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Banking Knowledge / Financial Awareness Quiz for Bank PO / SBI Clerks Exams Special Quiz

1. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2016-17, Series III is opened for subscription for the period from October 24, 2016 to November 02, 2016. What is the issue price per gram of gold?
a) Rs.2500/-
b) Rs. 2957/-
c) Rs.2200/-
d) Rs.2800/-
e) None

2. In the abbreviation IBJA, the letter B stands for what?
a) Bank
b) Bulk
c) Bullion (IBJA :India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd.)
d) Business
e) None of these

3. As per which Section of RBI Act, 1934, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), is constituted and the first meeting of it was held on October 3 and 4, 2016 at the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai?
a) 42
b) 45ZB (amended)
c) 25
d) 35
e) 20

4. Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP) should address which of the following aspects?
a) Detection
b) Response
c) Recovery
d) Containment
e) All the above

5. What is 'Micro Credit'?
a) Micro Credit has been defined as the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amount to the poor in rural, semi urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income levels and improve their living standards. Micro Credit Institutions are those, which provide these facilities.
b) Rs.4,00,000 loan
c) Rs.5,00,000 loan
d) Rs.10,00,000 loan
e) None of these

6. 'Wilful default' broadly covered which of the following?
a) Deliberate non-payment of the dues despite adequate cash flow and good net worth;
b) Siphoning off of funds to the detriment of the defaulting unit;
c) Assets financed either not been purchased or been sold and proceeds have misutilised;
d) Misrepresentation / falsification of records; Disposal / removal of securities without bank's knowledge; fraudulent transactions by the borrower.
e) All the bove

7. NRLM is renamed as which of the following?
a) Swach Bharat
b) DeendayalAntyodayaYojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
e) Micro finance

8. SHGs can avail either Term loan or a CCL loan or both based on the need. In case of need, additional loan can be sanctioned even though the previous loan is outstanding. In the abbreviation CCL, the letter L stands for what?
a) Life
b) Leave
c) Limit (CCL : Cash Credit Limit)
d) Lease
e) Look

9. DAY-NRLM is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and the financing of the programme would be shared between the Centre and the States in which ratio? The Central allocation earmarked for the States would broadly be distributed in relation to the incidence of poverty in the States.
a) 30:70
b) 40:60
c) 50 : 50
d) 75 : 25 (90:10 in case of North Eastern States including Sikkim; completely from the Centre in case of UTs).
e) 35: 65

10. What is the objective of  DAY-NRLM ? This was missing in SGSY, where the emphasis was on one time support.
a) Agriculture
b) to ensure that SHGs are enabled to access repeat finance from Banks,till they attain sustainable livelihoods and decent living standards.
c) Sericulture
d) Poultry
e) Horticulture

11. DAY-NRLM would encourage public sector banks to set up RSETIs in all districts of the country. In the abbreviation RSETI, the letter R stands for what?
a) Refresh
b) Rural [RSETI concept is built on the model pioneered by Rural Development Self Employment Institute (RUDSETI) - a collaborative partnership between SDME Trust, Syndicate Bank and Canara Bank.]
c) Rebuilt
d) Reserve
e) Route

12. 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) projected an investment of Rs 55.74 lakh crore in infrastructure with banks expected to meet how much of this requirement? Though, there is still some time to go before the end of the plan period, apparently, the investment target as well as bank credit may fall short of the projection.
a) 50 %
b) 10%
c) 23 %
d) 70%
e) 30%

13. Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) has been defined by RBI vide its circular dated 10.08.2012. Which of the following is the salient feature?
a) There is no requirement of minimum balance.
b) Minimum balance : Rs.500
c) Minimum balance Rs.1000
d) Minimum balance Rs.10,000
e) None of these

14. Which of the following is correct with reference to agriculture households and their agriculture land?
a) 35% of the agricultural households having less than 1 acre of land
b) 35% of the agriculture households having between 1 and 2.5 acres
c) only 30% households are having land more than 2.5 acres.
d) All the above
e) None of these

15. Compared to All India per capital income (current prices) of Rs.74,380, Eastern Region states have how much lower per capita income?
a) Rs.25,000
b) Rs.10,000
c) It is ranging from Rs.31,199 in Bihar to Rs.70,059 in West Bengal
d) Rs.5,000
e) None of these

