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IBPS PO Main Exam English Quiz

IBPS PO Main Exam-2016 Grand Test
Directions (Q. No. 1 - 10): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

A leading Indian industrialist in a recent article on ways to strengthen India's economy has drawn attention to the problems of inflation and industrial sickness among other things. One of the main reasons for industrial sickness in our country has been the fact that business and industrial managers have not been able to look beyond the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied with their
attempts to report favourable results for the current year, higher profits and larger dividends to the shareholders. The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments have been inadequate for new plants and towards diversification and expansions. Modernisation and asset creation has seriously lagged behind. In business, growth is needed for survival; one has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out. This is particularly true today with liberalisation of imports and increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher productivity create employment and higher employment creates larger markets both for industrial and consumer products. It was Henry
Ford who brought home the need for the creation of a larger and a more stable middle class, that is, a larger number of people who can afford more and more of goods and services. Even after forty years of independence our industrialists have not been able to shed the petty shopkeeper's mentality and our highly educated management has tagged along merrily and without concern.

1. Which of the following shortcomings of Indian industrialists has been highlighted by the author?
1) they invest unreasonably high amount on diversification and expansion
2) they are more concerned for immediate net gains than for developmental activities
3) they are reluctant to maintain the shopkeeper mentality
4) they are less concerned for payment of dividends to shareholders
5) None of the above

2. The leading industrialist attributes industrial sickness mainly to:
1) lacunae in five-year plans
2) preoccupations of managers with matters unrelated to business
3) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
4) lack of foresight among managers
5) inflation and other economic problems

3. According to the passage, growth and increasing productivity lead to:
1) imposition of restrictions on imports
2) employment and thus provide an outlet to industrial and consumer products
3) encouragement to export of excess consumer goods
4) disproportionate commodities
5) None of the above

4. Why did Henry Food stress the need for a more stable middle class?
1) They are mostly service oriented
2) They do not have shopkeeper mentality
3) They can afford to buy more and more expensive goods
4) They are most unstable
5) None of the above

5. "The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years" implies:
1) planning should not be for a period of less than five years
2) the planning process is very time consuming
3) the planners are not inclined to think of future
4) planning should take care of all probable ups and downs in the next five-year period
5) five-year period is too short for successful implementation of plans

6. According to the passage, the net grains pursued by managers are at the cost of:
1) diversification, modernisation and asset creation
2) availability of markets for industrial and consumer products
3) inflation and industrial sickness
4) liberalisation of imports and increasing competition
5) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders

Directions (Q. No. 7 - 8): Find the word that is most suitable antonym to the word given in bold as
used in the passage.

7. Merrily
1) Sadly
2) Reluctantly
3) Callously
4) Indifferently
5) Seriously

8. Stable
1) Fumbling
2) Staggering
3) Evanescent
4) Transitory
5) Volatile

Directions (Q. No. 9 - 10): Find the word that is most suitable synonym to the word given in bold as
used in the passage.

9. Shed
1) Abdicate
2) Shun
3) Leave
4) Grasp
5) Inculcate

10. Wiped out
1) Exterminated
2) Obliterated
3) Languished
4) Deteriorated
5) Diminished

Directions (Q. No.11-20): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. 

These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Panini is ___ (11) one of greatest intellectual ___ (12) of the ancient world who nearly 2,500 years ago, composed ___ (13) making book Asthadhyayi which has been ___ (14) acclaimed as the first scientific ___
(15) of language anywhere in the world and the most ___ (16) linguistic study done upto the beginning of the nineteenth century. The ___ (17) of his imagination and the ___ (18) mathematical ___ (19) to language have taught modern scholars the ___ (20) to treat language scientifically.

1) undoubtedly
2) earnestly
3) actually
4) easily
5) commonly

1) gods
2) demons
3) giants
4) heroes
4) man

1) illustrious
2) epoch
3) brain storming
4) outstanding
5) grammar

1) simply
2) already
3) logically
4) universally
5) eloquently

1) study
2) portrayal
3) depiction
4) knowledge
5) representation

1) comprehensive
2) concurrent
3) assured
4) difficult
5) communicable

1) sharpness
2) discretion
3) sweep
4) synopsis
5) focus

1) familiar
2) touching
3) close
4) near
5) pseudo

1) recommendation
2) approach
3) endorsement
4) estimation
5) evaluation

1) eventualities
2) contingencies
3) possibilities
4) durabilities
5) conditionalities

Directions (Q. No. 21-30): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering  some of the questions.

