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Hostel Wardens / Jailer / Jail Warden Exam Bits for APPSC / TSPSC

1. National anthem was first sung at the Calcutta session of the congress on ?
1. 27-12-1909
2. 27-12-1908
3. 27.12.1911
4. 27-12-1910

2. At which of its session in 1929, Indian National Congress declared complete Independence as
1. Surat
2. Lahore
3. Karachi
4. Bombay

3. In 1942, Indian Independence League was formed by Raj Behari Bose in
1. Berlin
2. Tokyo
3. Kabul
4. London

4. Who coined the term "Pakistan' in 1938
1. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
2. M.A. Jinna
3. Iqbal
4. Shurawardhy

5. who was the President of Indian National Congress session in 1886, 1893 and 1906
1. Dadabhai Naoroji
2. Ferozshah Mehta
3. G. K Gokhale
4. Motilal Nehru

6. National institute of Disaster Management at ?
1. Surat
2. Cochin
3. Cuttack
4. New Delhi

7. on what date an offshore earthquake triggered a Tsunami that killed about 19,000 people along Japan's northeastern coast
1. 11.01.2011
2. 11.12.2010
3. 11.03.2011
4. 11.02.2011

8. In India, the nodal ministry for all matters concerning disasters at the centre is
1. Ministry of Information and Communication
2. Ministry Human Resource Development
3. Ministry of Rural Development
4. Ministry of Home Affairs

9. Disaster is defined as "catastrophic situation in which the normal pattern of life or ecosystem has been disrupted and extra ordinary emergency interventions are required to save LMD preserve lives and or the  environment Who gave this definition
1. Prime Minister's Office
2. The Disaster Management Act, 2005
4. Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

10. According to World Disaster Report, 2010, during 2000-2009, 85% of people affected by disasters belongs to
1. Northern Asia Region
2. North West Asia Region
3. South East Region
4. Asia Pacific Region

11. What percent of global to flood live in South Asia, East Asia and Pacific countries?
3. 90%

12. In India how many people are exposed to recurring floods every year?
1. 325 million
2. 175 million
3. 150 million
4. 200 million

13. out of total coastline of India, how many kms are vulnerable to storms, eyelones and tsunamis?
1. 5000 km
2. 5100 km
3. 5200 km
4. 5700 km

14. On what date a tsunami ravaged the coastal areas of South East Asia
1. 26-12-2004
2. 26-12-2003
3. 26-12-2005
4. 26-12-2002

15. The earliest description of a tsunami comes from the northern part of Aegean Sea is in
1. 405 BC
2.412 BC
3. 379 BC
4. 479 BC

16. which are among the most terrifying hazards known to man?
1. Cyclone
2. Tsunami 
3. Land slide
4. Storms

17. The Pacific Tsunami warning system established in ?
1. 1948
2. 1952
3. 1949
4. 1947

18. Which Dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra
1. Kanva
2. Sungai
3. Chola
4. Chera

19. Capital of Pallavas
1. Tanjore
2. Kanchi
3. Salem
4. Madurai

20. How many Dynasties the Sultanate of Delhi had?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7

21, 84th Oscars Academy Award for the best movie
1. A Separation
2. The Artist
3. Saving Face
4. Undefeated

22. 84th Oscars Academy Award for the best, actress
1. Octavia Spencer
2. Meryl Streep
3. Octavia Streep
4. Meryl Spencer

23. BASIC countries climate talks were held in February 2012 in
1. Brazil
2. Africa
3. China
4. India

24. Mohammad Nasheed who recently resigned on 7.2.2012 after opposition had protests was the President of
1. Greece
2. Maldives
3. Kuwait
4. Afghanistan

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