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Logical Ability


1. In a certain code language ‘ULTIMATE’ is written as ‘12345637’ and ‘CUT’ is written as ‘813’. How will ‘CULTIMATE’ be written in that code language?
1. 812345673
2. 812345637
3. 812435637
4. 812346537
5. None of these

2. In a certain code language ‘much and such’ is written as ‘da pa ta’ and ‘sold and told’ is written as ‘sa na pa’. How is ‘such’ written in that code language?
1. da
2. Na
3. Ta
4. da or ta
5. None of these

3. Directions: Study the following inform - ation carefully and answer the question that follows:
In a certain code ‘stand at the centre window’ is written as ‘42351’. ‘The centre is your’ is written as ‘6139’ and ‘your centre are appeared at’ is written as ‘71982’. What does 1 stand for?
1. centre
2. the
3. is
4. at
5. None of these

4. Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the question that follows:
In a certain code `stand at the centre window` is written as `42351`. `The center is your` is written as `6139` and `your centre are appeared at` is written as `71982`. What is the code for `is`?
1. 3
2. 2
3. 6
4. 9
5. None of these

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the question that follows:
In a certain code `stand at the centre window` is written as `42351`. `The center is your` is written as `6139` and `your centre are appeared at` is written as `71982`. What is the code for `your centre window is`?
1. 9146
2. 9156
3. 9126
4. Either 1 or 2
5. None of these

6-10. Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the question that follows.
Among five doctors A, B, C, D and E, four engineers G, H, K and L and six teachers M, N, O, P, Q and R, some teams are to be selected. Out of these, A, B, G, H, O, P and Q are females and the rest are males. The formation of teams is subject to the following conditions: Wherever there is a male doctor, there will be no female teacher. Wherever there is a male engineer, there will be no female doctor. There shall not be more than two male teachers in any team.

6. If a team consists of two doctors, three female teachers and two engineers, then which of the following are the members of the team?
1. A, B, O, P, Q, G, H
2. C, D, K, L, O, P, Q
3. C, D, O, P, Q, G, H
4. D, E, G, H, O, P, Q
5. A, E, G, H, O, Q, P

7. If a team consists of two doctors, one engineer and four teachers, then all the following teams are possible, except
1. team A, B, G, M, N, O and P
2. team A, B, H, M, O, P and Q
3. team A, B, H, M, R, P and Q
4. team A, B, K, N, R, P and Q
5. None of these

8. Which of the following teams is not possible if a team consists of two doctors, two female teachers and two engineers?
1. A, B, G, H, O and Q
2. A, B, G, H, P and Q
3. A, B, K, L, P and Q
4. O, P, G, H, A and B
5. None of these

9. If a team consists of three doctors, two male engineers and two teachers, then the members of the team could be
1. A, B, C, K, L, M and R
2. B, C, D, K, L, N and R
3. C, D, E, K, L, M and N
4. C, D, E, K, L, P and R
5. A, B, C, D, E, K and M

10. If a team consists of two doctors, two engineers and two teachers, then all of the following teams are possible, except
1. team A, B, G, H, O and P
2. team A, B, G, H, M and N
3. team C, E, K, L, N and R
4. team C, D, K, L, O and P
5. team A, B, G, H, M and P

11-15. Directions: Read the following information and answer the question given below.
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated around a circular table facing the centre. There are three lady members and they are not seated next to each other. P is third to Q but not to the left. S is not an immediate neighbor of P and Q. U is second to the left of S, who is a lady member. W is not an
immediate neighbor of P and Q and both are not lady members. T, who is a lady member, is not an immediate neighbor of Q.

11. Who is third to the right of T?
1. V
2. R
3. W
4. U
5. None of these

12. Who all are seated between V and U when counted clockwise from V if R is second to the left of P?
1. Q, R, S and W
2. S and W
3. P and T
4. S and P
5. W and P

13. Which among the following are the only male members in the group?
1. V, W and U
2. V, R and T
3. W, V and R
4. P, T and R
5. None of these

14. Who is third to the left of T?
1. V
2. R
3. S
4. Either V or R
5. None of these

15. Who among the following is/are female member(s)?
1. T
2. U
3. W
4. Both U and W
5. Both T and U

16-20. Directions: A statement is given followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions to decide which of the assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.