There was once a poor man who earned just a bare living for himself and his family. All day long he sang and passed his time cheerfully, while his rich neighbours were busy and anxious about their riches and never sang. They wondered at the poor man's joy and even complained that with his singing he would not let them sleep. One of them, a very wealthy man said "I will stop him being so
cheerful and singing all the time." He went to the poor man's house while he was away and threw a bag of money into his room. When the poor man came home he was very happy at first  and cheerfully hid the bag of money. Soon, however, he began to fear, it might be stolen or he might be
accused of having stolen it, and be ceased to be cheerful and to sing. After a time the rich man asked
him, what made him so thin and sad. At first he did not dare to say but when the rich man told him that he knew his secret, he cried out "Take back your money, then I shall be happy and free from care and shall sing as I used to." So saying he flung  the treasure at the rich man.

21. What did the poor man do all day long?
1) he toiled hard to earn living for his family
2) cursing himself and his fate for being poor
3) guarding carefully the money he received
4) he sang and passed his time cheerfully
5) None of these

22. Why did the poor man become gloomy and sad?
1) his condition was constantly deteriorating
2) he feared that his bag of money might be stolen
3) his neighbours did not like his behaviour
4) he was afraid of his neighbours
5) None of these

23. Which of the following statements is/ are true in the context of the passage?
i) the poor man's neighbours complained that his singing would not let them sleep.
ii) poor man's neighbour handed over a bag of money to him.
iii) the poor man was accused of having stolen the money.
1) ii only
2) iii only
3) ii & iii only
4) i only
5) All statements are untrue

24. What was the complaint of the neighbours against the poor man?
1) ha always remains cheerful
2) he does not do any work for earning his livelihood
3) he discourages his neighbours from helping him financially
4) he creates all sorts of problems in their business
5) None of these

25. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word "ceased" as used in the passage.
1) started
2) appreciated
3) exhibited
4) deprived
5) motivated

26. What did the poor man do when he saw the bag of money?
1) he returned it to his rich neighbour
2) he distributed the money among his family members
3) he delightfully hid the bag
4) he flung the treasure at the rich man
5) None of these

27. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word "bare" as used in the passage.
1) plentiful
2) hardly
3) manageable
4) minimum
5) simple

28. What did the wealthy man do to stop the poor man from singing?
1) complained to the local police against the poor man
2) tried to persuade the poor man to give up singing
3) dropped a bag of gold into the poor man's room
4) deprived the poor man from enjoying his life
5) None of these

29. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the word "flung" as used in the passage.
1) kept
2) threw
3) offered
4) returned
5) surrendered

30. What did the poor man do to be happy and cheerful as before?
1) he abdicated the responsibility of earning money
2) he again started dancing and practicing
3) he started working hard to earn his livelihood
4) he donated the money to the poor and needy
5) None of these

Directions (Q. No. 31- 35): Read the following statements to decide their sequence to make a meaningful passage and then answer the questions given below them.
A) Second later, the glaring object swept past and he thought he had out man oeuvred it.
B) While flying over enemy territory. Jones received the warning of an oncoming missile.
C) He was proved wrong when he saw the vertical tail fins on fire.
D) Without wasting time, he slammed the throttles forward and made the plane roll into a high speed
E) Hardly had he responded to the message when he actually saw what every fighter pilot dreaded

31. Which sentence should come THIRD in the paragraph?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

32. Which sentence should come LAST in the paragraph?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

33. Which sentence should come SECOND in the paragraph?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

34. Which sentence should come FOURTH in the paragraph?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

35. Which sentence should come FIRST in the paragraph?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

Directions (Q. No. 36-40): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or
idiomatic error in it. If there is "No error" the answer is "5".

36. The couple's work in (1)/ upgrading rural technicians (2)/ has set a bench marking (3)/ for future generations. (4)/ No error (5) 

37. It has taking almost (1)/ a year for India (2)/ to let its pessimism (3)/ translate into fewer jobs. (4)/ No error (5)

38. The group of (1)/ rural achievers is very (2)/ different than the (3)/ ones in the past. (4)/ No error (5)

39. The government has announced (1)/ planes to creating (2)/ one million new (3)/ training places.
(4)/ No error (5)

40. Although a brilliant writer, (1)/ an lying (2)/ pessimism prevails in (3)/ all her novels. (4)/ No
error (5)

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