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1. Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involves transfer of
A) Ovum into the fallopian tube
B) Zygote into the Uterus
C) Zygote into the fallopian tube
D) Embryo with 16 blastomeres into the fallopian tube

2. The motile bacteria are able to move by?
A) Fimbriae
B) Cilia
C) Flagella
D) Pili

3. In ‘S’ phase of the cell cycle?
A) Amount of DNA doubles in each cell
B) Amount of DNA remains same in each cell
C) Chromosome number is increased
D) Amount of DNA is reduced half in each cell

4. The enzyme recombinase is required at  which stage of meiosis?
A) Pachytene
B) Diplotene
C) Leptotene
D) Diakinesis

5. Which one of the following is a non reducing carbohydrate ?
A) Maltose
B) Lactose
C) Sucrose
D) Ribose 5-Phosphate

6. 90% of the photosynthesis in the world is carryout by?
A) Angiosperms
B) Algae
C) Monocots
D) Fungi

7. Leaves of C4 plants mallic acid synthesis during carbon dioxide fixation occurs in?
A) Bundle sheath cells
B) Mesophyll cells
C) Epidermal cells
D) Guard cells

8. Kranz anatomy is one of the characteristics of leaves of ?
A) Potato
B) Mustard
C) Sugar cane
D) Wheat

9. The reason for certain animals endangered are ?
A) Hunting
B) Pollution of environment
C) Natural calamities
D) All of these

10. Read the following statements
P. Thermus aquaticus
Q. Thiobacillus ferroxidans
R. Bacillus subtilis
S. Pseudomonas putida
The Taq polymerase enzyme is obtained from which of the following organism ?
A) Only R
B) Only Q
C) P,Q and R
D) P and S

11. Read the following statements
P. Potato
Q. Rhizome
R. Corm
S. Bulb
T. Phylloclade
Which of the followings are under ground modifications of stem ?
A) Only R
B) Only T
C) P,Q,R and S
D) P and S

12. Read the following statements
P. Binary fission
Q. Budding
R. Fragmentation
S. Gemmas
T. Spore formation
U. Sporulation
Which of the followings are related to the vegetative reproduction ?
A) Only R
B) Only T
C) P,Q,R and S
D) P,Q,R,S,T and U

13. Which of the following having dicyclicring in their structure ?
A) Adenine, Thymine
B) Adenine, Guanine
C) Guanine, Cytosine
D) Thymine, Uracil

14. Which of the followings are Bio weapons?
P. Bacillus antracis
Q. Clostridium botulicum
R. Ebola virus
Choose the correct answer
A) Only R
B) Only P
C) P,Q and R
D) P and R

15. Which of the following is incorrect ?
P. Parotid glands– anterior to the ear
Q. Sub-mandibular– floor of the tongue
S. Sub-lingual– below the ear
Choose the correct answer
A) Only R
B) Only S
C) P,Q and R
D) P and R

16. Read the following statements
P. Alpha cells 
Q. Beta cells
R. F- cells S. 
Which of the following are related to the endocrine part of the pancreas ?
A) Only R
B) Only S
C) P,Q,R and S
D) P and Q

17. Read the following statements
1. Pharynx 
2. Trachea
3. Bronchi 
4. Larynx
5. Noso-pharynx 
6. Nose
Arrange the correct order of respiratory system ?
A) 6,1,2,3,4,5
B) 6,5,1,2,3,4
C) 6,5,1,4,2,3
D) 6,5,4,3,1,2

18. Which of the followings are examples of open circulatory system ?
P. Arthropodes 
Q. Molluscans
R. Hemicardates
S. Echinodermates
Choose the correct answer
A) Only R
B) Only S
C) P,Q,R and S
D) P and R

19. Excretory system of man contains
P. A pair of kidneys 
Q. A pair of ureters
R. A urinary bladder 
S. Urethra
Choose the correct answer
A) Only R
B) Only S
C) P,Q,R and S
D) P and R

20. Which of the following are derived from Tyrosine ?
P. Epinephrine 
Q. Nor-epinephrine
R. Dopamine 
S. Serotonin
Choose the correct answer
A) Only R
B) Only S
C) P and Q
D) P,Q and R

21. Match the following
        Receptors                           Function
P. Exteroceptors                   1. Visual, touch, Pain
Q. Interoceptors                   2. Vessels
R. Proprioceptors                 3. Joints, muscles
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

