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Sample Bank Exam Question Papers with Answers


(1-5) Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the given question.
Seven students A, B, C, D, E, F and G come to participate in a race event and are wearing jerseys of different colours i.e. red, yellow, blue, purple, white, brown and black, but not necessarily in the same order. They are from different colleges X, Y and Z. There are at least two students from same college. B is not from college Y. A is wearing white jersey. F is from college Z. There is only one more participant from B's college and that participant is wearing black jersey. C and D are from same college. F and G are not from same college. G is either wearing purple jersey or red jersey. The only other participant from A's college is wearing blue jersey. E is not wearing blue jersey. C is either wearing red jersey or black jersey. The participant who is wearing yellow jersey is from college Y.

1. Who is wearing the black jersey?
1. C
2. D
3. E
4. F
5. G

2. Which among the following is a pair of students from same college?
1. AE
2. AF
3. BG
4. CF
5. EG

3. What is the name of the student who is from college X but not wearing black or blue jersey?
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. E
5. F

4. In which of the following groups, all the participants are from different colleges?
1. ACG
2. BEF
3. CEF
4. DEG
5. FGA

5. What is the colour of the jersey which D is wearing?
1. Brown
2. Yellow
3. Black
4. Red
5. Purple

(6-10) Directions: Study the following information to answer the given question. Nine persons named Molly, Nony, Karan, Paras, Atul, Romy, Sachin, Tarun and Udit are sitting in a row from west to east. Some of them are facing north while others are facing south.

Romy is sitting to the immediate right of Paras and Sachin is to the immediate left of
Nony. Udit is sitting between Nony and Atul. Tarun is sitting between Karan and Paras, and Molly is between Romy and Sachin. Tarun is second from the west and Nony is third from the east. Molly is facing the south direction and the immediate neighbours of Molly are facing the opposite direction. Persons at the extreme ends are facing north. Udit and Tarun are facing the same direction as Molly, while Paras and Nony are facing the same direction as Sachin.

6. How many persons are facing the north direction?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
5. 7

7. Who is sitting in the middle?
1. Romy
2. Molly
3. Sachin
4. Nony
5. Tarun

8. Other than Karan, who is sitting at the extreme end?
1. Atul
2. Tarun
3. Paras
4. Nony
5. Molly

9. How many persons are there between Tarun and Atul?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
5. None of these

10. Who among the following is third to the right of Molly?
1. Tarun
2. Udit
3. Paras
4. Nony
5. Atul

(11-15) Directions: In the question below, three statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to assume everything in the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the four given conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements, disregarding commonly known facts, and select the appropriate answer.

11. Statements:
All shirts are wet.
Some wet shirts are stinky.
Some stinky shirts are dirty.
I. All shirts are dirty.
II. All wet shirts are dirty.
III. Some shirts are dirty.
IV. All stinky shirts are dirty.
1. Only I follows
2. Only II follows
3. Only III follows
4. Both II and III follow
5. Both I and II follow

12. Statements:
Some doors are keys.
Some keys are notes.
All the notes are pink.
I. Some pink are keys.
II. Some notes are doors.
III. No notes are doors.
IV. Some keys are doors.
1. Only I and IV follow.
2. Only II and III follow.
3. Either I or IV follows.
4. Either II or III follows.
5. Only I, IV and either II or III follow.

13. Statements:
Some flowers are pink.
Some pink are fresh.
All fresh are sweetners.
I.Some fresh are pink.
II. Some sweetners are flowers.
III. All the flowers are sweetners.
IV. Some sweetners are fresh.
1. Only I and IV follow.
2. Only II and III follow.
3. Either I or II follows.
4. Either III or IV follows.
5. Only I follows.

14. Statements:
All clocks are hours.
All hours are minutes.
No minutes are seconds.
I. No hours are seconds.
II. All minutes are hours.
III. Some seconds are hours.
IV. No minutes are clocks.
1. Only I follows.
2. Only II follows.
3. Only III follows.
4. Only IV follows.
5. Only I and II follow.

