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TET Model Paper - IV Language II (Content and Methodology)

1. ‘Heat expands bodies.’ The interrogative form of the given sentence is
a) Has heat expand bodies?
b) Is heat expand bodies?
c) Do heat expands bodies?
d) Does heat expand bodies?
Answer :    1. d HV+ Sub+ MV+ Obj?

2. He has no prejudice ________ foreigners. Select the suitable answer from the given options.
a) for
b) against
c) before
d) with
Answer :   b Usage: Have prejudice against something.

3. I am quite pleased with _______________ Choose the relevant form of the pronoun.
a) myself
b) me
c) I
d) none of the above.
Answer :    a Usage: Be pleased with oneself

4. One of the following sentences is grammatically unacceptable. Identify the sentence.
a) You’d better consult a doctor.
b) I wish I didn’t have to write this exam.
c) Neither of my brothers are married.
d) Would you please tell me the way to the station?
Answer :    With ‘either and neither,’ we use plural noun and singular verb. Similarly with ‘Either of the two’ or ‘Neither of the two.’

5. One of the following phrases with ‘Make’ is not an acceptable collocation. Identify the expression from the options.
a) Make arrangements
b) Make a mistake
c) Make a decision
d) Make a noise
Answer :    No such expression like ‘make a noise’ exists. To make noise (idiom) means ‘to talk

6. Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?
a) Buy two shirts and get one free.
b) If you buy two shirts, you get one free.
c) Buy two shirts to get one free.
d) In case of buying two shirts, you get one free.
Answer :    A compound sentence will have two or more main clauses connected with coordinating conjunctions like ‘and, so, but, yet, else, nor, or and for.’

7. Regarding Degrees of Comparison, one of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect. Identify the sentence.
a) Africa is the hottest continent in the world.
b) She is the taller of the two sisters.
c) No other flower are as beautiful as the rose.
d) Apples are not as cheap as oranges.
Answer :    No other + singular noun + singular verb

8. At this time tomorrow, ____________. Identify the clause that replaces the blank.
a) I shall go to my office.
b) I will be leaving to my office.
c) I should have gone to my office.
d) I shall have been gone to my office.
Answer :    ‘At this time tomorrow’ indicates the continuity of the action in future.

9. He says, ‘I don’t want to wait any longer.’ If the same in written in Indirect Speech, you get
a) He says that he doesn’t want to wait any longer.
b) He said that he didn’t want to wait any longer.
c) He said that he doesn’t want to wait any longer.
d) He says that he didn’t want to wait any longer.
Answer :    If the reporting verb is the simple present/simple future/present perfect, the tense in the reported speech doesn’t change.

10. Identify the sentence that is not in passive voice.
a) Let the weak not be insulted.
b) The patient is being looked after by the nurse.
c) The enemy has defeated by our army.
d) One’s promises should be kept.
Answer :    To identify passive voice, look for sentences with ‘be/ be form+V3.’

11. You want to say that your friend narrowly missed the accident. How do you say with an idiom?
a) He missed the accident in a hair’s gap.
b) He missed the accident in a hair’s distance.
c) He missed the accident in a hair’s breadth.
d) He missed the accident in a hair’s loss.
Answer :    To miss something in‘a hair’s breadth’ means to escape from something in a very short distance or amount.

12. One of the phrasal verbs in the following sentences is not grammatically correct. Identify the sentences.
a) Please look for this word in the dictionary.
b) She is bad-tempered. I can’t get on with her.
c) He has given up smoking most recently.
d) I am sick off the whole business.
Answer :    When you have to refer to a word, we use ‘look up’ and not ‘look for’ which is different in sense.

13. By the time the fire fighters ________ the fire ________ many huts. Now choose the suitable pair of verbs to fill in the blanks.
a) arrived, engulfed
b) arrived, had engulfed
c) had arrived, engulfed
d) had arrived, had engulfed
Answer :    When two past actions take place one after another, the first action is expressed in simple past and the second action in past perfect.

