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Logical Thinking Reasoning Quiz for IBPS / SBI Clersk


Directions (Q.No. 1-5): Inthese questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statement(s).  The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer:
1) if only conclusion I is true
2) if only conclusion II is true
3) if either conclusion I or II is true
4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
5) if both conclusions I and II are true

1.Statements:U ≥ V> M≤ X < Y= T; A= S ≥ C ≥ V

I. T> S
II. M < A

2.Statements:Y≥ P= Q > S < T≥U; N ≤ T= W<O

I. Y≥ O  

3.Statements: H < G = K ≤ L; M < N = L

I. N ≥G 
II. H <N

4.Statements: W≥ X < Y> Z; U< Z = O > V

I.V< Y
II. Y> U

5.Statements:G > B ≥ C = H < E; F > B = G

I.F > H
II.G ≤ H

1) 2
2) 4
3) 5
4) 5
5) 1

Directions (Q. No. 6-14): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons M, N, O,P, Q, R, S and T stay in a same building that has eight floors numbered one to eight (the ground floor is numbered 1,the floor above it is numbered 2, and soon, and the top most floor is numbered 8).  But these people do not necessarily stay in the same order given. Each one has a different occupation - Doctor, Professor, School Teacher, Musician, Business Person, Bank Manager, Accountant and Engineer, again not in the same order.  Each one plays a different game - hockey, volley ball, basket ball, badminton, chess, cricket, football and tennis. There are two floors between the floors of R and Q. R does not play volleyball and does not live on even numbered floor. There is one floor between the Accountant's and the person's who plays football. Accountant plays badminton and lives on even numbered floor, but not on the top floor.  Professor plays basketball and lives on third floor.  R is not professor. S does not play either football or basketball. S does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below the floor on which P lives. P is not bank manager and he does not play tennis, volleyball or hockey. M, a school teacher, lives just above the floor of business person and just below the floor in which accountant lives.  T, a musician, who plays chess, lives on the floor above the R's floor but not on Top floor.  There is only one floor above the floor in which Engineer lives who does not play football. Business person plays cricket and lives on fourth floor.  M does not play volleyball or hockey. O is not an Engineer and neither plays badminton nor plays football.

6.Which of the following games School Teacher plays?
1) Volleyball
2) Tennis
3) Hockey
4) Football
5) None of these

7.On which of the following floors does S live?
1) 8th
2) 3rd
3) 6th
4) 5th
5) None of these

8.Which of the following games Engineer plays?
1) Volleyball
2) Tennis
3) Hockey
4) Football
5) None of these

9.Who among the following lives on the top most floor, i.e. floor number 8?
1) N
2) P
3) S
4) O
5) None of these

10.How many floors are there between the floors on which P&O live?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) None of these

11.On which of the following floors does N live?
1) 7th
2) 3rd
3) 1st
4) 5th
5) None of these

12.Who among the following is Bank Manager?
1) N
2) P
3) R
4) O
5) None of these

13.Who among the following plays Hockey?
1) N
2) P
3) R
4) O
5) None of these

14.On which of the following floors does O live?
1) 4th
2) 3rd
3) 1st
4) 5th
5) None of these

Directions (Q. No. 15-19): Each of the questions below consistsof a question and two statements marked I and II given below it. You haveto decide whether the data provided inthe statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer:
1)if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question,while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
2)if the data in statements I alone arenot sufficient to answer thequestion, while the data instatement II alone are sufficient to answer the question
3)if the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question
4)if the data even in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question
5)if the data in both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question

15. How many daughters does Y have?
I. E and Q are the daughters of P
II.D is brother of Q and son of Y

16.What is Ramesh's rank in a class of 60 students?
I. Suraj, whose rank is 27thinthe class,is ahead of Ghana by 10 ranks. There are 9 persons between Ghana and Ramesh.
II. Kamesh is 25 ranks ahead of Ramesh and Lal is 7 ranks behind Ramesh. Suresh stands exactly in the middle of Lal and Kamesh. There are seventeen persons behind Lal.

17.What does "Pe" stands for in the code language?
I."Pa Pi Pok Pe" means "core values matter most" and "RiPok Pe Pam" means "values are most important" in that code language.
II."Mi Pe Mo Nam" means"Don't compromise on values" and "Pe Mok Sac Li" means "values must be realised" in that code language.

18.Who amongst V, Q, R, S, T and U, who are at different weights ,is the heaviest?
I.Q is lighter than only R.
II. Only R is heavier than Q.
119.Towards which direction is Y from Z?
I. Y is exactly to the south east of M.
II. Z is exactly to the south west of M.

