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Economics Related Important Questions and Answers for Banking Exams


1. Who can invest in the Treasury Bills ?
a) firms, companies, corporate bodies
b) any person resident in India
c) institutions and Trusts, Non-Resident Indians
d) Foreign Investors e) All the above

2. The Bills of varying maturities with a maximum tenor of upto 364 days will be sold by the Reserve Bank of India on which basis?
a) installment basis
b) auction basis
c) whole sale
d) at cheap rates
e) None of the above

3. What is the purpose of S4A scheme?
a) Savings
b) meant to strengthen the lender's ability to deal with stressed assets and converting part of the debt into equity without necessarily changing the control of the company
c) Recurring Deposit
d) Current Account deposits
e) None

4. The SDR guidelines enable banks to effect change in ownership where the existing promoters are found to be wanting. At the time of restructuring, lenders are required to incorporate an enabling clause to convert their loans into equity if the borrower fails to achieve the viability milestones/critical conditions. Subsequently, the banks may bring in a new promoter to turnaround the borrower company. Expand SDR in this context?
a) Special Deposit Receipt
b) Strategic Debt Restructuring
c) Special Drawing Rights
d) Sure Deposit Receipts
e) None of these

5. Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets envisages which of the following?
a) a corrective action plan that incentivizes early identification of problem cases, timely restructuring of accounts considered to be viable and taking prompt steps by banks for recovery or sale of unviable accounts.
b) Investments
c) Brokerage
d) Commission
e) None of these

6. What is the purpose of 5/25 Scheme?
a) To enable banks to offer finance for long-gestation projects in the infrastructure/core industries sector and they have been allowed to extend structured long term project loans with periodic refinancing option.
b) Stock Market sales
c) PPP
d) PPF
e) None of these

7. In the abbreviation BFSI, the letter F stands for what?
a) Free
b) Financial (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance)
c) Forest
d) Fellow
e) None of these

8. Government of India in the Union Budget 2016-17 had announced its resolve to double the income of farmers by which year?
a) 2019
b) 2022
c) 2018
d) 2017
e) None

9. ASBA is a supplementary process for applying in which of the following?
a) Insurance
b) in public issues (i.e., purchasing of shares)
c) Pension Fund
d) Fixed Deposits
e) None of these

10. What are the conditions for ASBA from applicant side?
a) The applicant should be from any of the approved categories eligible to apply in IPO as per SEBI guidelines.
b) maintain a Savings Bank or Current Account with SBI.
c) He/she has a Demat account with any of the DPs along with Permanent Account Number (PAN).
d) He/She has sufficient clear credit balance in his/her Savings Bank or Current account for application money.
e) All the above

11. What do you mean by 'Market Trades' and 'Off Market Trades'?
a) Any trade settled through a clearing corporation is termed as a 'Market Trade'.
b) These trades are done through stock brokers on a stock exchange.
c) 'Off Market Trade' is one which is settled directly between two parties without the involvement of clearing corporation.
d) The same delivery instruction slip can be used either for market trade or off-market trade by ticking one of the two options
e) All the above

12. Normally Locker Rent is collected in advance, in the bank is on which basis?
a) Daily
b) There is a nominal annual rent, which depends on the size of the locker and the centre at which the branch is located. The rent is payable in advance for the Financial Year. A copy of the locker agreement regarding operation of the locker can be provided to the locker hirer at the time of allotment of the locker
c) Monthly
d) Quarterly
e) None

13. If the sole locker hirer nominates a person, Bank normally allows access of the locker to whom?
a) All his relatives
b) such nominee only
c) His daughters only
d) His brothers only
e) None of these

14. What is Fast Cash?
a) It is a service which enables you to withdraw your preferred amounts with just a touch on the ATM screen. The options in the denomination of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10,000 are available.
b) It is a loan
c) It is free cash
d) It is a deposit
e) None of these

15. In MICR technology the information is printed on the instrument/cheque with a special type of ink which is made up of magnetic material. In the abbreviation MICR, the letter R stands for what?
a) Recognition (MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
b) Registration
c) Removal
d) Resignation
e) None of these

16. Recurring Deposit is a product to provide a person with an opportunity to build up saving through _______ over a period of time.
a) lumpsum
b) regular monthly deposits of fixed sum basis
c) donations
d) Direct Benefit Transfer
e) None of these

17. Personal Loans are not granted in banks for which purpose?
a) marriage/medical treatment
b) speculative activities
c) education
d) foreign travel or any other general purpose
e) None of these

18. What is contract farming?
a) An arrangement between companies dealing in agri-commodities and groups of farmers to cultivate and supply the desired quality and quantity of farm produce for regular raw-material inflow to the former is called contract farming.
b) Taking loan for non-agriculture purpose
c) Selling land for non-agriculture purpose
d) Giving land on lease basis for real estate business
e) None of these