22. Match the following
      Glands                           Examples
P. Exocrine                      1. Salivary, Gastric
Q. Endocrine                   2. Hypothalamus, pituitary
R. Heterocrine                 3. Pancreas, Testes & ovaries
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

23. Which of the following is incorrect to the thyroid gland functions?
A) Basal metabolic rate
B) Protein, Lipid, carbohydrate metabolism
C) Growth physical and mental
D) Secretes thyroid stimulating hormone

24. Match the following
        List I                        List II
P. Centriole              1. Infoldings in mitochondria
Q. Chlorophyll         2. Thylakoids
R. Christae              3. Nucliec acids
S. Ribozymes          4. Basal body of cilia & flagella
Choose the correct answer
A) P- 1, Q- 3, R- 2, S- 4
B) P- 1, Q- 2, R- 3, S- 4
C) P- 4, Q- 2, R- 1, S- 3
D) P- 2, Q- 1, R- 3, S- 4

25. Match the following
       List I                List II
P. Myology           1. Muscles
Q.Osteology          2. Bones
R. Arthrology       3. Joints
S. Kinesiology      4. Movement of muscle
Choose the correct answer
A) P- 1, Q- 3, R- 2, S- 4
B) P- 2, Q- 1, R- 3, S- 4
C) P- 4, Q- 2, R- 1, S- 3
D) P- 1, Q- 2, R- 3, S- 4

26. Match the following and mark the correct answer
           List I                             List II
P. Fast muscle fibre           1. Myoglobin
Q.Slow muscle fibre           2. Lactic acid
R. Actin filament               3. Contractile unit
S. Sarcomere                     4. I - Band
A) P- 1, Q- 3, R- 2, S- 4
B) P- 2, Q- 1, R- 3, S- 4
C) P- 4, Q- 2, R- 1, S- 3
D) P- 1, Q- 2, R- 3, S- 4

27. Which of the following of not a disorder bone ?
A) Arthritis
B) Osteoporosis
C) Rickets

28. Which of the following tool makes possible genetic engineering?
I) Restriction endonuclease
II) DNA polymerase
III) Helicase
IV) RNA polymerase
Choose the correct answer
A) Only I
B) Only II
D) I & III

29. Match the following Inflorescences Example
1. Verticellaster                i) Ficus / fig tree
2. Hypanthodium             ii) Euphorbiaceae
3. Cyathium                    iii) Lamiaceae
A) 1- iii, 2- ii, 3- i,
B) 1- ii, 2- i, 3- iii,
C) 1- i, 2- ii, 3- iii,
D) 1- iii, 2- i, 3- ii

30. Consider the following statement related to genetic engineering include :
1. Disease resistance 
2. Growth promotion
3. Animal cloning 
4. Human cloning
A) 1, 3. 4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 1, 2, 3

31. Chloroplast dimorphism is a characteristic feature of
I) Plants with Calvin cycle 
II) C4-Plants
III) All plants
IV) Algae
Choose the correct answer
A) Only I
B) Only II

32. Biofertilizers can be used to achieve :
A) To fix atmospheric nitrogen
B) To solubilise soil nutrients like phosphate
C) To stimulate plant growth
D) All of these

33. RNA is not involved in
P. Enzymatic activity
Q. Protein synthesis
R. Chromosome structure in eukaryotes
S. Heridity
Choose the correct answer
A ) Only R
B) P & S
C) Only Q
D) P & R

34. Nitrate reduction takes place in
P. Leaves
Q. Stem
R. Roots
S. Cytoplasm
A) Only R
B) P & R
C) Only Q
D) P, Q, R & S

35. Match the following:
      Column I                Column II
a) T4                      i) Hypothalamus
b) PTH                  ii) Thyroid
c) GnRH               iii) Pituitary
d) LH                    iv) Parathyroid
A) a- iii, b- iv, c- i, d- ii
B) a- i, b- iv, c- ii, d- iii
C) a- ii, b- iv, c- i, d- iii
D) a- ii, b- i, c- iv, d- iii

36. Which of the following statement is / are correct ?
P. Tendon – Bone to bone attachment
Q. Tendon – Bone to muscle attachment
S. Ligament - Bone to bone attachment
T. Ligament – Muscle to muscle
A) P and S
B) Q and S
C) S and T
D) P, Q and T


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