16. Which bank set up a separate fund titled "Producers Organization Development Fund" (PODF) with an initial corpus of Rs.50 crore to promote Producer Organisations? (A Producer Organisation (PO) can help members obtain credit with ease, cost-effectively procure inputs and remuneratively sell their produce)
b) NHB
e) None of these

17. Which of the following is correct about Joint Liability Groups (JLGs)?
a) JLG is a model of bringing farmers and producers together into a group through Joint Liability Groups (JLGs).
b) They are groups of 4 to 10 persons who join together to avail institutional credit which they could not get hitherto..
c) In this marginal, small farmers and tenants can form groups and avail finance from banks without any collateral
d) All the above
e) None of these

18. India's net cropped area has been hovering around how many hectares during the last decade?
a) 50 milion
b) 20 million
c) 140 million (There is very limited chance to expand it)
d) 75 million
e) None of these

19. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was instituted in NABARD by Government of India during 1995-96. What is the sole objective of it?
a) giving low cost fund support to State governments and State owned corporations for quick completion of ongoing projects  relating to medium and minor irrigation, soil conservation, watershed management and other forms of rural infrastructure.
b) Acquaculture
c) Sericulture
d) Vermiculture
e) None of these

20. The SHG-Bank Linkage Programme, pioneered by which bank a little more than two decades ago?(Now covers more than 7 million groups with nearly 100 million rural poor families and works for women empowerment as 80% of groups are exclusively women groups.)
e) None of these

21. NABARD is which type of bank? It takes care of the 3 P's i.e.-Planet, People and Profits, rather than merely people and profits)
a) development bank
b) Commercial Bank
c) Co-operative Bank
d) Regional Bank
e) Industrial Bank

22. Tilapia has been considered as the Food Fish of the 21st century and is popularly known as what? India is the second largest producer of fish in the world after China and accounts for nearly 6% of global fish production
a) acquatic goat
b) acquatic whale
c) aquatic chicken
d) acquatic sheep
e) None of these

23. What is the purpose of the loan sanctioned under 'Stand - up India Scheme'?
a) For setting up a new enterprise in manufacturing, trading or services sector by SC/ST/Women entrepreneur.
b) to promote agricultue
c) to promote handlooms
d) to promote cottage industries
e) None

24. Where is Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD)? It is a premier training establishment and promoted by NABARD.
a) Nagpur
b) Pune
c) Lucknow,UP
d) Cuttack
e) None of these

25. Rural Innovation Fund (RIF) is a fund designed to support innovative, risk friendly, unconventional experiments in which sectors?
a) Farm
b) Non-Farm
c) Micro-Finance
d) All the above (These would have the potential to promote livelihood opportunities and employment in rural areas)
e) None of these

26. What is Phishing?
a) It is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication
b) Catching fish
c) Catching birds
d) Catching animals
e) None of these

27. Which of the following is correct about Tax Saver Scheme?
a) In the Finance Act 2006, Section 80C of Income Tax Act 1961 was amended to include deposits placed with a scheduled bank to qualify for deduction under 80C.
b) It is to save Service Tax
c) It is to save Customs duty
d) It is to save Excise duty
e) None of these

28. How much deposit can be accepted under Tax Saver Scheme in Banks?
a) Rs.1,000/-
b) A maximum of Rs. 1,50,000 is accepted under the scheme from one individual / under one deposit account in year (Year means one year from 1st April to 31st March). The minimum amount that can be accepted is Rs.10,000.
c) Rs.500/-
d) Rs.1500/-
e) None

29. When Public Provident Fund Scheme was introduced by Government of India? It provides the depositor the twin benefits of attractive return and tax benefit.
a) 1971
b) 1.7.1968
c) 1980
d) 1949
e) None of these

30. "Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy (CSIS)" for the moratorium period of educational loans availed by students from EWS under IBA educational loan scheme, to pursue Technical/ Professional courses in India. The scheme is effective from which year?
a) 2004-05
b) academic year 2009-10
c) 2001-02
d) 2012-13
e) None

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