19. What is agri-value chain financing?
a) Selling of seeds only
b) An agri-value chain is a chain of activities where various stakeholders contribute to add value at each stage of the chain so that the raw material, essentially a farm produce, transforms into a final consumable product. Banks provide credit support at every stage of the agri-value chain.
c) Selling of fertilizers only
d) Selling motor pumps only
e) None

20. How a Letter of Credit issued by a bank is useful?
a) This facility is provided on behalf of customers enabling them to import raw material required for manufacturing goods for project exports
b) to meet marriage expenses
c) to meet hospital / medical charges
d) to meet election propaganda expenses
e) None of these

21. The Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) had introduced the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) in order to ensure that a bank has an adequate stock of unencumbered High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) to survive a significant liquidity stress lasting for a period of ____ days.
a) 15
b) 30
c) 21
d) 60
e) None of these

22. As per the RBI guidelines, Banks have to maintain a Minimum Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) of 6.125% (including Capital Conservation Buffer of 0.625%) and minimum CRAR of how much?
a) 15%
b) 9.625%
c) 21 %
d) 7.5%
e) 6.5%

23. Asset liability Management framework facilitates bank to measure, monitor and control liquidity risk and interest rate risk on its balance sheet. How this helps?
a) to prepare balance sheet
b) to prepare profit and loss account
c) inproviding suitable strategies for asset liability management
d) to maintain CSR
e) None of these

24. Hybrid Funds are invested in which combination?
a) In Lottery tickets
b) Hybrid funds are invested in a combination of equity and debt needs to be rebalanced at regular intervals. These funds provide both income and capital appreciation with an objective to diversity risk.
c) In uncertain business
d) in speculative business
e) None of these

25. MIP schemes invest a major portion of the corpus ____________ .
a) in debt and money market instruments with a moderate exposure to equity
b) in agriculture
c) in defence sector
d) in charity
e) None of these

26. In liquid fund schemes, money is invested where?
a) Long term maturity instruments
b) These schemes primarily invest in shortterm instruments like commercial paper, certificates of deposit, treasury bills, government securities etc. These instruments are relatively safe and have a short maturity, ideal for investors looking for moderate returns on their surplus funds
c) In gold
d) In diamonds
e) None of these

27. What is SIP ? Give details?
a) It is Systematic Investment Plan (SIP )
b) It is an option where you can invest a fixed amount in a mutual fund at predefined regular intervals.
c) It is a disciplined investment plan and cost averaging helps reduce impact of market volatility
d) Investing through SIP helps you crate significant wealth in the long run with small sums of money
e) All the above

28. What is 'close ended scheme'?
a) Investment is closed
b) A scheme that issues a fixed number of shares/units for a specified period of maturity
c) Business is closed
d) Company is closed
e) None of these

29. What is a depository?
a) It is a fixed deposit
b) A depository can be compared to a bank. A depository holds securities, in electronic form.
c) Money is deposited
d) Gold items are deposited
e) None

30. What is to be done when we want to open an account with a DP? Give details?
a) You can approach any of our DP authorised branches for opening a Demat account.
b) At the time of opening an account, you have to sign an agreement with us in a DPs prescribed standard agreement, which details your and our rights and duties.
c) You have to submit the following with the prescribed account opening form.
d) Account can be opened jointly with other person(s)
e) All the above

31. What do you mean by dematerialisation? Give details?
a) Dematerialisation is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent number of securities in electronic form and credited in the investor's account with its DP.
b) In order to dematerialise certificates; an investor will have to first open an account with a DP and then request for the dematerialisation of certificates by filling up a dematerialisation request form [DRF]
c) DRF is available with the DP and submitting the same along with the physical certificates.
d) All the above
e) None of these

32. What is Wealth Management?
a) It is relating to agriculture only
b) It is relating to industries only
c) Wealth Management is an advanced investment advisory discipline that incorporates Financial Planning and Specialist Financial Services,through a simple financial planning worksheet, which gives a map for the journey of realizing our dreams.
d) It is relating to gold
e) None of these

33. What is an AAP in business?
a) It is Asset Allocation Plan. AAP is about not putting all your eggs in one basket
b) It is NGO
c) It is a voluntary organisation
d) It is a social service organisation
e) None of these

34. What are major asset classes ?
a) Equity
b) Debt
c) Cash and Money Market instruments
d) Real Estate and Alternate assets
e) All the above

35. Equity represents which feature?
a) Highest returns historically with the highest risk
b) FDs, Promissory notes
c) Home
d) Land
e) Gold


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