Directions (Q. No. 20 - 24): Observe the statements carefully and choose the option by finding out the validity of the given conclusions:

All Tigers are Cats.
Some Cats are Lions.
All Lions are Zebras.
I. Some Zebras are Tigers.
II. No Tiger is a Zebra.
III. All Zebras being Lions is nota possibility
1) Either I or II follows
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only III with either I or II follows
4) I and III follow
5) None of these

21. Statements:
All Pens are sticks.
All sticks are tubes.
All tubes are rings.
I. Some rings are not sticks.
II. All rings are sticks.
III. All those tubes which are pens must be sticks.
1) Only II and III follow
2) Only I and III follow
3) Either I or II and III follow
4) All follow
5) None of these

All windows are doors.
Some doors are ways.
Some ways are paths.
No window is way.
I.Some doors are windows.
II.Some doors are not windows.
III.Some paths which are ways need not necessarily be doors.
1) Only I and III follow
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only I and II follows
4) All follow
5) None of these

No wall is roof.
All pens are walls.
All doors are roofs.
I.All pens are not roofs.
II.All doors are not walls.
III.No any Pen is door.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only II and III follow
3) Either I or II and III follows
4) All follow
5) None of these

All switches are plugs.
Some plugs are bulbs.
All bulbs are boards.
Some plugs are not boards.
I.All plugs can never be boards.
II.All switches can never be boards.
III.All boards can never be switches.
1) Only I and II follow
2) All follow
3) Either I or III and II follows
4) None follows
5) Only I follow

Directions (Q.No. 25 - 32): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons A, B, C,D, E, F, G and H are sitting around acircular table facing towards the centre,but not necessarily in the same order. Each one is wearing a different coloured shirt i.e. violet, indigo, blue,green, yellow, orange, red and black.  Eis sitting on the second position towards the right of the person who is wearing an orange shirt.  Between the person who is wearing Indigo shirt and E, only one person is sitting. H is sitting on the third place towards the right of the person who is wearing a blue shirt.  The person who is wearing blue shirt is neither E nor sitting beside the person who is wearing Indigo colour shirt.  The person who was wearing a green shirt is not sitting beside E. D is sitting beside the person who is wearing a green shirt.  D was wearing neither Indigo shirt nor blue shirt. E was not wearing a Green shirt. There are only two persons sitting between the person who was wearing green shirt and the person who was wearing yellow shirt.  Only two persons are sitting between G and the person who was wearing Yellow coloured shirt. G was not wearing a green shirt. The person who was wearing Red shirt is sitting at the right side of C.  F was wearing Violet shirt.  A was not wearing blue shirt.
25.Who is sitting exactly in front of C?
1) D
2) H
3) A
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

26.Which colour shirt A is wearing?
1) Green
2) Orange
3) Black
4) Indigo
5) None of these

27.Which colour shirt G is wearing?
1) Green
2) Orange
3) Black
4) Red
5) None of these

28.Who is sitting immediate right of D?
1) H
2) A
3) E
4) B
5) None of these

29.In which of the following third person is sitting between first and second person?
1) ADH
2) AHD
3) BAD
4) BAG
5) None of these

30.In which of the following is second person is immediate left of first person?
1) DH
2) HE
3) EF
4) AB
5) None of these

31.Which of the following is not correct?
1) A- Green shirt
2) D - Orange shirt
3) B - Blue shirt
4) G - Black shirt
5) None of these

32.If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order in anticlockwise direction starting from A, the position of whom amongst the following remains the same(excluding A)?
1) H
2) G
3) E
4) F
5) None of these

Directions (Q. No. 33 - 39):Study the following information to answer these questions:
Eight friends viz. A, B, C, D, E,F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing east.  Each one of them joins indifferent sports club in different months viz. January, February, March,April, May, June, July and August but not necessarily in the same order. H sits third to the right of the person whose joining date is in January. The person who is joining in February's its to the immediate left of D. G sits third to the right of the person who joins in May.  The person who joins in August sits second to the right of G.  A and E are immediate neighbours of each other.  Neither A nor E has joining dates either in May or August. Neither A nor E is an immediate neighbour of G. Neither A nor E has joining dates in January. H's joining date is not in August. Only two people sit between E and the person whose joining date is in July.  Only one person sits between E and B.  C joins on one of the months before July.  E joins after April. G joins after A.

33.In which of the following months does H join the club?
1) April
2) June
3) July
4) February
5) Can't be determined

34.Who amongst the following sits exactly between E and B?
1) The person whose joining date is in May
2) The person whose joining date is in January
3) D   
4) A
5) None of these

35."H" is related to "July" in a cer-tain way based on the above arrangement. "B" is related to June following the same pattern. Then, "__" is related to "May"following the same pattern.
1) F
2) G
3) A
4) D
5) None of these

36.Which of the following is true regarding D?
1) Only two people sit to the left of D
2) D is sitting second to the right of the person who is joining in July
3) E and B are immediate neighbours of D
4) E is 3rdto the left of D
5) None is true

37.Who amongst the following has joining date in June?
1) F
2) E
3) G
4) D
5) Can't be determined

38.How many people sit between C and the person whose joining date is in April?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) None of these

