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Only General Awareness Questions and Answers for SSC CGL Tier 1


1. The  Baikonur Cosmodrome  is the  world’s first  and  largest  operational space  launch facility. In  which country  is  it  located?
(A) France
(B)  Kazakhstan
(C)  Uzbekistan
(D)  Germany

2. The  International  Hockey  Federation  has  decided  to  allot  the  next  Hockey  World  Cup  in 2010  to  India. In  which  year Hockey  World  Cup  tournament  started?
(A) 1971
(B)  1974
(C)  1976
(D)  1977

3. Which among  the  following  clubs has won  the  Spanish  league  title  for the  first  time  in three  years  on May  17, 2009?
(A) Barcelona
(B)  Inter  Millan
(C)  Real  Madrid
(D)  Manchester  United

4. Recently  Suranjoy  Singh  of India sizzled  with a Gold  on  the  concluding  day  of  the  European Grand  Prix boxing  as  India finished  their campaign  with four  medals.  This contest  held  in  ?
(A)  Czech  Republic.
(B)  Hungary
(C)  Serbia
(D)  Austria

5. Recently  12-member  Sikkim  Cabinet  was  sworn  in and  Pavan  Kumar Chamling  becomes  CM  for  the ________?
(A) 2nd  time
(B)  3rd  time
(C)  4th time
(D)  5th  time

6. Who  among  the following  has been nominated  to  become  the  U.S. Attorney  for Southern  District  of New York,  by  US  President  Barack  Obama?
(A) Preet  Bharara
(B)  Suresh  Modi
(C)  Rajiv  Khurana
(D)  Suresh Kalmadi

7. The  government formed  the panel after  many  ex-servicemen  returned  their  medals to  protest  the rejection  of their ‘one  rank  one  pension’ demand.  Who  is  heading  this panel  ?
(A) K.M.  Chandrasekhar
(B)  R Balakrishanan
(C)  B S  Padmanabham
(D)  T. Raja  Shekhar

8. Recently  India’s Jayanta  Talukdar, Rahul Banerjee  and  Mangal Singh  Champia,  earned India a gold  medal  in  the recurve  team  event  of  the  archery  World  Cup  Stage I. In  which  country  this  event held?
(A) Croatia
(B)  Russia
(C)  Ukraine
(D)  Czech Republic

9. Recently  Madhu  Kannan  has joined as  managing  director &  chief  executive  officer  (CEO)  of  which exchange?
(A) Bombay  Stock  Exchange
(B)  National Stock  Exchange
(C)  Delhi Stock  exchange
(D)  None  of  these

10.  Who  has  won  his  maiden International Tennis Federation  (ITF)  title  at  Delhi  Lawn Tennis Association on  April  25,  2009?
(A) Yuki Bhambari
(B)  Vishnu  Vardhan
(C)  Leander  Paes
(D)  Mahesh  Bhupti

11.  What is  the  name  of  the  first  setellite  launched by  Iran  on  Feb  3,  2009  ?
(A) Shahab
(B)  Hatf
(C)  Zulfiqar
(D)  Omid

12. Recently  Indian  Navy  commissioned INS Airavat.  Which among  the  following  terms precisely describes  INS Airavat?
(A) Landing  Ship  Tank
(B)  Waterjet  Propelled Fast  Attack  Craft
(C)  Guided  Missile  Frigate
(D)  GPS Craft

13.  People for  the Ethical Treatment  of Animals  (PETA)  recently  has  entered the  Limca Book  of  Records as the  largest  animal rights  organisation. (May  11,  2009). In  which  year PETA began  ?
(A) 1995
(B)  2000
(C)  1999
(D)  1980

14. ‘Open  Market  Operation  ‘  is a part  of
(A) Income  Policy
(B)  Fiscal  Policy
(C)  Credit  Policy
(D)  Labour  Policy

15. SDR,  the currency  of  the  IMF , is  in the  form  of
(A) Paper  Currency
(B)  Gold
(C)  Silver  and  Gold  both
(D)  Book  keeping  entry  only

16.Who  is  the  new  Prime  Minister  of Hungry  ?
(A) Victor Orban
(B)  Gorden Bajnai
(C)  Jeno  Fock
(D)  Ference  Gyurcsany