14. Identify the conjunction that fills the blank in the following sentence. ______ you give me the keys, I will kill you.
a) If
b) If not
c) Unless
d) If/Unless
Answer :    Use ‘unless’ with negative clauses.

15. Identify the Noun Phrase from the following phrases.
a) the richly decorated auditorium.
b) at the railway station.
c) beautiful red Mercedes Benz.
d) without pains no gains.
Answer :    The order of a Noun Phrase is ‘determiner+adverb+adjective+noun.’

16. Don’t be silly. is an example of an
a) assertive sentence
b) imperative sentence
c) interrogative sentence
d) exclamatory sentence
Answer :    There are three types in imperative sentences. 1) Verb + Object. 2. Please + Verb + Object 3) Let + Personal Pronoun + Verb + Object Similarly their negatives.

17. They looked into each _________ eyes. The suitable option is
a) other’s
b) others
c) another’s
d) one anothers
Answer :    The sense requires possessive form.

18. One of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect. Identify the sentence.
a) The secretary and treasurer has gone on leave.
b) The secretary and the treasurer have gone on leave.
c) I like Cathie because she is beautiful, kind and intelligence.
d) I admire Cathie for her beauty, intelligence and kindness.
Answer :    If you are creating a list, make sure that all items in the list have the same grammatical property. You can’t create a list consisting of nouns and adjectives.

19. ‘As soon as the sun rose, the fog disappeared.’ If you write the above sentence with ‘no sooner - than’ the sentence reads like
a) No sooner had the sun risen than the fog disappeared.
b) No sooner did the sun risen than the fog disappeared.
c) No sooner had the sun risen then the fog disappeared.
d) No sooner has the sun risen than the fog disappeared.
Answer :    When we use ‘hardly, scarcely or no sooner than’ the subject and verb are written in inversion form i.e HV + Sub + MV.

20. Study the sentences and choose the answer from the given options.
1. We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
2. The students entered the class room.
3. The police prevented us from crossing the barricade.
4. My father came to the college to pay my fees.
a) All are correct.
b) All are wrong.
c) Only 4 is wrong.
d) Only 3 is correct.
Answer :    Study the rules of the sentences carefully.

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions from 21 to 24.
Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their work. Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. They all join together to build cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. The cells which they build are all of one shape and size, and no room is left between them. The cells are not round. They have six sides. Did you ever look into a glass hive to see the bees while at work? It is pleasant to see how busy they always are. But the drones do not work. Before winter comes, all the drones are driven from the hive so that they don’t eat the honey which they did not gather. It is not safe for children to handle bees. Bees have a painful sting that they use in their defense.

21. What is the place where bees live?
a) wax
b) hive
c) cells
d) room
Answer :    B

22. What happens to the drones in the winter?
a) They sleep.
b) They find a new hive.
c) They are driven out.
d) They repair the hive.
Answer :    C

23. The shape of each cell is
a) heptagon
b) pentagon
c) hexagon
d) octagon
Answer :    C

24. Which is not a kind of bee?
a) Workers
b) Kings
c) Queens
d) Drones
Answer :    B

25. A role play is an example of
a) an oral activity done in pairs.
b) a written activity done in groups.
c) an activity done alone.
d) an activity outside the class room.
Answer :    A

26. Grammar translation classes are usually conducted in the student’s
a) foreign language.
b) native language.
c) target language.
d) None of the above.
Answer :    B

27. Harold Edward Palmer, a pioneer in the field of English language and teaching dedicated himself to
a) audio method.
b) drill method.
c) written method
d) oral method.
Answer :    D

28. The effective method for communicating theories, ideas, and facts to students is
a) Lecture method.
b) Grammar translation method.
c) Direct method.
d) Audio l-lingual method
Answer :    A

29. Stress is indicated with a
a) small star.
b) small vertical bar.
c) small hyphen.
d) small dot.
Answer :    B

30. One of the following words has a triphthong in it. Identify it.
a) clear
b) hour
c) fire
d) nine
Answer :    C

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