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NEET pg Question Paper ~ Zoology ~


1. Which of the following is not related to Law of Segregation?
1) Factors affect the development of a character
2) Hereditary elements are carried in pairs
3) In F1 generation only one character is expressed
4) Factors do not mix in a hybrid

2. Which of the following set of plants show modification in the similar organ?
1) Cuscuta, Rafflesia, Taeniophyllum
2) Acacia, Opuntia, Casuarina
3) Pea, Gulmohar, Bean
4) Curcuma, Nepenthes, Carrot

3. If Karyokinesis is not followed by Cytokinesis, in mitosis, it results in:
1) Single cell with many nuclei
2) Single cell with no nucleus
3) Nucleus with double the number of chromosomes
4) Nucleus without any chromosomes

4. In a polypeptide chain..
1) Peptide bond forms between two (–COOH) groups.
2) Phosphodiester bond forms
3) In between amino acids peptide eliminates water moiety
4) Between amino acids disulphide bond forms

5. Which of the following two statements regarding the retina is correct?
(a) Fovea is the point of retina with the greatest visual activity (resolution)
(b) Fovea consists of densely packed cones only.
1) (a) is correct but (b) is false
2) (b) is correct but (a) is false
3) Both (a) and (b) are true
4) Both (a) and (b) are false

6. The amount of nutrients like C, N, P, Ca etc., present in the soil at any given time is considered as:
1) NPP
2) Standing crop
3) GPP
4) Standing state

7. Which of the following characteristic features always holds true for the corresponding group of animals?

Characteristic features
1) Two chambered heart, operculum, air bladder
2) Three chambered heart, cloaca, two pairs of limbs
3) Mammary glands, viviparous, two pairs of limbs
4) Homeotherms, oviparous, four chambered heart

Animal Group

8. Which of the following group is characterized by the animals with worm like body, exclusively marine, open circulatory system, gill respiration and proboscis gland for excretion?
1) Echinodermata
2) Mollusca
3) Hemichordata
4) Ctenophora

9. Which one of the following combinations is correct?
1) Adipose tissue - Dense connective tissue - Specialized to store fats
2) Areolar tissue - loose connective tissue - Beneath the skin
3) Tendon - Dense irregular tissue - Skeletal muscle with bone
4) Ligament - Dense regular tissue - In skin

10. Diagnostic report of a person revealed the fact that he is suffering with the deficiency of Vitamin B12. Based on that result assume which of the following cells in his alimentary canal are not working properly /damaged?
1) Peptic cells
2) Brunner's gland cells
3) Oxyntic cells
4) Neck cells

11. Which part of female cockroach receives spermatophores from male cockroach during copulation?
1) Seminal vesicles
2) Spermathecae
3) Collaterial glands
4) Oothecal chamber

12. In human beings, which blood vessel would normally carry largest amount of nutrients?
1) Hepatic veins
2) Post caval vein
3) Hepatic portal vein
4) Left systemic arch

13. Which of the following are true about Leydig cells in human beings?
1) Present in interstitial spaces around seminiferous tubules - Secrete testosterone
2) Located in germinal epithelium of seminiferous tubules - Secrete inhibin
3) Present in granulosa cells of antral follicle - Secrete estrogens
4) Located in graffian follicle -

14. Identify the type of PEM which occurs in the infants less than a year in age if mother's milk is replaced too early by other foods which are poor in both protein and caloric values?
1) Rickets
2) Cretinism
3) Kwashiorkor
4) Marasmus

15. Match the following conditions/- disorders given in column - I with the reasons mentioned in column - II and choose the correct option.
Column - I
(a) Acromegaly
(b) Grave's disease
(c) Addisson's disease
(d) Diabetes mellitus
(e) Diabetes insipidus
Column - II
(i) Hypo secretion of ADH
(ii) Hypo secretion of insulin
(iii) Hyper secretion of Growth hormone
(iv) Hypo secretion of gluco corticoids
(v) Hyperthryroidism
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (v)
2) (iii) (v) (iv) (ii) (i)
3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (v) (i)
4) (ii) (v) (i) (iv) (iii)

NEET pg Question Paper ~ Zoology ~

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