14) If for some reason the vasa efferentia in the human reproductive system get blocked , the gametes will not be transported from
1) Testes to epididymis
2) Epididymis to vas deferens
3) Ovary to uterus
4) Vagina to uterus

15) Which of the following can be included under natural methods of birth control?
1) Rhythm method
2) Coitus interruptus
3) Lactational amenorrhoea
4) all of these

16) From the cross AABbX aaBb, genotypes AaBB :AaBb:Aabb:aabb are obtained in the ratio of
1) 1:1:1:1
2) 1:2:1:0
3) 0:3:1:0
4) 1:1:1:0

17) The ratio of children with blood groups A:B:AB:O, born to a set of parents in which the mother is with blood group A and the father is with blood group B, will be
1) 1:1:1:1
2) 2:0:2:0
3) 0:0:4:0
4) all of these

18) In a linear chromosome , map distances between four lociare as follows: a-b- 10,b-c- 4,a-d- 3, a-c- 6. The expectedcross-over frequency between c and d is
1) 3 %
2) 9%
3) Either3% or 9%
4) 4% to 12%

19) A gene is said to be dominant if 1) It expresses its effect only in homozygous stage
2) It expresses its effect only in heterozygous condition
3) It expresses its effect both in homozygous and heterozygous conditions
4) It never expresses in any condition

20) If father shows normal genotype and mother shows a carrier trait for hemophilia
1) All female children will be carrier
2) A male child has 50% chances of active disease
3) A female child has 50% chances of active disease
4) All female children will be colorblind

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