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English Language Competitive Questions for Competitive Exams


Directions : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.
1. Special gifts have been given (1)/ to Pragati (2)/ since, she is the wisest and honest (3)/ worker in the factory. (4)/ No error (5).

2. Each of these ten seats (1)/ are already reserved (2)/ for awardees and hence (3)/ I am directed to occupy a seat in the next row. (4)/ No error (5).

3. Mr. Kiran can enlighten you (1)/ of more details (2)/ since he was present (3)/ on both days of the seminar. (4)/ No error (5).

4. Great many participants (1)/ who attended the programme (2)/ exuded their joy (3)/ for having taken part in the deliberations. (4)/ No error (5).

5. It should be "next to"n (1)/ easily be located. It is (2)/ nearest to (3)/ the post office. (4)/ No error (5).

Directions : Which of the phrases 1, 2, 3, 4 given below each sentence should replace the phrase in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is mark 5 as the answer.

6. Kalidasa is greater than any other poet.
1) every poet
2) each poet
3) any other poets
4) every other poet
5) No correction required

7. Bheema was becoming strong day by day.
1) was becoming stronger
2) had been becoming strong
3) became stronger
4) had become stronger
5) No correction required

8. Some kings wanted to spend their rest of lives in forests.
1) want to spend their remaining life
2) wanted to spend their remaining lives
3) had wanted to spend their lives
4) wanted spending rest of lives
5) No correction required

9. Worth seeing sights must not be ignored.
1) Worth - seeing sights should
2) Worth seen sights must
3) Sight worth seeing
4) Sights worth seeing
5) No correction required

10. I have never seen so good a boy.
1) so better boy
2) so better a boy
3) as good a boy
4) so good boy
5) No correction required

Directions : In each of the following sentences, there are two blanks. Below each sentence, there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully correct.

11. ........ goals are with in the ........ of your capability.
1) surmountable, talent
2) attainable, purview
3) reverential, compass
4) hard, encompass
5) adamantine, stability

12. Think ......... over ways and means of .......... your difficulties.
1) profoundly, surmounting
2) grand, preferring
3) lucidly, reaching
4) clearly, generating
5) eventfully, coming

13. There is no ................ the fact that children are at home for a longer time than they are in the class room ................ school life being held to be important.
1) agreeing, as
2) denying, despite
3) putting, but
4) bringing, on
5) praising, even though

14. He joined an organization and was ......... with .......... when they put him on a programme.
1) declared, experience
2) interviewed, grit
3) petrified, fright
4) glad, people
5) shy, fury

15. The ........... William James said that an average person uses ten percent of his/ her ............ mental abilities.
1) enrolled, hidden
2) renowned, latent
3) famous, discovered
4) brilliant, perceivable
5) triumphant, absurd

Directions : Four words are given in each of the questions of which two are most nearly the same/ opposite in meaning. Find the number of correct letter combination.

16. A) Autocratic
B) Dictatorial
C) Breezy
D) Abode
1) A - B
2) A - C
3) A - D
4) C - B
5) C - D

17. A) Wheedle
B) Diligent
C) Cajole
D) Bizzare
1) B - C
2) A - B
3) C - D
4) A - C
5) D - A

18. A) Basheful
B) Grace
C) Yoke
D) Reticent
1) B - A
2) A - C
3) A - D
4) B - C
5) C - D

19. A) Unfold
B) Impersonal
C) Solemn
D) Hide
1) D - C
2) C - B
3) A - D
4) C - A
5) A - B

20. A) Sanctified
B) Impartial
C) Laborious
D) Numinous
1) B - C
2) C - A
3) A - D
4) D - B
5) B - A

Directions : Rearrange the following sentences in proper order and then answer the questions given below them.
A. I never went to parties; never had any fun; and when to school, I never joined the other children in athletics.
B. She always said, "wide will wear while narrow will tear"; she dressed me accordingly.
C. As a child, I was extremely sensitive and shy.
D. I had an old fashioned mother who thought it was foolish to make clothes look pretty.
E. I was overweight and my cheeks made me look even fatter than I was.

21. Which is the first sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

22. Which is the second sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

23. Which is the third sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

24. Which is the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

25. Which is the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

Directions : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These blanks are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately.

Find out the appropriate word in each case. Everyone wants to burn ..(26)... Ask ..(27).. who spends time sweating out in a gym or on the field, and he will tell you that fat is ..(28)... Fat just does not fit into their ..(29).. and the ultimate aim of any form of ..(30).. activity is directed at the removal of fat. Fat was what one of the ..(31).. had in his ..(32).., when he sat down to think what time of the ..(33).. was the best time to try and lose fat. He got together a group of people, and made them go ..(34).. once in the morning and once in the afternoon. And, though they expended the same number of calories in both workouts, they ..(35).. more fat in the morning than in the afternoon.

26. 1) petrol 2) gas 3) fat 4) oil 5) wood

27. 1) dog 2) cat 3) rat 4) person 5) rabbit

28. 1) in 2) on 3) out 4) of 5) under

29. 1) homes 2) offices 3) cars 4) programmes 5) garages

30. 1) spiritual 2) mental 3) psychological 4) physical 5) intellectual

31. 1) tables 2) wolves 3) cars 4) seafish 5) professors

32. 1) nose 2) arms 3) legs 4) mind 5) stomach

33. 1) Year 2) month 3) century 4) week 5) day

34. 1) Jogging 2) eating 3) sleeping 4) sitting 5) relaxing

35. 1) sacrificed 2) burned 3) gathered 4) avoided 5) None of these

English Language Competitive Questions for Competitive Exams


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