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NEET UG 2016 Question Paper

1) Cell membrane possess lipid , protein and carbohydrate. The ratio of protein and Lipid varies considerably in different cell types. In human beings, the membrane of the RBCs has approximately
A) 40 per cent lipids and 52 per cent carbohydrates
B) 40 per cent protein and 52 per cent lipids
C) 40 per cent lipids and 52 per cent proteins
D) 40 per cent protein and 52 per cent carbohydrates

2) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement
1) Prokaryotes are generally smaller & multiply more rapidly than the eukaryotic cells
2) Glycocalyx could be a loose sheath called slime layer in some, while in others it called the capsule
3) The plasma membrane of prokaryotes is structurally dissimilar to that of eukaryotes
4) Chromatophores are the membranous extension into the cytoplasm of cyanobacteria which contain pigment

3) Read the following statements & find out the correct statement
1) Cells are formed de novo from abiotic materials
2) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell
3) Cells of all living organism have a nucleus
4) All of the above

4) (A) : The nuclear pores are the passage through which movement of RNA & protein molecules takes place in both directions between the cytoplasm & nucleoplasm
(R): Nuclear pores are formed by the fusion of two membranes of nucleus
1) If both A &R are true and R is the correct explanation of the A
2) If both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the A
3) If A is true, but R is false
4) If both A & R are false

5) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statements
1) Secondary metabolites are found in plant, fungal and microbial cells and we do not understand the role of these secondary metabolites in host organisms
2) Many secondary metabolites like rubber, drugs, spices, scents and pigments are useful to human welfare
3) Some secondary metabolites have ecological significance
4) Flavonoids , antibiotic, coloured pigments and lecithin are secondary metabolites

6) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement
1) All the elements present in sample of earths crust are also present in a sample of living tissue
2) Relative abundance of carbon and hydrogen with respect to other elements is higher in earths crust than in any living organisms
3) During chemical analysis trichlo roacetic acid (Cl3 CCOOH) is used
4) All of the above

7) Match the columns I & II, And choose the correct combination from the options given
        Column I                                     Column II
    ( Component)                  (% of the total cellular mass)
a) Ions                                                       i. 1
b) Lipids                                                  ii. 2
c) Carbohydrates                                   iii. 3
d) Necleic acids                                    iv. 5-7
e) Proteins                                               v. 10-15
1) a-I,b- ii c-iii d-iv e-v
2) a-ii, b-iii , c-I, d-v e-iv
3) a-iii, b-i, c-iI, d-iv e-v
4) a-iv, b-iI, c-iii,d- v e-i

8) The plane of alignment of the chro mosomes at metaphase is referred to as the
1) Metaphasic alignment
2) Chromosone alignment
3) Metaphase plate
4) All of the above

9) Cross over takes place in
1) Mitotic cell
2) Meiotic cell
3) Mutating cell
4) Amitotic cell

0) In meiosis I, the centromere undergoes
1) Division between anaphase & interphase
2) Division between prophase & metaphase
3) Division but the daughter chromosomes do not separate
4) No division

11) Path of water movement from soil to xylem is
1) Metaxylem Protoxylem - Cortex Soil Root hair
2) Cortex Root hair Endod ermis Pericyle? Protoxylem Metaxylem
3) Soil Root hair Cortex Endodermis? Pericycle Protoxylem Metaxylem
4) Pericycle Soil Root hair Cortex Endod ermis Protoxylem Metaxylem

12) When two molecules of nitrogen are converted into ammonia during nitrogen fixation , then how many ATP are utilized in this process ?
1) 8ATP
2) 16 ATP
3) 24 ATP
4) 32 ATP

13) Main difference between chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b is
1) CH3 of chlorophyll a is replaced by CHO in chlorophyll b
2) Chlorophyll a is linear while chlorophyll b is branched
3) Chlorophyll a has no Mg
4) All the above

14) Photophosphorylation is the process in which
1) CO2 & O2 unite
2) Phosphoglyceric acid is produced
3) Aspartic acid is formed
4) Light energy is converted into chemical energy through production of ATP

15) 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde is oxidized in glycolysis to form
1) 1,3-biphosphoglycerate
2) 3-phosphoglycerate
3) 2-phosphoglycerate
4) phosphophenol pyruvate

16) The living differentiated cells that by now have lost the capacity to divide can regain the capacity of division under certain conditions. This phenomenon is termed as
1) Differentiation
2) Dedifferentiation
3) Redifferentiation
4) Heterophylly

17) The stomach is located in the
1) Upper left portion of thoracic cavity
2) Lower left portion of thoracic cavity
3) Upper left portion of abdominal cavity
4) Upper right portion of abdominal cavity

18) Following are vitamins in column I and deficiency diseases in column II
i) K                          a) Beriberi
ii) D                        b) Haemorrhagic disease of new born
iii) B 1                   c) Night blindness
iv) A                       d) Rickets
What is the correct matching ?
1) i-c,ii- b,iii-d,iv- a
2) i-a,ii- b,iii-d,iv- c
3) i-b, ii-d,iii- a, iv-c
4) i-c,ii- d,iii-a,iv- b

19) What will be the pO2 and pCO2 in the atmospheric air compared to those in the alveolar air ?
1) pO2 lesser, pCO2 higher
2) pO2 higher, pCO2 lesser
3) pO2 higher , pCO2 higher
4) pO2 lesser, pCO2 lesser

20) Match the column I & Ii and choose the correct combination from the options given
     Column I                               Column II
a) Erythrocytes                    1) 5-5.5 millions mm -3
b) Leucocytes                      2) 6000-8000mm -3
c) Platelets                          3) 1,50,000-3,50,000 mm -3
1) a-1, b-2,c- 3
2) a-2,b- 1,c-3
3) a-3,b- 2,c-1
4) a-1,b- 3,c-2

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