17.Who  is  the  new  prime  minister  of  Denmark  ?
(A) Anders  Fogh  Rasmussen
(B)  Lars Looke  Rasmussen
(C)  Poul Nyrup  Rasmussen
(D)  Poul Hartling

18.Who  is  the  Author  of the  book  “My  China Diary”
(A)Kanwal Sibal
(B)Salman Haider
(C)J.N. Dixit
(D)Natwar Singh

19.Umrao  Singh  has passed away  recently  .Which  of the  following  field  was  he  associated with  ?
(A) Film
(B)  Journalism
(C)  Sports
(D)  Politics

20.Vidya  Pillai  is related  to  which  sport  ?
(A) Snooker
(B)  Golf
(C)  Archery
(D)  Billiards

21.Who  has become  the  first  Indian  to  win  two  medal  in  a  Shooting  World  Cup?
(A) Gagan  Narang
(B)  Sanjeev  Bindra
(C)  Abhinav  Bindra
(D)  Rajyavardhan  Singh  Rathore

22.Which  country  has  launched  a  navigational Satellite?
(A) South  Korea
(B)  North Korea
(C)  India
(D)  China

23.Where  will be  held  the  Final of the  Cricket  World  Cup  2011?
(C)New  Delhi

24.When is the  Commonwealth Day  celebrated?
(A) May  1
(B)  May  3
(C)  May  15
(D)  May  24

25.What  is  the full  form  of  PTC  ?
(A) Public  Transport  Certificate
(B)  Pubic  Telecommunications Council
(C)  Products  Through  Consumer
(D)  Pass  Through  Certificate

26. In  India, national income  is estimated  by  .
(a)  Planning  Commission
(b) Indian  Statistical  Institute
(c)  Central Statistical  Organization
(d) National Sample  Survey  Organization

27. Given below  are  two  statements  .
Assertion  (a)  :  Powers for conducting  elections  to  the  Parliament and  State  Legislatures  in  a  free  and fair manner  have  been  given  to  an  independent body  i.e. the  Election  Commission.
Reason  (R)  :  Powers  of removal  of  Election  Commissioners  is  with the  executive.
In  the  context  of above,  which  one  of  the following  is  correct?
(a)  Both A and  R  are  true  and  R  is the  correct  explanation  of  A.
(b) Both A and  R  are  true but  R is  not  the correct  explanation  of  A.
(c)  A is  true  but  R  is  false.
(d) A is false  but  R  is  true.

28.  Which one  of the  following  motions can  the Council of  Ministers  in  India  move?
(a)  No  Confidence  Motion
(b) Confidence  Motion
(c)  Adjournment  Motion
(d) Censure  Motion

29. Hindu  Rate  of growth  refers  to  the rate  of growth  of .
(a)  GDP
(b) Population
(c)  Foodgrains
(d) Per  capita  income

30.  Which one  of the  following  is  the  time  limit for  the  ratification  of an  emergency  period  by  the Parliament?
(a)  14  days
(b) 1  month
(c)  3  months
(d) 6  months

31. As  per recommendations of  the Twelfth  Finance  Commission, percentage  share  of  States  of the shareable central taxes  is?
(a)  28.5
(b) 29.5
(c)  30.5
(d) 32.4

32.  The  annual growth  rate  of  the Indian  Economy  at  1999-2000  prices during  2005-2006  has been estimated  between  .
(a)  5  to  6  per cent
(b) 7  to  8  per  cent
(c)  6  to  7  per  cent
(d) 8  to  9  per  cent

33.  Which one  of the  following  is  not  an  objective  of  fiscal  policy  of Indian  Government?
(a)  Full  employment
(b) Regulation  of inter-State  trade
(c)  Price  stability
(d) Equitable distribution  of wealth  and  income.

34. How  many  times has Financial  Emergency  been  declared  in India so  far?
(a)  5  times
(b) 4  times
(c)  Once
(d) Never

35.  Which one  of the  following  on  the  Consolidated Fund  of India?
(a)  Salary  and  allowances  of the  President  of India.
(b) Salary  and  allowances  of the  Speaker  of  the  Lok  Sabha.
(c)  Salary  and  allowances  of the  Justices  of the  Supreme  Court  of  India.
(d) Salary  and  allowances  of the  Vice  President  of  India.

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