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Accounting Online Quizzes


1. Goods taken by proprietor for personal use will be recorded in -----------.
A. Journal proper

2. Total of sales book is posted to----------------
A. Sales Account

3. When a customer returns the goods a ------------------- is sent to him.
A. Credit note

4. When the goods are sent to supplier a ------------------- is sent to him.
A. Debit note

5. Credit purchase of stationary by a stationary dealer is to be recorded in --- ---------
A. Purchase book

6. BRS is prepared by a -----------------
A. Customer of Bank

7. BRS is statement showing the causes of differences ----------------.
A. Between the cash book and pass book

8. Installation charges of machinery purchased is --------------------
A. Capital expense

9. Expense incurred on trial run of machine is --------------
A. Capital expense

10. Repair of second hand machinery before put to use is---------------.
A. Capital expense

11. Annual maintenance fee of machine is -------------
A. Revenue expense

12. Cost of ring & pistons of an engine changed to get better fuel efficiency is ----------------
A. Capital expense

13. Interest on term loan for purchase of machinery where the commercial production has not begun till the last day of Accounting year is ---- ---------
A. Capital expense

14. Premium received on issue of shares is ---- -------------
A. Capital receipts

15. Scrap value of machinery is ------------------
A. Capital receipt

16. Deprecation is a --------------
A. Non cash operating expense

17. For depreciating good will the suitable method is --------

18. For depreciating mine the suitable method is ----------
A. Depletion

19. --------------- is same like deprecation
A. Amortization

20. For depreciating leases the suitable method is ---------
A. Annuity method

21. Trading Account is prepared to ascertain ----------------
A. Gross Profit

22. P/L Account is closed by transferring its balance to---------
A. Capital Account

23. Provision is a---------------
A. Charge against the profit

24. P/L Account shows the -------------------------- for an Accounting period.
A. Financial performance

25. Balance sheet shows the --------------- at a particular date
A. Financial position

26. Insurance claim for machinery damaged by fire is ------------------.
A. Capital receipt

27. Cash received from debtors is----------------
A. Revenue receipt

28. Fine imposed is --------------------------
A. Revenue expenses

29. Purchase of goodwill is -----------------
A. Capital expense

30. Import duty on purchase of material is --------------
A. Revenue expense

31. Loss on sale of machinery is --------------
A. Revenue loss

32. Festival advance to employee is -------------
A. Prepaid expense

33. Cost incurred on dismantling a machine worn out part is ------------.
A. Revenue expense

34. Amount spent on repainting an old building for first time on purchase is -------------
A. Capital expense

35. Amount spent on annual repainting of building is -------------------.
A. Revenue expense

36. ---------------- Usually arises from unplanned or unexpected event that given rise to the possibility of an inflow of economic benefits to the business entity.
A. Contingent assets

37. In the financial statement contingent assets and liabilities are -----------.
A. Not recognized

38. In the financial statement provisions are --- ------------
A. Recognized and adjusted

39. The trial balance checks the -------------- of the books of Account.
A. Arithmetical accuracy

40. The object of opining suspense Account is - -----------------
A. To avoid the delay in preparation of financial statement

41. The inventory of finished goods is valued at cost or NRV---------------.
A. Which is lower

42. Damaged inventory is valued at ------------- ---
A. Net realizable value

43. When the bill is honoured at the maturity date, the drawee debits -----------
A. B/P Account

44. The promissory note should be --------------
A. Signed by promisor

45. A fee paid in cash to notary public is charged by ---------------
A. Holder of bill of exchange

46. A ------------- has a separate legal entity from its member.
A. Company

47. An authorized capital refers to that amount which is stated in the ----------as share capital.
A. Capital clause of the memorandum of association

48. --------------- is not disclosed in the balance sheet of the company.
A. Reserve capital

49. Equity shares can be issued with the differential rights as to --------------.
A. Dividend and voting

50. -------------- of a company is an invitation to make an offer to subscribe the share or debenture of the company.
A. Prospectus

