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NEET Zoology Previous Questions


1. Several hormones like hCG, hPL, estrogen, progesterone are produced by:
1) Fallopian tube
2) Pituitary
3) Ovary
4) Placenta

2. Which of the following is hormone releasing IUD?
1) Lippes loop
2) Cu7
3) LNG-20
4) Multiload 375

3. Which of the following is incorrect regarding vasectomy?
1) Vasa deferentia is cut and tied
2) Irreversible sterility
3) No sperm occurs in seminal fluid
4) No sperm occurs in epididymis

4. Which of the following depicts the correct pathway of transport of sperms?
1) Rete testis→Vas deferens→ Efferent ductules→ Epididymis
2) Efferent ductules→ Rete testis → Vas deferens→ Epididymis
3) Rete testis→ Efferent ductules → Epididymis→ Vas deferens
4) Rete testis→ Epididymis→ Efferent ductules→ Vas deferens

5. Embryo with more than 16 blastomeres formed due to in vitrofertilization is transferred into:
1) Fimbriae
2) Cervix
3) Uterus
4) Fallopian tube

6. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option using the codes.
   Column - I                Column - II
a) Mons Pubis          i) Embryo formation
b) Antrum               ii) Sperm
c) Trophecto           iii)Female exter- -derm nal genitalia
d) Nebenkern          iv) Graffian follicle
1) iii i iv ii
2) i iv iii ii
3) iii iv ii i
4) iii iv i ii

7. In context of Amniocentesis, which of the following statement is incorrect? 
1) It is usually done when a woman is between 14 - 16 weeks pregnant
2) It is used for prenatal sex determination
3) It can be used for detection of Down syndrome
4) It can be used for detection of Cleft palate

8. Fertilization in humans is practically feasible only if:
1) the sperms are transported into vagina just after the release of ovum in fallopian tube
2) the ovum and sperms are transported simultaneously to ampullary isthmic junction of the fallopian tube
3) the ovum and sperms are transported simultaneously to ampullary - isthmic junction of the cervix
4) the sperms are transported into cervix within 48 hrs of release of ovum in uterus

9. Identify the correct passage of spermatozoa in male human reproductive system.
A) Vas deferens
B) Epididymis 
C) Urethra
D) Vasa efferenetia
E) Ejaculatory duct
F) Seminiferous tubules
1) B D F C A E
2) B C E F A D
3) F D B A E C
4) F B A D E C

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