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English Quiz for Competitive Exams


Directions: In question nos. 1 to 4, a sentence/ a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (D).

1. She gave him a cup that contained tea.
A) of 
B) containing
C) which had 
D) No improvement

2. The two thieves divided the loot between themselves.
A) among themselves 
B) amongst themselves
C) with themselves
D) No improvement

3. The two parties broke off relation with one another in 1980.
A) broke away from the party
B) parted ways
C) broke down several times during the speech
D) No improvement

4. The members of the students' union did not give the examination in protest.
A) did not write 
B) did not sit for
C) did not show up for 
D) No improvement

Directions: In question nos. 5to 7, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/ Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/ Phrase.

5. I simply can't stand sugar in my tea or coffee.
A) can't eat 
B) can't drink
C) can't tolerate 
D) can't allow

6. I think the time has come when you should put your toe in the water at least.
A) go for a swim 
B) stop trying
C) feel the cold 
D) give it a chance

7. I think the time has now come when we'll simply have to call it a day.
A) stop making 
B) stop thinking
C) stop working 
D) stop going

Directions (8-10): In the following questions, groups of words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word

1) benevolence
2) benidiction
4) beneficient
3) besmerch

1) Sereni
2) superiorty
3) severety
4) sovereignity

1) collate
2) chociate
3) commemorate
4) collaborate

Directions (Q. No. 11- 13): In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error,then your answer is (4) i.e. No error.

11.After 20 years,
I ran at (1)/
one of my childhood friends(2)/
at the cinema yesterday. (3)
/No error (4)

12.I hope (1)/ you will excuse (2)/my leaving early (3)/ No error (4)

13.What criteria is used (1)/ for assessing (2)/ a student's ability?(3)/ No error (4)

Directions (Q. No. 14- 15): In the following questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

14.How long _____ it since we last went to the theatre?
1) has been
2) was
3) had been
4) is

15.French used to be _____ spoken in Kampuchea.
1) beautifully
2) broadly
3) widely
4) greatly

Directions (Q. No. 16- 17):In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/ phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses themeaning of the idiom/ phrase.

16.There has been bad blood between the two communities even before the shooting.
1) bloody fights
2) feelings of hatred
3) impure blood  
4) quarrels

17.The foreign policy of India is nothing more than a milk and water policy.
1) weak        
2) wait and watch
3) defensive  
4) appeasing

Directions (Q. No. 18 - 24):  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. For many years, the continent Africa remained unexplored and unknown.
The main reason was the inaccessibility to its interior region due to dense forests, wildlife, savage tribals, deserts and barren solid hills.  Many people tried to explore the land could not survive the dangers. David Living stone is among those brave few who not only explored part of Africa but also lived among the tribals bringing them near to social milieu.  While others explored with the idea of expanding their respective empires, Livingstone did so to explore it's vast and mysterious hinterland, rivers and lakes.   He was primarily a religious man and a medical practitioner who tried to help mankind with it.   Livingstone was born in Scotland and was educated to become a doctor and priest.   His exploration started at the beginning of the year 1852.  He explored an unknown river in Western Luanda. However, he was reduced to a skeleton during four years of travelling.   By this time, he had become famous and when here turned to England for convalescing, entire London, along with Queen Victoria turned to welcome him.  After a few days, he returned to Africa.   He discovered the origin of the River Nile in 1866.   He again suffered many discomforts. He became too sick and could not even walk.  He lost contact with rest of the world that grew anxious to know his whereabouts.  Ultimately, it was Stanley, the American journalist, who found him after many efforts, but Livingstone had died in a tribal village in1873. His body was brought to London and buried in West minster with full honour.

18.Livingstone deserves credit for which of the following?
1) For expanding his empire
2) For enjoying the wildlife of the continent
3) For exploring part of Africa and living among the tribals
4) For quenching his thirst for living in the company of nature
5) None of these

19.What was the impact of four year travelling on Livingstone?
1) He could enjoy a social life among tribals' society
2) He derived satisfaction with the exploration of an unknown river
3) He derived satisfaction as he became very famous
4) It badly affected his health
5) None of these

20.Which of the following shows that Livingstone had become very famous?
1) Queen Victoria along with the people of London had come to meet him
2) Queen Victoria arranged for the medical expenses
3) The tribals were grateful to him for his medical expenses
4) He was assigned the task of a priest although he was a medical professional
5) None of these

21.Why were people not aware to the existence of Africa?
1) It was inaccessible due to oceanic reefs
2) Its territory was covered with dense forests
3) People outside the continent were chased away by native tribals
4) Explorers were afraid of the risks involved
5) None of these

22.Livingstone can best be described by which of the following?
1) A person with an urge for exploration of unknown parts of the world
2) A person with religious mindset
3) Asocial reformer
4) A warm hearted medical practitioner
5) A famous priest popular among the British

23.Which of the following was/ were explored by Livingstone?
(A) A river in Western Luanda
(B) Scotland
(C) The origin of River Nile
1) (A) and (B) only
2) (B) and (C) only
3) (A) and (C) only
4) (A) only
5) (B) only

24.The American journalist Stanley can be credited for which of the following?
(A) Performing the last rites of Livingstone's dead body
(B) Relentless efforts for finding out the whereabouts of Livingstone
(C) The anxiety to explore undiscovered parts of the world
1) (A) and (B) only
2) (B) and (C) only
3) (A) and (C) only
4) (B) only
5) (C) only

Directions (Q. No. 25 - 34):  In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

One day the king of the ___ (21)was flying about, high up in the air,in a forest, with a ___ (22) of his followers. Early that morning a fowler had ___ (23) some ___ (24) of rice on the ground. Over them he had spread a very fine net. Then he his himself ____ (25) a bush and waited.  As the king of the pigeons flew along, he saw the ___ (26) on the ground. He stopped at once and said to his ____ (27). "Look down! There is rice for us to eat." The pigeons looked down, and there they saw, just near a big banyan tree, grains of shining white rice scattered on the ground. "Shall we fly down", said the pigeon king, "and eat that rice?""No!" replied a ____ (28) old pigeon. "This is not a rice field. It is a forest. Rice does not grow in a forest! How did those grains get there? I am afraid that there is some____ (29) here and we may come to____ (30). So let us not eat that rice."

1) pigeons
2) birds
3) animals
4) forests
5) earth

1) team
2) flock
3) hound
4) groups
5) class

1) thrown
2) casted
3) given
4) put
5) scattered

1) sands
2) metals
3) grains
4) quality
5) fruits

1) behind
2) in
3) within
4) beside
5) under

1) sands
2) rice
3) fruits
4) grains
5) metal

1) enemies
2) foes
3) children
4) followers
5) kids

1) intelligent
2) brilliant
3) foolish
4) coward
5) wise

1) fault
2) bet
3) trick
4) net
5) choice

1) harm
2) defeat
3) illusion
4) conclusion
5) with

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