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Word Analogy Examples (Use Full for BANK/SSC/SI/PC/PGT/TGT)


Analogy means similarity. In this type of questions, two object related in some way are given and third object is also given with four alternatives. The candidates are required to find out which one of the alternatives bears the sane relationship in the given questions. In this topic mainly ‘3’ models are there. Which are:

a. Word analogy-----
1. Single word analogy
2. Double word analogy

(b) Letter (Alphabet) Analogy
(c) Number analogy
some important areas (topics) for word analogy questions.
Instrument and Measurement:
Ex: Barometer : Pressure Barometer is an Instrument used to measure.
Examples :
. Anemometer : Wind vane
. Odometer : Speed
. Seismograph : Earth quakes
. Altimeter : Altitude
. Micrometer : Minute-Length
. Hydrometer : Density
. Hygrometer : Humidity
. Taseometer : Strains
. Actimometer : Heat intensity of sun rays

Study and Topic :
Examples :: Ornithology : Birds
Ornithology is the study of birds.
Examples :
. Seismology : Earthquakes
. Onomatology : Names
. Pathology : Diseases
. Ichthyology : Fishes
. Semantics : Language
. Concology : Shells
. Mycology : Fungi
. Pedology : Soil
. Apiculture : Heart
. Animal and Young one :
Examples :: Cow : Calf
Calf is the young one of cow.
Examples :
. Horse : Pony
. Cat : Kitten
. Sheep : Lamb
. Butterfly : Caterpillar
. Tortoise : Turtle
. Individual and Class :
Examples :: Lizard : Reptile
Lizard belongs to the class of reptiles.
Examples :
. Snake : Reptile
. Butterfly : Insect
. Whale : Mammal
. Rat : Rodent
. Male and Female :
Examples :: Horse : Mare
Mare is the female horse.
Examples :
. Dog : Bitch
. Stage : doe
. Lion : Lioness
. Sorcerer : Sorceress
. Brother : Sister
. Individual and dwelling place:
Examples :: Dog : Kennel
A dog lives in a kennel.
Examples :
. Bee : Apiary
. Cattle : Shed
. Monk : Monastery
. Fish : Aquarium
. Horse : Stable


 Individual and Group:
Examples :: Sailors : Crew
A group of sailors is called a crew.
Examples :
. Cattle : Herd
. Flower : Bouquet
. Singer : Chorus
. Artist : Troupe
. Fish : Shoal
. Sheep : Flock
. Worker and Tool:
Examples :: Blacksmith : Anvil
Anvil is the tool used by a blacksmith.
Examples :
. Soldier : Gun
. Sculptor : Chisel
. Mason : Plumb line
. Chef : Knife
. Butcher : Chopper
. Worker and Product:
Examples :: Mason: Wall
A mason builds a wall.
Examples :
. Farmer : Crop
. Cobbler : Shoes
. Judge : Justice
. Tool and Action:
Examples :: Needle : Sew
A needle is used for sewing.
Examples :
. Sword : Slaughter
. Mattock : Dig
. Steering : Drive
. Microscope : Magnify
. Oar : Row
. Worker and Working Place:
Examples :: Chef : kitchen
A chef works in a kitchen.
Examples :
. Warrior : Battlefield
. Pilot : Cockpit
. Artist : Theatre
. Driver : Cabin
. Grocer : Shop
. Animal and Sound Relationship:
Examples :: Dog : bark
A dog makes a sound which is
Examples :
. Horse : Neigh
. Goat : Bleat
. Donkey : Bray
. Monkey : Chatter
. Elephant : Trumpet
. Bear : Growl
. Quantity and Unit:
Examples :: Length : Meter
Meter is the unit of place.
Examples :
. Pressure : Pascal
. Speed of ship : Knot
. Word and Antonym:
Examples :: Abode : Dwelling
Abode means almost the same as Dwelling.
Thus, Dwelling is the synonym of Abode.
Examples :
. Sink : Float
. Deep : Shallow
. Create : Destroy
. Country and Capital:
Examples :: Afghanistan : Kabul
Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan.
Examples :
. Bangladesh : Dhaka
. Denmark : Copenhagen
. Kenya : Nairobi
. Cuba : Havana
. Thailand : Bangkok
. Country and Currency:
Examples :: India : Rupee
Rupee is the currency of India.
Examples :
. Greece : Drachma
. Thailand : Baht
. Netherlands : Guilder
. Russia : Ruble
. Turkey : Lira
. Games and place of playing:
Examples :: Badminton : Court
Badminton is played on a court.
Examples :
. Hockey : Ground
. Skating : Rink
. Cricket : Pitch
. Tennis : court
. Wrestling : Arena

Some Important Questions

1. Melt: Liquid : : Freeze : ?
A. Ice
B. Condense
C. Solid
D. Force

2. Eye: Myopia :: teeth : ?
A. Pyorrhea
B. Cataract
C. Trachoma
D. Eczema

3. Ocean: Pond:: Kilometer : ?
A. Centimeter
B. Meter
C. Millimeter
D. December

4. Clock : Time :: Yard : ?
A. Wrist
B. Speed
C. Sand
D. Distance

5. Bank : River : : Coast : ?
A. Beach
B. Sea
C. Waves
D. Flood

6. Carbon: Diamond:: Corundum : ?
A. Garnet
B. Ruby
C. Pukhraj
D. Pearl

7. Rectangle: Square:: Ellipse : ?
A. Centre
B. Diameter
C. Circle
D. Radius

8. South: North-West :: West : ?
A. North
B. South-West
C. North-East
D. East

9. Country: President :: State : ?
A. Governor
B. M.P
C. Legislator
D. Minister

10. Cell : Cytology :: Birds : ?
A. Odontology
B. Mycology
C. Ornithology
D. Etymology

Word Analogy Examples (Use Full for BANK/SSC/SI/PC/PGT/TGT)

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