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Biology General Knowledge


1. Match the following
P. Fishes  1. Two chambered
Q. Amphibians  2. Three chambered
R. Reptiles  3. Incompletely four chambered
S. Birds and 4. Four chambered mammals
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2,S-4
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3,S-4
C) P-4, Q-1, R-2,S-3
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3,S- 4

2. Moving Museum of Antiquities is?
A) Human
B) Tiger
C) Horse
D) Salamander

3. Charles Robert Darwin was influenced by?
P. Thomas Malthus
Q. Sir Charles Lyell
R. Alfred Russell Wallace
Choose the correct answer
A) Only P
B) P & Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q & R

4. which of the following are correct?
P. An essay on the Principles of Populations -Thomas Malthus
Q. Principles of Geology -Sir Charles Lyell
R. On the tendency of varieties to depart from original types -Alfred Russell Wallace
Choose the correct answer
A) Only P
B) P & Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q & R

5. Match the following
   Scientist  Theory
P. Weismann’s 1. Germplasm theory
Q. De Vries  2. Mutation theory
R. Mendel’s  3. Laws of inheritance
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

6. Match the following
   Name  Genetic code
P. Ochre  1. UAA
Q. Amber  2. UGA
R. Opal 3. UAG
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

7. Wobble hypothesis was proposed by?
A) Nirenberg
B) Watson
C) Watson and Crick
D) Crick

8. Genetic code is translated the language of?
A) Amino acids into that of RNA
B) Proteins into that of RNA
C) RNA into that of DNA
D) RNA into that of Proteins

9. Read the following statements
P. Overlapping 
Q.With commas
R. Universal 
S. Degenerate
Which of the following are not related to the genetic code ?
A) Only P
B) Only Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q, R & S

10. Read the following statements
P. Chlorophyll a 
Q. Chlorophyll b
R. Carotenoids 
S. Phycobilin
Which of the following is a water soluble figment ?
A) Only S
B) Only Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q, R & S

11. Biogeochemical cycles are also known as?
A) Material cycling
B) Gaseous cycles
C) Sedimentary cycling
D) All the above

12. Read the following statements
P. Oxygen cycle 
Q. Hydrogen cycle
R. Nitrogen cycle 
S. Phosphorus cycle
Which one of the following is sedimentary cycle ?
A) Only S
B) Only Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q, R & S

13. The newly collected specimen which is used as a substitute, when the original type is missing in the herbarium, is designated as?
A) Lectotype
B) Neotype
C) Isotype
D) Holotype

14. The reason for food spoilage is?
A) Growth of microorganisms like bacteria, fungus or insects
B) Autocatalysis
C) Oxidation by air that causes rancidity or colour
D) All the above

15. The process of preserving meat by stewing in a covered earthenware jug?
A) Burial
B) Curing
C) Jugging
D) All the above

16. The plant biotechnology involves?
A) Production of valuable products in plants
B) Rapid clonal multiplication of desired genotypes
C) Productions of virus free plants
D) All the above

17. Read the following statements
P. Nuclear cybrids
Q. Hybrid plants derived from cross pollination.
R. Cytoplasmic cybrids
S. Cytological cybrids
Which one of the following is related to cybrids ?
A) Only S
B) Only R
C) P and R
D) P ,Q, R & S

18. The variation in invitro culture is called as?
1. Invitro variation
2. Mutation
3. Somaclonal variation
4. None of the above
Choose the correct answer
A) Only 1
B) 1 & 2
C) Only 3
D) 1 ,2 & 3

19. The modification of exogenous compounds by plant cell is called?
A) Transformation
B) Conversion
C) Biophytomodification
D) Both A and B

20. Match the following
   Component  Percentage
P. Nitrogen  a. 78.084 %
Q. Oxygen b. 20.947 %
R. Carbon dioxide c. 0.033%
S. Argon d. 0.934%
T. Water vapour e. 0 - 2 %
Choose the correct answer
A ) P-a, Q-b, R-c,S-e,T-d
B) P- a, Q-b, R-e,S-c,T-d
C) P-a, Q-b, R-d,S-e,T-d
D) P- a, Q-b, R-c,S-d,T-e

