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Botany NEET Practice Questions

general science telugu కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
1. Regions of root from the root tip to base are
a. Region of maturation g Region of elongation Region of meristrematic activity
b. Region of elongation g Region of maturation g Region of meristematic activity
c. Region of meristematic g Region ofelongation g Region of maturation
d. Region of dviding g Region of maturation  Region of elongation

2. Roots area absent in
a. Wolffia
b. Podostemon
c. Pistia
d. Lemma

3. At root tip, number of division to produce 100 cells is
a. 25
b. 50
c. 99
d. 100

4. Water and minerals absorption from soil are the function of
a. Root Hair
b. Root Cap
c. Stilt Root
d. Prop Roots

5. Sucking roots are present in the plant
a. Betal
b. Custuta
c. Magifera
d. Solanum

6. Green stems of unlimited growth, which have taken over the function of photosynthesis is called
a. Phylloclades
b. Tendrils
c. Modified shoot
d. Inflorescence

7. In banana, pineapple and Chrysanthemum, the lateral branches originate from the basal and underground portion of main stem and then come obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots. These branches are called
a. Runner
b. Corm
c. Bulb
d. Sucker

8. In plants like mint and jasmine, a slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially for sometime, arch downwards to touch the ground. This slender branch is called
a. Sucker
b. Stolon
c. Offset
d. Scramblers

9. Sub-aerial stem modification with long internodes is
a. Tuber
b. Phyllode
c. Phylloclode
d. Runner

10. Match the following columns:
    Column-1                 Column-2
A. Opuntia                1. Cladodes
B. Aspargus              2. Phylloclades
C. Cirtus                   3. Stem thorn
    A  B   C
a. 1   2    3
b. 1   3    2
c. 3   2    1
d. 2   1    3

11. Match the following columns:
   Column-1                                Column-2
(Types of phyllotaxy)                 (Name)
A. Single leaf arises     1. Whorled node in alteranate phyllotaxy manner
B. Pair of leaf arises    2. Opposite at each nodes and phyllotaxy arranged opposite to each other
C. More than two         3. Alternate leaves arises at each phyllotaxy node
    A   B   C
a) 3   2     1
b) 3   1     2
c) 1   2     3
d) 1   3     2

12. A student observed 34 inflorescences in Bougainvillea and 42 inflorescences in poinsettia. Find out the number of flowers in Bougainvillea and the number of female flowers in poinsettia respectively.
a. 34 & 126
b. 68 & 38
c. 204 & 164
d. 102 & 42

13. Inflorescence axis is called
a. rachis
b. pedicel
c. petiole
d. penduncle

14. I. When flower has both an androecium and gynoecium, it is called ....A.....
II. When flower has either stamens or only carpel, it is called....B.....
Complete the given statement by choosing appropriate options for A and B
a. A-unisexual; B-bisexual
b. A-bisexual; B-unisexual
c. A-bisexual, B-hermaphrodite
d. A-hermaphrodite; B-bisexual

15. Flowers with bracts, (reduced leaf found at the base of pedicel) are called....A..... and those without bracts, are called....B.... Complete the given statement by choosing appropriate options for A and B
a. A-bracteate; B-ebracteate
b. A-ebracteate; B-bracteate
c. A-pinnate; B-palmitate
d. A-palmitate; B-pinnate

16. Match the following columns:
         Column-1                   Column-2
a) Superior ovary           1. Hypogynous flower
b). Inferior ovary           2. Perigynous flower
                                      3. Epigynous flower
a. 1,2 3
b. 1 3
c. 2,3 1,2
d. 1,2 3,2

I. Petals
II. Usally brightly coloured
III. may be free
IV. may be fused Features given above represents.
a. calyx
b. corolla
c. sepals
d. androecium

I. Stantard petals
II. Wing petals
III. Keep petals
Above petals are found in
a. Valvate aestivation
b. Twised aestivation
c. Imbricate aestivation
d. Vexillary aestivation

19. Name the condition given in statements I & II
I. When stamens attached to the petals
II. When stamens attached to perianth I II
a. Epiphyllous Epipetalous
b. Epipetalous Epiphyllous
c. Staminode Epiphyllous
d. Epipetalous Hypoetalous
Botany NEET Practice Questions

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