39.Who amongst the following are sitting at extreme ends of the line?
1) A and the person whose joining date is in August
2) The person whose joining date is in May and E
3) C and G
4) The persons whose joining dates are in March and June
5) None of these

40.The women of Village X are becoming financially independent after Shakti, an NGO, started assisting the women in mastering the art of making organic colours, thus helping them earn a living. Which of the following stateme-nts can be inferredfrom thegiven statement? (An inference is something which you can logically deduce to be true based on known premises)
1) In order to master the art of making organic colours, one must seek the assistance of Shakti only.
2) Organic colours made by thewomen of village X have captured the interest of people to some extent.
3) The women of village X have never tried their hand at any art except colour making.
4) Shakti provides assistance only in the field of organic colour making and specifically to women.
5) Women of village X have never been assisted by any other NGO in the past.

41.Cases of food poisoning have been reported from village "X". After a dinner party arranged for 100 people, 68 have been admitted to the hospital, 36 cases are reported to be out of danger. The food, which was cooked and stored in open space for almost 12 hours earlier, was served after reheating it.  Investigation is going on - A news report. Which of the following can be hypothesised from the above information?
1) Late night dinner parties for large number of people result into food poisoning.
2) Stale food is likely to be the cause of food poisoning
3) Cases of food poisoning need to be handled carefully.
4) Cases of food poisoning are not reported in urban dinner parties.
5) Food poisoning is a matter ofchance and no preventivemeasure can be suggested.

42.Astudy reveals that familieswhere parents cannot give sufficient time for their children report disturbed behaviour of children and poor performance of the child at school. Which of the following if true would weaken the statement?
1) Studies regarding behaviourof children of single parents have reported similar findings
2) A good and healthy child parent relationship helps the child in adjustment at home and school
3) A high correlation has been found between good adjustment of the child with his peers/ friends and high good performance in the school
4) Schools have now started counselling parents to spend happy and meaningful time with their children
5) Well adjusted children show lot of love and respect for their parents

43.The question consists of information and two statements numbered I and II given below it.   You have to decide which of the given statements weaken(s) or strengthen (s) the information and decide the appropriate answer.

Information:For the past three years, more number of students in country G are opting for law courses as compared to the earlier years.
I.The number of applications for admission in law colleges of country G has been consistently increasing for the past 5 years.
II.The number of students ready to pay heavy donations to get admission in the most sought after law college of country G has been consistently increasing for the past three years.
1) Both statement I and statement II are neutral statements
2) Both statement I and II weaken the information
3) Statement I strengthens the information while statement in weakens the information
4) Statement I weakens the information while statement I is strengthens the information
5) Both Statement I and II strengthen the information

44.Read the given information and answer the question. Patients of lung ailments weremostly prescribed Medicine X,which contains only two constituents, viz "agnet" and, "serovil". However, there were reports that many patients developed severe addiction to it on longterm use.  Therefore, doctors now prescribe Medicine A to deal with the same because it contains "agnet" and "serovil". Which of the following can be concluded from the given statement?
1) Amedicine containing only"serovil" would not aid in treatment of the mentioned lung disease at all
2) Medicine A contains no constituent other than "agnet"
3) Short term usage of Medicine X does not develop its addiction even to a minor extent
4) Medicine X is not prescribed to treat the ailment these days
5) "Serovil" was the constituent responsible for causing addiction of Medicine X

Directions (Q. No.45 - 50): Study the following information to answer these questions:
There are six friends M, N, O, P,Q and R who are of different heights. Each one likes different animated movies - Rio, Lion king, Shrek, Frozen, Up and Cars but not necessarily in the same order.  Each one likes different colour - blue, red, green, violet, yellow and pink, again not necessarily in the same order.  The person who likes yellow is taller than only those who like Lion king and Rio.  The person who likes Up is shorter than only that person who likes Cars and red colour. Q is between O and N in order of height. R likes Rio and violet colour. M does not like Up. N is taller than only R. O does not like either Up or Cars. The person who likes Shrek is shorter than the one who likes green but taller than the one who likes Lion king. P does not like pink colour.

45.Which of the following movies does 'O' likes
1) Cars
2) Shrek
3) Up
4) Frozen
5) Rio

46.Four of the following five forma group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
1) R - Violet
2) Q - Shrek
3) P- Up
4) O - Frozen
5) P- Pink

47.Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?
1) N - Pink
2) M - Red
3) P- Blue
4) Q - Yellow
5) All the given combinations are definitely correct

48.Which of the following combinations of movie and colour is definitely correct with respect to P?
1) Up - Blue
2) Other than those given as options
3) Shrek - yellow
4) Up - Red
5) Frozen - Green

49.Four of the following five form agroup as per the given arrangement, which of the following does not belong to that group?
1) Red - Cars
2) Pink - Lion King
3) Yellow - Shrek
4) Blue - Frozen
5) Blue - Up

50.Which of the following movies does Q like?
1) Shrek
2) Cars
3) Frozen
4) Lion King
5) Other than those given as options

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