21 The major air pollutants are>
P. Carbon monoxide (CO)
Q. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
R. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
S. Nitrogen Oxide (NO)
Choose the correct answer
A) Only S
B) Only Q
C) P and R
D) P ,Q, R & S

22. Read the following statements
P. The human ear is sensitive to sounds ranging from 0- 180 dB
Q. Threshold limit of hearing – 0 dB
R. Threshold limit for sensation of pain– 120 dB
S. Sound pollution – Above 120 dB
T. Generated by jet plains - 150 dB
Choose the correct answer
A) P,Q and S
B) Only s
C) P,Q and R
D) P ,Q, R, S & T

23. Composition of waste water match List I, with List II
     List-I         List-II
P. Suspended solids 1. Sand, silt, and clay
Q. Colloidal material 2. Fecal matter, bacteria,
R. Dissolved materials 3.Nitrate,ammonia,phosphate, sodium,calcium
Choose the correct answer
A) P-1, Q-3, R-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3

24. The pollution load in the sewage is measured by
A) Biological oxygen demand
B) Biological oxygen condition
C) Conversion of CO2 to Oxygen
D) Conversion of O2 to CO2

25. The world’s most problematic aquatic weed is?
A) Common water hyacinth
B) Eichhornia crassipes
C) Terror of Bengal
D) All the above

26.According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), particulate size is?
A) 2.5 micrometer
B) 0.01 micrometer
C) 10.01 micrometer
D) 100 micrometer

27. Which of the following is not correctly matched.
A) Autotroph- Producer
B) Heterotroph- Consumer
C) Saprotroph- Decomposer
D) Herbivore –Secondary consumer

28. The pathway that will produce oxygen during photosynthesis is?
A) Electron transport pathway
B) Non-cyclic electron pathway
C) Light-independent reactions
D) Cyclic electron pathway

29. Which of the following sequence is correct in meiotic prophase :
A) Leptonema – Diplonema – Zygonema – Pachynema – Diakinesis
B) Leptonema –– Zygonema – Pachynema – Diplonema- Diakinesis
C) Pachynema - Leptonema – Diplonema – Zygonema –– Diakinesis
D) Leptonema – Diplonema – Zygonema – – Diakinesis – Pachynema.

30. Which techniques may used PCR?
P. DNA footprinting
Q) DNA fingerprinting
R. Restriction mapping
S) Gel retardation assay
Choose right answer
A ) Only Q
B) P & S
C) Only R
D) P & R

31. Annual rings in a tree signify the age of the tree. What these annual rings are made of ?
A) Growing secondary phloem
B) Growing secondary xylem
C) Growing primary phloem
D) Growing primary xylem

32. Which one of the following conditions in humans is / are correctly matched with its chromosomal abnormality/linkage?
A) Colour blindness – Y-linked
B) Klinefelter’s syndrome –44autosomes +XXY
C) Down syndrome – 44 autosomes + XO
D) Erythroblastosis fetalis – X-linked

33. Match the followings:
A) tRNA  1) Linking of amino acids
B) mRNA 2) Transfer of genetic information
C) rRNA 3) Nucleolar organising region
D) Peptidyl Transferase 4) Transfer of amino acid from cytoplasm of ribosome
A) A = 4, B = 2, C = 3, D = 1
B) A = 1, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2
C) A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4
D) A = 1, B = 3, C = 2, D = 4

34. Threatened species of India?
I. The Asiatic lion
II. The black buck
III. Red panda
IV. Tiger 
V. Elephant
Which of the following is / are correct
A) I, II and III
B) I, III and IV
C) I, II and IV
D) I, II, III, IV and V

35. Match the following
      List – I      List- II
P. Jim Corbett National park   1.Uttarakhand
Q. Kaziranga National park  2. Assam
R. Keoladeo Ghana NP  3. Rajastan
S. Kanha National park 4. Madya Pradesh
Choose the correct answer
A) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
C) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
D) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2

 Biology General Knowledge


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