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SBI Reasoning

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions:
Seven people, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V have a seminar, but not necessarily in the same order, in seven different months (of the same year), namely January, February, March, June, August, October and December. Each of them also likes a different fruit, namely Banana, Grapes, Papava, Orange, Mango, Litchi and Apple, but not necessarily in the same order. R has a seminar in a month which has less than 31 days. Only two people have a seminar between R and S. The one who likes Banana has a seminar immediately before S. Only one person has a seminar before the one who likes Papaya. Q has a seminar immediately after the one who likes Papaya. Only three people have a seminar between Q and the one who likes Mango. T likes neither Mango nor Papaya. P has a seminar immediately before T. V likes Apple. The one who likes Grapes has a seminar in the month which has less than 31 days. The one who has a seminar in March does not like Orange.

1. In which of the following months does S have a seminar?
1) January
2) Can’t be determined
3) October
4) December
5) June

2. Who among the following have seminars in January and June respectively?
1) V, S
2) U, S
3) Q, T
4) V, R
5) U, R

3. How many people has/have a seminar between the months in which V and R have seminars?
1) None
2) Two
3) Three
4) One
5) More than three

4. As per the given arrangement, R is related to Banana and Q is related to Orange following a certain pattern. Which of the following is V related to following the same pattern?
1) Manago
2) Litchi
3) Apple
4) Papaya
5) Grapes

5. Which of the following fruit does U like?
1) Orange
2) Papaya
3) Manago
4) Banana
5) Grapes

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A word and number arrangement machine when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.
Input: 46 span role 62 79 into main 13 39 deal
Step I: 79 46 role 62 into main 13 39 deal span
Step II: 62 79 46 into main 13 39 deal span role
Step III: 46 62 79 into 13 39 deal span role main
Step IV: 39 46 62 79 13 deal span role main into
Step V: 13 39 46 62 79 span role main into deal

And Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 11 east 54 vent kind 35 over 27 71 bowl

6. How many elements are there between ‘35’ and ‘kind’ in the last step?
1) Two
2) Four
3) One
4) Three
5) None

7. What is the position of ‘bowl’ from the right of ‘71’ in the second step?
1) Seventh
2) Fifth
3) Sixth
4) Second
5) Third

8. Which of the following are the two consecutive elements on the immediate right of ‘over’ in the second last step?
1) bowl, vent
2) 11, bowl
3) vent, kind
4) 71, 11
5) kind, east

9. Which is the third element to the left of the sixth element from the left end in the first step?
1) over
2) 35
3) bowl
4) east
5) 27

10. In step II, which element appears exactly between ‘27’ and ‘over’?
1) Only 11
2) Only 71
3) Both kind and 71
4) Only kind
5) Both bowl and vent

Directions (11-15): IIn each question below are given two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
11. Statements:
All apartments are houses.
No apartment is a motel.
I. Some houses being motels is a possibility.
II. No house is a motel.
1) Both conclusion I and II are true.
2) Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
3) Either conclusion I or II is true.
4) Only conclusion I is true.
5) Only conclusion II is true.

12. Statements:
All plants are trees.
Some trees are weeds.
All weeds are shrubs.
I. No shrub is a plant.
II. All weeds being trees is a possibility.
1) Only conclusion II is true.
2) Only conclusion I is true.
3) Either conclusion I or II is true.
4) Both conclusion I and II are true.
5) Neither conclusion I nor II is true.

13. Statements:
Some drinks are juices.
All juices are beverages.
No beverage is a solid.
I. No juice is a solid.
II. No drink is a solid.
1) Only conclusion I is true.
2) Only conclusion II is true.
3) Both conclusion I and II are true.
4) Either conclusion I or II is true.
5) Neither conclusion I nor II is true.

14. Statements:
Some drinks are juices.
All juices are beverages.
No beverage is a solid.
I. Some drinks are beverages.
II. All drinks are beverages.
1) Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
2) Either conclusion I or II is true.
3) Both conclusion I and II are true.
4) Only conclusion I is true.
5) Only conclusion II is true.

15. Statements:
All plants are trees.
Some trees are weeds.
All weeds are shrubs.
I. At least some trees are shrubs.
II. All plants being shrubs is a possibility.
1) Only conclusion II is true.
2) Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
3) Both conclusion I and II are true.
4) Only conclusion I is true.
5) Either conclusion I or II is true

Directions (16-18): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions:
Each of the six buildings P, Q, R, S, T and U houses different numbers of offices. S has more offices than only T and R. Q has more number of offices than P but less than what of U. R does not house the least number of offices. The building which houses the least number of offices has 5 offices. The building which has the second highest number of offices has 23 offices. S has 11 less number of offices than Q

16. Which of the following buildings has the second least number of offices?
1) Q
2) U
3) R
4) P
5) T

17. If the number of offices in P is an even number which is divisible by 2 as well as 3, how many offices does P have?
1) 20
2) 24
3) 16
4) 18
5) 12

18. Which of the following may be the number of offices in R?
1) 25
2) 12
3) 13
4) 14
5) 11

Directions (19-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
R is married to U. U is mother of L. L is sister of D. U has only one daughter. D is married to J. K is son of J. F is mother of J.

19. How is D related to F?
1) Can’t be determined
2) Daughter
3) Daughter-in-law
4) Son-in-law
5) Son

20. How is R related to K?
1) Can’t be determined
2) Father-in-law
3) Grandfather
4) Father
5) Uncle

SBI Reasoning

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