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1. The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangle is 5:3.If length is 8 m more than breadth ,find the area of the rectangle.
1. 300 sq m
2. 250 sq m
3. 240 sq m
4. 185 sq m

2. The perimeter of a rectangle having area equal to 144 sq cm and sides in the ratio 4:9 is
1. 52 cm
2. 56 cm
3. 60cm
4. 64 cm

3. The area of a rectangle lies between 40 sq cm and 45 sq cm, If one of the sides is 5 cm, then its diagonal lies between
1. 8 cm and 10 cm
2. 9 cm and 11 cm
3. 10 cm and 12 cm
4. 11 cm and 13 cm

4. Angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:4:5:8.The smallest angle is (degrees)
1. 54
2. 40
3. 36
4. 18

5. One side of a parallelogram is 8.06 cm and its perpendicular distance from opposite side is 2.08 cm.What is the approximate area of the parallelogram
1. 12.56 sq cm
2. 14.56 sq cm
3. 16.76 sq cm
4. 22.56 sq cm

6. Find the distance between the two parallel sides of a trapezium if the area of the trapezium is 500 sq m and the two parallel sides are equal to 30 m and 20 m, respectively
1. 20 cm
2. 15 cm
3. 18 cm
4. 25 cm

7. If the diagonals of a rhombus are 4.8 cm and 1.4 cm,then what is the perimeter of the rhombus
1. 5 cm
2. 10 cm
3. 12 cm
4. 20 cm

8. The breadth of a rectangle is 25 m. The total cost of putting a grtass bed on this field was Rs.12375,at the rate of Rs 15 per sq m. What is the length of the redctangular field
1. 27 m
2. 30 m
3. 33m
4. 32 m

9. Area of a rectangular field is 3584 sq m and the lengh and the breadth are in the ratio 7:2,respectively.What is the perimeter of the rectangle
1. 246 m
2. 292 m
3. 286 m
4. 288 m

10. The perimeters of two squares are 68cm and 60 cm.Find the perimeter of the third square whose area is equal to the difference of the areas of these two difference of the areas of these two squares.
1. 64 cm
2. 60 cm
3. 32 cm
4. 8 cm

11. what is the diameter of the largest circle lying on the surface of a sphere of surface area 616 sq cm?
1. 14 cm
2. 10.5 cm
3. 7 cm
4. 3.5 cm

12. If the ratio of the diameters of two spheres is 3:5,then what is the ratio of their surface areas?
1. 9:25
2. 9:10
3. 3:5
4. 27:125

13. A hemisphere has 28 cm diameter.Find its curved surface area
1. 1232 sq cm
2. 1236 sq cm
3. 1238 sq cm
4. 1233 sq cm

14. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 3%,then what percent increase takes place in surface area of the sphere
1. 6.09%
2. 7%
3. 5.06%
4. 9%

15. If the surface area of a sphere is 616 sq cm, what is its volume (cm3)
1. 4312/3
2. 4102/3
3. 1257
4. 1023

16. If radius of a sphere is decreased by 24%,by what percent does its surface area decrease
1. 44%
2. 49%
3. 42.24%
4. 6.2%

17. A hemispherical basin of 150 cm diameter holds water 120 times as much as a cylindrical tube.If the height of the tube is 15 cm,then the diameter of the tube is
1. 27 cm
2. 24 cm
3. 25 cm
4. 26 cm

18. The base of a cone and a cylinder have the same radius 6 cm. They have also the same height 8 cm.The ratio of the curved surfaces of the cylinder to that of the cone is
1. 4:3
2. 5:3
3. 8:5
4. 8:3

19. Seven equal cubes each of side 5 cm are joined end to end .Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid.
1. 750 sq cm
2. 1500 sq cm
3. 2250 sq cm
4. 700 sq cm

20. A solid metallic cylinder of base radius 3 cm and height 5 cm is melted to form cones,each of height 1 cm and base radius 1mm. The number of cones is
1. 7500
2. 13500
3. 3500
4. 4500

21. The sides of three cubes of metal are 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm respectively.Find the side of new cube formed by melting these cubes together.
1. 50 cm
2. 60 cm
3. 45 cm
4. 55 cm

22. If radius of a cylinder is increased by 10%,while height remains un changed,by what percent does the volume of cylinder increase
1. 11%
2. 22%
3. 21%
4. 44%

23. Marbles of diameter 1.4 cm are dropped into a cylindrical beker containing some water and are fully submerged.The diameter of the beaker is 7 cm.Find how many marbles have been dropped in it, if the water rises by 5.6 cm
1. 50
2. 150
3. 500
4. 550

24. The diameter of the base of a cone is 6 cm and altitude is 4 cm. What is the approxima te curved surface area of the cone
1. 45 sq cm
2. 47 sq cm
3. 49 sq cm
4. 51 sq cm

25. If each side of a cube is decreased by 19%, then decrease in surface area is
1. 40%
2. 38.4%
3. 35%
4. 34.39%

26. A cylindrical pillar is 50 cm in diameter and 3.5 m in height. Find the cost of painting the curved surface of the piller at the rate of Rs 10 per sq m.
1. 50 Rs.
2. 68 Rs.
3. 98 Rs.
4. 55 Rs.

27. The circumference of two circles are in the ratio 2:3.What is the ratio of their areas
1. 2:3
2. 4:9
3. 1:3
4. 8:27

28. If the sides of a rectangle ae increased by 5%,fine the percentage increase in its diagonals
1. 6%
2. 4%
3. 5%
4. 9%

29. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 32 cm while its equal sides together measure 18 cm.Find the third side and each of the equal sides.
1. 9 cm
2. 8 cm
3. 4 cm
4. 10 cm

30. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 26 cm,28 cm and 30 cm
1. 336 sq cm
2. 236 sq cm
3. 340 sq cm
4. 456 sq cm

31. If area of a square is 44 sq cm, find the area of the circle formed by the same perimeter.
1)56 sq cm
2)64 sq cm
3)68 sq cm
4)48 sq cm

32. Three sides of triangular field are of length 15 m , 20 m and 20 m 25 m long,respectively.Find the cost of sowing seeds in the field at the rate of Rs 5 per sq m. (Rs.)
1. 750
2. 150
3. 300
4. 600

33. The sides of a right angled triangle are equal to three consecutive numbers expressed in centimeters.What can be the area of such a triangle?
1. 6 sq cm
2. 8 sq cm
3. 10 sq cm
4. 12 sq cm

34. Find the area of a rectangle having 15 m length and 8 m breadth.
1. 120 sq m
2. 111 sq m
3.115sq m
4. 125sq m

35. The area of a rectangular playground is 300 sq m. If the breadth of the field is 15 m,find the length of the field.
1. 20 m
2. 11 m
3. 25 m
4. 10 m



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