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Techniques of Administrative Improvement - UPSC Civils IAS MainExamination Topic wise Comprehensive Material

Chapter -11 
Techniques of Administrative Improvement 
Organization and methods, Work study and work management, e-governance and information technology, Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM

Organization and methods
1. Bring out the various techniques ofp&Madopted in India to improve efficiency in administration (2007/60)

2. Examine the needs and facets ofadministrative reforms in the fast changing scenario of the 21st century. What are the obstacles to administrative reforms?Give suggestions to overcome them. (2003/60)

3. Bring out the importance of Organization and Methods (0 & M). Do you think that there should be a separate 0&Morganization? (1997/60)

4. "Administrative reforms are induced changes in the machinery of government undertaken in order to bridge the gap between reality and desirability." Comment

5. "Whatever'is purpose it is true that reform always takes place against resistance and that failure to recognise the various sources ofopposition, and to plan and to neutralise them, is a major reason for the widespread failure ofreform efforts." Examine. (1996/60)

6. "The entire processof development and nation building hinges on the effectiveness of administrative reforms." Comment.

7. "Administrative reforms represent efforts, intended to enhance and/or expand the administrative and managerial capacity of Public administration to achieve national objectives or goals," Elucidate. (1993/30)

8. 'Administrative reform, by its very definition, seeks to apply new ideas to administration and thus entails new values. Comment. (1992/20)

9. "There are widely different views not only about the context of and M, but also concerning its relationship with other techniques concerned with improving effectiveness and efficiency, Discuss (1991/30)

Work study and work management
1. Write short note on Work study and work-measurementin Indian Administration. (2000/20)

2. "Work study succeeds because it is systematic in investigating a problem and also in developing a solution for it."Explain. Also discuss the components ofwork Study and their usefulness (1998/60)

3. Work study comprisesall systematic activities concerned
with the investigation, recording, measurement and improvement of work.' Comment (1990/20)

e-governance and information technology
1. Do you think that there is asort ofparadox between e-Governance and good governance? Explain fully, (2010/20)

2. e- governence  has the potentiality to emerge as the most effective instrument of efficiency, transparency and accountability."Comment. (2008/20)

3. .The rise of information technology is an opportunity to overcome disabilities". Explain.
historic (2006/20)

4. In what ways and how can information technology play a crucial role in effective government-citizen interaction in the context of good governance.(2005/60)

5. What is Information Technology? Describe its impact on Public Administration. (2004/60)

6. "Organisations today seem to invest in information and information systems, but their investments often do not seem to make sense." Comment. (2003/20)

7. Do you think that sudden eruption of Information society' has adapted and accelerated administrative development? (1989/30)

1. There isaneed for intimate relation between Generalists, Specialists and the Management Information system (MIS). Comment (1988/20)

1. "Techniques like PERTandCPM help in effective office management." Elaborate. (2009/20)
2. Time may be regained as an alternative to reform, as by efflux of time' remarkable powers may be acquired to resolve conflict. Comment. (1988/20)

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