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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice Questions

Directions (Q.No. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J have some Red and Green balls. Both kinds of balls are 1-10 in number. No 2 persons have the same number of same coloured ball. It is also known that. I and J have 16 red balls in total. B has 6 Red balls more than G. The total number of Green balls owned by C and I is equal to the number of Green balls that H has. C has less number of Green balls than I. Only H has 18 balls in total such that the number of Green balls he has is more than his red balls. Only C has equal number of Red and Green balls. B has 10 balls in total. Only G has Green balls twice than the Red balls. A has 9 balls in total, he has more Green balls than Red balls. The number of red balls owned by D is equal to the number of Green balls owned by E. E has 8 balls in total. E and F have 16 Green balls in total. J has 3 Green balls

1. How many persons have odd number of total balls?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 6

2. Who has the 2nd highest number of total balls?
a) E
b) F
c) I
d) J
e) Both F and I

3. What is the difference between the Green balls owned by B and the Red balls owned by D?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
e) 8

4. What is the sum of Red balls owned by F and I?
a) 9
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12
e) 13

5. What is the difference between the Red balls owned by B and E?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
e) 9

Directions (Q.No.6-10): A machine is programmed in such a manner that when some elements are provided, it gives output in the following pattern. Observe the pattern and answer accordingly.
Input: Amend 77 56 11 Frustrate 34 Result Comparison Night Day 29 66
Step I: Day Amend 77 11 Frustrate 34 Result Comparison Night 29 66 56
Step II: Day Amend Night 77 11 Frustrate 34 Result Comparison 66 29 56
Step III: Day Amend Night Result 77 11 Frustrate Comparison 66 34 29 56
Step IV: Day Amend Night Result Frustrate 11 Comparison 66 77 34 29 56
Step V: Day Amend Night Result Frustrate Comparison 11 66 77 34 29 56
Step V is the final step of the input.
Input: 22 67 10 Medicine Contemporary 18 Regret Jeopardy 31 57 College Fan

6. How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) None of these

7. What is the position of 'Jeopardy' from the right end in step III?
a) 4th
b) 3rd
c) 2nd
d) 6th
e) None of these

8. How many element(s) are there between 'Contemporary' and 'College' in step II?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) None of these

9. Which of the following will be the fifth step of the input?
a) Fan Regret College Jeopardy Medicine Contemporary 22 31 57 10 18 67
b) Fan Regret College Medicine Jeopardy Contemporary 22 31 57 10 18 67
c) Fan Regret College Jeopardy Medicine Contemporary 31 22 57 10 18 67
d) Fan Regret College Jeopardy Medicine Contemporary 22 31 57 18 10 67
e) There is no such step

10. Which element will be second to the right of '22' in step III?
a) Contemporary
b) Medicine
c) 31
d) 18
e) None of these

Directions (Q.No. 11-15) Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions
Amit and Archana are celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary in a multi cuisine restaurant. They have invited six couples to this occasion. Out of seven couples present three are vegetarian and three are nonvegetarian and one couple is such that wife is vegetarian and husband is non vegetarian. All of them sit on a long rectangular dining table with six people on each length side and one on each bredath. All but one wives are facing east and all are facing towards their respective husbands who all except one are sitting together. Each one of them orders their favourite cuisines which are Chicken chow Mein, Meat balls, Veg pasta, Veg biryani, Mutton korma, Fish biryani, Prawn curry, Cheese sandwich, Palak paneer, Veg spring rolls, Aalo chaat, Veg burger, Chicken biryani, Keema pulav. Also Veg pasta, Veg biryani, Cheese sandwich, Palak paneer, Veg spring rolls, Aalo chaat, Veg burger are all vegetarian dishes while the rest are non-vegetarian. Following information is known about them. Amit, Rahul, Naveen, Aditya, Jitu, Kalpesh and Sameer are males while the rest are females. Yogita is married to Rahul who likes Veg biryani but both his neighbours are non vegetarians and is sitting second to the right of Sameer, who is not married to Aditi or Kavita. Surbhi is a vegetarian and is facing Naveen. Kavita does not sit on any extreme end of table. Kalpesh is not an immediate neighbor of Jitu or Naveen and is not married to Ridhi or Kavita. Jitu likes Keema pulav. One who likes Prawn curry is facing south towards one who likes Veg pasta. Ridhi likes either Chicken chow mein or Palak paneer and Kalpesh likes either Mutton korma or Cheese sandwich. Surbhi does not like Palak paneer or Cheese sandwich and Yogita does not like Cheese sandwich. Naveen likes Veg Burger and Sameer sits on an extreme end of table and does not like any Biryani cuisine. Based on above information answer following questions.

11. Which couple is the odd one?
a) Amit-Archana
b) Rahul-Yogita
c) Kalpesh-Aditi
d) Sameer-Surbhi
e) None of these

12. Who likes Chicken biryani and palak paneer respectively?
a) Aditi and Yogita
b) Kavita and Yogita
c) Aditi and Kavita
d) Either a or b
e) Either b or c

13. Which of the following are not a couple?
a) Sameer-Ridhi
b) Aditi-Kalpesh
c) Kavita-Jitu
d) Surbhi-Naveen
e) Sameer-Surbhi

14. Which combination is correct?
a) Priya-cheese sandwich- non vegetarian
b) Sameer-Prawn curry-Non vegetarian
c) Surbhi-spring rolls-vegetarian
d) None is correct
e) All are correct

15. Who sits between Priya and Aditya?
a) Amit
b) Archana
c) Surbhi
d) Naveen
e) Either b or d

Directions (Q.No. 16) Study the following series carefully and answer the question.
16. If all the letters are changed to next letter in English alphabets, then how many vowels are there which is immediately preceded by a vowel and immediately followed by a consonant?
a) None
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4

17. Vinod started from his house in the morning and took left turn and went ahead. While going ahead took a turn of 1170° anticlockwise and thus he met Arvind who was coming from opposite direction of Vinod. If shadow of Arvind was falling in front of him, then what was the original direction in which Vinod was facing before starting?
a) South
b) West
c) East
d) North
e) Cannot be determined

GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice Questions


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