17. Statement: Our bank provides all your banking requirements at one location. – An advertisement of a bank. 
I. Customers prefer to carry out all banking transactions at one place.
II. People may get attracted by the advertisement and carry out their transactions with this bank.
1. Only assumption I is implicit.
2. Only assumption II is implicit.
3. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. Both the assumptions I and II are implicit.
5. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.

18. Statement: The X-airlines has decided to increase the passenger fare by 15 percent with immediate effect.
I. The demand for seats of the X-airlines may remain unchanged even after the hike in fare.
II. Other airline companies may also hike the passenger fares.
1. Only assumption I is implicit
2. Both the assumptions I and II are implicit.
3. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
5. Only assumption II is implicit.

19. Statement: Multinational fast food chains are opening up a large number of Plus Coffee Shops with piped modern music in different cities of India and these are serving various snacks with coffee.
I. A large number of people may become regular customers of these coffee shops.
II. People will like to enjoy the comfortable environment while drinking coffee with snacks.
1. Only assumption I is implicit.
2. Only assumption II is implicit.
3. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. Both the assumptions I and II are implicit.
5. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.

19. Statement: Railway officials have started ten new trains and increased the frequency of fourteen running trains.
I. The existing trains are not sufficient to provide accommodation to all the passengers.
II. The new and additional trains would have sufficient passengers, so that they will be economically viable.
1. Only assumption I is implicit.
2. Only assumption II is implicit.
3. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. Both assumptions I and II are implicit.
5. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.

20. Statement: Bank 'A' has announced reduction of half percentage on the interest rate on retail
lending with immediate effect.
I. Other banks may also reduce the retail lending rates to be in competition.
II. Bank 'A' may be able to attract more customers for availing retail loans.
1. Only assumption I is implicit.
2. Only assumption II is implicit.
3. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
5. Both the assumptions I and II are implicit.


21-25. Directions: In the question below, three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

21. Statements: 
Some mangoes are grapes. 
No grape is black. 
Some blacks are blackberry.
I. All blackberry being mangoes is a possibility.
II. Some blackberry are not grapes.
1. Only I follows
2. Only II follows
3. Either I or II follows
4. Neither I nor II follows
5. Both I and II follow

22. Statements:
All books are pencils. 
Some pencils are pens.
No pen is blue.
I. Some books are not pencils.
II. Some pencils are blue.
1. If only I follows
2. If only II follows
3. If either I or II follows
4. If neither I nor II follows
5. Both I and II follow

23. Statements: 
All locust are Butterfly. 
Only Butterfly are wasp. 
Some wasps are grasshoppers.
I. Some grasshoppers are Locusts.
II. No grasshopper is a Locust.
1. If only I follows
2. If only II follows
3. If either I or II follows
4. If neither I nor II follows
5. Both I and II follow

24. Statements: 
Only rectangle are octagons.
Some rectangles are spheres. 
Some spheres are triangles.
I. Some triangles being octagons is a possibility.
II. No triangles is a octagon.
1. If only II follows
2. If only I follows
3. If either I or II follows
4. If neither I nor II follows
5. Both I and II follow

25. Statements: 
All fruits are tasty. 
All mangoes are tasty. 
Some mangoes are apples.
I. All apples being tasty is a possibility.
II. All tasty being mangoes is a possibility.
1. If only I follows
2. If only II follows
3. If either I or II follows
4. If neither I nor II follows
5. Both I and II follow

26. Sahil walks 5 km west then turns 90o clockwise and walks 6 km. Then he turns right and walks 5 km, he then turns back and walks 3 km and then he turns left and walks 6 km. How far and in which direction is he from the starting point?
1. 2 km. West
2. 2 km. East
3. 2 km. North West
4. 2 km. North East
5. None of these

27. Suraj started from point X and walked five km westwards. He turned left and walked straight for two km. Again, he turned left and walked straight for seven km. In which direction is he from point X?
1. Northeast
2. Southwest
3. Southeast
4. Northwest
5. South

28. Neeraj started from a point and proceeded 7 km straight towards east. Then, he turned left and proceeded straight for a distance of 10 km. He then turned left again and proceeded straight for a distance of 6 km. He finally turned left again and proceeded straight for another 10 km. In which direction is Neeraj from his starting point?
1. East
2. West
3. North
4. South
5. South-East

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