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ISAT Questions Logical Reasoning

Directions (Q.No.1-5): Study the following information and answer the given questions
A family of eight members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table. Each of them is facing outside the center. R sits third to the left of Q. The head of the family, who is the oldest person in the family, is sitting between Q and her husband and that person is not V. W is the youngest member of the family and he is not the son of P. At present, there are only two couples in the family and none of the couples are either one of the oldest or youngest. Only one couple among the two is sitting together. U sits fourth to the right of W and neither of them are an immediate member of R. P, the son of Q, is sitting to the immediate left of U. U is unmarried male. S is sitting second to the right of his fatherin-law.

1. How is R related to P?
a) Sister
b) Brother
c) Sister-in-law
d) Can't be determined
e) None of these

2. Who is sitting third to the right of T?
a) P
b) S
c) W
d) R
e) None of these

3. How is T related to U?
a) Father
b) Grandfather
c) Grandmother
d) Can't be determined
e) None of these

4. Who is sitting exactly between R and T?
a) U
b) The brother of R
c) W
d) Can't be determined
e) Both 'U' and 'W'

5. Find the odd one out.
a) U
b) P
c) W
d) R
e) V

Directions(Q.No.6-10): In the given question, a set of conclusions is given. There are five options comprising of three or more statements. You need to choose the option that contains the set of statements from which the given conclusion logically follow.

6. Conclusions:
All flats are hugs.
Some rakes are not desks.
a) Some flats are not desks. All desks are hugs. No hug is a rake.
b) All flats are desks. All desks are hugs. All rakes are hugs.
c) All flats are rakes. All rakes are hugs. Some flats are not desks.
d) No desk is a flat. All flats are rakes. All rakes are hugs.
e) Both c and d

7. Conclusions:
No leg is a mine.
All legs are chairs.
a) Some chairs are not mines. Some caps are chairs. All legs are caps.
b) No mine is a cap. All legs are caps. All caps are chairs.
c) Some chairs are not mines. All chairs are caps. Some legs are caps.
d) All chairs are caps. No leg is a cap. Some chairs are not mines.
e) Both a and d

8. Conclusions:
No sin is a liver.
Some buns are not livers.
a) Some sins are not planets. All planets are buns. Some livers are buns.
b) All sins are planets. All livers are buns. No bun is a planet.
c) Some sins are buns. Some planets are livers. No planet is a bun.
d) Some buns are not planets. All livers are planets. No sin is a planet.
e) Both b and d

9. Conclusions:
Some dimes are not oranges.
All cooks can never be dimes.
a) All oranges are dimes. No dime is a disk. Some cooks are not disks.
b) Some disks are dimes. No orange is a disk. All oranges are cooks.
c) Some cooks are oranges. All oranges are disks. No disk is a dime.
d) Some dimes are disks. All disks are cooks. No cook is a orange.
e) None of these

10. Conclusions:
All threes cannot be fires.
No paw is a fire.
a) Some paws are threes. Some threes are lions. No lion is a fire.
b) No three is a lion. All fires are lions. All paws are threes.
c) Some threes are lions. All paws are lions. Some fires are not lions.
d) All threes are lions. Some lions are not fires. No lion is a paw.
e) Both b and d

Directions (Q.No.11-15): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
 In a certain code language,

"Novel Book Paper" is written as "Le12 Xo11 Je18"
"Pen Copy Pencil" is written as "Wp25 Je14 Ji12"
"Eraser Scale Notebook" is written as "Ue18 Gl5 Lo11"

11. What will be code of "Person"?
a) Me12
b) Le14
c) Ks14
d) Jo14
e) Ke14

12. "File" will be coded as:
a) Tl5
b) Te5
c) Ue4
d) Ti8
e) Ul5

13. "Basket" will be coded as:
a) Ce15
b) Es12
c) Va15
d) Xe20
e) Xk20

14. What will be the code of "House"?
a) Go6
b) Fe5
c) Rs5
d) Ge9
e) Ge7

15. What will be the code of "Space"?
a) Ge5
b) Gc5
c) Hp6
d) Vw4
e) Ke4

Directions (Q.No.16-20): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W were racing towards ladakh on different bikes viz. Apache, Ducati, Suzuki, Pulsar, Honda, Yamaha, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson but not necessarily in the same order. They got different positions viz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Two of them got the same positions while two of them were not be able to reach to the destination point. W is two position ahead of V(means the difference of numerical value of their position's is two). S was three positions behind Q. The one with Harley Davidson got the first position but that will not be Q. The person with Suzuki was not be able to reach to the final destination point. Ducati is ahead of Pulsar. V was not at last position. U who is on Yamaha was out of the race. P was just behind Royal Enfield. The persons who were on Honda and Apache were riding together but they did not get the 2nd and 3rd position. Pulsar was not owned by P. T did not have Apache or Suzuki.

16. Which of the following was not being able to reach to the final destination?
a) Q, W
b) S, T
c) P, T
d) S, V
e) U, R

17. Which of the following position is got by the person who was riding on Ducati?
a) 3rd
b) 5th
c) 2nd
d) 1st
e) None of these

18. Who was at last position?
a) The person with Suzuki
b) The person with Royal Enfield
c) The person with Apache
d) The person with Pulsar
e) The person with Honda

19. Who among the following got the same positions?
a) S, W
b)T, P
c) Q, V
d) U, V
e) R, Q

20. Who got the 1st rank?
a) W
b) U
c) R
d) Q
e) P
Online Test for General Science


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