15. Statements:
All pens are charts.
All charts are sketches.
Some crayons are sketches.
I. Some sketches are pens.
II. All charts are pens.
III. Some crayons are pens.
IV. Some crayons are charts.
1. Only I and IV follow
2. Only II and III follow
3. Only I follows
4. Only II follows
5. Only III follows

(16-18) Directions: Study the following information and answer the given question.
* R is the brother of J. K is the son of R.
* J is the wife of Q. S is the mother of G.
* N is the mother-in-law of S who is the sisterin-law of T. A is niece of T.
* R has no daughter. He has one brother who is unmarried.

16. How is J related to S?
1. Sister
2. Sister-in-law
3. Daughter
4. Cousin
5. Aunt

17. How is N related to Q?
1. Mother
2. Mother-in-law
3. Daughter
4. Sister
5. Aunt

18. How many females are there in the family, if there are only those members in the family which are mentioned in the information given above?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
5. 6

(19- 20). Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the given question. A is 15 m to the north of C. Z is 10 m to the east of C and 10 m to the north of X. T is 5 m to the east of X. H is 20 m to the north of T. Q is 7 m to the east of H and 7 m to the south of G. N is 12 m to the west of G.
19. If D is 5 m to the south of N, how far is D from Z?
1. 5 m
2. 8 m
3. 10 m
4. 12 m
5.15 m

20. If F is 16 m to the west of X, then what is the distance between F and H?
1. 20 m
2. 21 m
3. 25 m
4. 29 m
5. 33m

(21- 25) Directions: The symbols ♀, ☼, #, % and @ are used with different meanings as given below:
‘G ♀ H’ means G is neither smaller than nor equal to H.
‘G ☼ H’ means G is neither greater than nor equal to H.
‘G # H’ means G is neither smaller than nor greater than H.
‘G % H’ means G is not smaller than H.
‘G @ H’ means G is not greater than H.
In the question, four statements showing relationships ,followed by three conclusions A, B and C have been given. Assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the conclusions
is/are definitely true.

21. Statements:
K @ J
L♀ M
R # J
R ☼ L
A. K % R
B. L ☼ J
C. R @ M
1. Only A and B follow
2. Only B and C follow
3. Only C and A follow
4. None follows
5. All follow

22. Statements:
P ☼ U
F @ X
A # P
X % A
A. X # P
B. P ☼ X
C. U ♀ F
1. Only A and C follow
2. Only B and C follow
3. All follow
4. Either A or B follows
5. None

23. Statements:
R ☼ A
L % A
K ☼ P
P @ R
A. L % R
B. K ☼ A
C. L ☼ P
1. Only A follows
2. Only B follows
3. Only C follows
4. All follow
5. None follows

24. Statements:
D ♀ K
L % K
V ♀ A
L ☼ V
A. D ♀ L
B. K ☼ V
C. L ♀ A
1. Only A follows
2. Only B follows
3. Only C follows
4. All follow
5. None follows

25. Statements:
Y # H
T # W
H ☼ N
N @ T
A. H ☼ T
B. W ♀ X
C. Y ☼ N
1. A follows
2. B follows
3. C follows
4. All follow
5. None

(26-30) Directions: Study the information given below and answer the following question:
In a certain code language,
‘Playing is fun’ is written as ‘It st oh’, ‘girls friendship playing’ is written as ‘ji mp lt’ ‘friendship is everything’ is written as ‘mp st po’ ‘playing is healthy’ is written as ‘st lt oe’ ‘fu with friends’ is written as ‘oh df ui’ (All the codes are two-letter codes only)

26. What may be the possible code for ‘fun’ in the given code language?
1. oh
2. Lt
3. St
4. Mp
5. None

27. What may be the possible code for ‘healthy wealthy’ in the given code language?
1. oe sa
2. ui lt
3. lt oe
4. oh mp
5. mp lt

28. What may be the possible code for ‘friendship’ in the given code language?
1. lt
2. Ui
3. St
4. Mp
5. oh

29. What may be the possible words for ‘ji’ in the given code language?
1. fun
2. Is
3. Playing
4. Girls
5. friendship

30. What may be the possible words for ‘ui df’ in the given code language?
1. fun playing
2. friendship fun
3. playing with
4. with friends
5. friendship playing
Sample Bank Exam Question Papers with Answers

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