51. As per section 69(3) of the Co. Act 1956, the amount payable on application on each share must be at least ------
A. 5% of the nominal amount of share

52. As per SEBI Guidelines, the amount payable on application on each share must be at least ----------------
A. 25% of the issue amount of shares

53. As per Table A (SEBI Guidelines), the amount of call on a share must not exceed ------------
A. 25% of the nominal amount of share

54. A company can issue share at premium--------------
A. Even in the absence of any express authority in its articles

55. The maximum rate of interest which can be charged on calls in arrears is --------------
A. 5% p.a.

56. The maximum rate of interest which can be paid on calls in advance is ----------------
A. 6% p.a.

57. If shares are forfeited, share capital Account is debited with the amount of ---------------
A. Called up value of shares

58. On the approval from Central Government the rate of discount on issue of share can be ----------------
A. 10% of the nominal value of shares

59. Under inflationary condition, FIFO method will show ----------------.
A. Highest value of closing stock

60. Under inflationary condition, LIFO method will show ------------------.
A. Lower value of closing stock

61. Under inflationary condition, LIFO method will show -----------------.
A. Highest value of cost of goods sold

62. Deprecation is related to ------
A. All tangible fixed assets (Except Land)

63. Deprecation Accounting is ------------------
A. A process of allocation of the cost of fixed assets

64. Wages and salaries appearing in trail balance are shown on the-------------.
A. Debit side of treading Account

65. Outstanding wages appearing in trail balance is shown on the -------------.
A. Liabilities side of balance sheet

66. Prepaid insurance appearing in trail balance is shown on the ------------.
A. Assets side of Balance Sheet

67. Closing stock appearing in trail balance is shown on the ---------------.
A. Assets side of Balance Sheet

68. Capital work in progress is --------------
A. Tangible asset

69. Drawings are------------------
A. Deducted from capital

70. The debit balance in the P/L Account is a-- -----------
A. Loss

71. The value of human resources is generally not shown in balance sheet as per -----------------
A. Money measurement concept

72. Accrued income is shown as a ---------------
A. Current asset

73. Unaccrued income is shown as a ------------
A. Current liability

74. A promissory note is an --------------- to pay.
A. Unconditional promise

75. In case of Promissory note, there are --------------
A. 2 parties

76. A bill of exchange is an ---------------- to pay.
A. Unconditional order

77. In case of bill of exchange there are ------------
A. 3 parties

78. The term of bill after sight commences from the date of ----------------
A. Acceptance of the bill

79. The term of bill after date commences from the date of ---------------
A. Drawing a bill

80. Prepaid salary account is a --------------
A. Personal Account

81. Interest received account is a ------------
A. Nominal Account

82. Accrued interest is a ----------------
A. Personal Account

83. Interest receivable is a --------------
A. Personal Account

84. Cash account is a--------------------
A. Real Account

85. Bank account is a -------------------
A. Personal Account

86. Advance to employee is a--------------------------
A. Personal Account

87. Advance to suppliers is a ---------------------
A. Personal Account

88. Goodwill is a ----------------------------
A. Real Account

89. Patent, Copyright, Trademark are --------------------
A. Real Account

90. Bad debt and Bad debt recovered are------------------
A. Nominal Account

91. A free sample account is ----------------------
A. Nominal Account

92. Cash book is a type of ------------- but treated as ---------------
A. Subsidiary Book, Principal Book of Account

93. Cash book is used to record -----------
A. All receipts and payments of cash

94. A cheque which is payable across the bank counter is a---------------.
A. Bearer cheque

95. The balance in petty cash book represents - --------------
A. An asset

96. Purchase book is used to record all ---------
A. Credit purchase of goods

97. Sale book is used to record all ---------------
A. Credit sales of goods

98. B/R book is a --------------------
A. Part of Journal

99. Purchase book, sale book is a ----------------
A. Part of Journal

100. Under inflationary condition, FIFO method will show ------------------.
A. Lowest value of cost of goods sold

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