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Biology Notes for Gurukula Teachers

1. Match the following
     List I            List II
1. Family -       a. Retroviridae
2. Genus -        b. Lentivirus
3. Species -       c. HIV
Select the correct answer
A) 1-b, 2- c, 3- a
B) 1-a, 2- b, 3- c
C) 1-a, 2- c, 3- b
D) 1-c, 2- b, 3- a

2. Match the following
  Derivatives             Hormones
1. Indole                   a. IAA
2. Adenine                b. N6- furfurylamino purine.
3. Carotenoid            c. ABA (abscisic acid).
4. Terpenes               d. Gibberellic acid (GA3).
5. Gases form           e. Ethylene (C2H4).
Select the correct answer
A) 1-b, 2- c, 3- a, 4-d,5-e
B) 1-a, 2- b, 3- c, 4-d , 5-e
C) 1-a, 2- c, 3- b, 4-d, 5-e
D) 1-c, 2- b, 3- a, 4-d, 5-e

3. Match the following
    Scientist                          Hormones
P. F.W. Went                      1. Auxin
Q. E. Kurosawa                 2. Gibberellin
R. F. Skoog & Miller          3. Cytokinin
Select the correct answer
A) P-2, Q-3, R-1
B) P-1, Q-2, R-3
C) P-1, Q-3, R-2
D) P-2, Q-3, R-1

4. Match the following
      List I                        List II
P. Vomiting              1. Feeling of fullness
Q. Indigestion          2. Hard faeces in rectum
R. Constipation        3. Skin turn yellow
S. Jaundice              4. Throwing out contents
                                5. Liquidity of faeces
Select the correct answer
A) P-3, Q-2, R-1,S-4
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C) P-4, Q-1, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-4, Q-3, R-2,S-1

5. The secretin stimulates the release of
A. Lipase and Trypsinogen
B. HCL and pepsinogen
C. H2O and bicarbonates
D. Villikinin

6. Match the following
          List I                        List II
P. Salivary amylase           1. Proteins
Q. Bile salts                      2. Milk proteins
R. Rennin                         3. Starch
S. Pepsin                          4. Emulsification of fats
Select the correct answer
A) P-3, Q-2, R-1,S-4
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C) P-4, Q-1, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

7. Assertion (A) : The chemical breakdown of nutrients is called cellular respiration.
Reason (R) : It takes place inside of the cell
A) A & R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
B) A & R are true, but, R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true

8. Assertion (A) : Allergens cause difficulty in breathing & wheezing in asthmatic individuals
Reason (R) :Allergens cause inflamamatory substances that cause dilation of the bronchi.
A) A & R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
B) A & R are true, but, R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true

9. Smooth muscles are absent in the walls of
P. Veins 
Q. Arterioles
R. Capillaries 
S. Arteries
Select the correct answer
A) Only Q
B) Only R
C) P and R
D) P,Q and R

10. Match the following
      List I                 List II
P. R.B.C               1. Co- agulation
R. Platelets           2. Gases transport
S. Eosinophils      3. Histamine secretion
T. Basophils         4. Resist infections
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-1, R-4,S-2
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-1, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

11. Match the following
         List I                     List II
P. Cardiac cycle             1. 0.3 sec
Q. Atrial systole            2. 0.4 sec
R. Ventricular systole     3. 0.1 sec
S. Cardiac diastole         4. 0.8 sec
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-1, R-4,S-2
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-3, R-1 ,S-2
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

12. Match the following
             List I                                     List II
P. Right atrioventricular             1. Tricuspid valve
Q. Coronary sinus                      2.Thebesius valve
R. Inferior vena cava                  3. Bicuspid valve
S. Left atrioventricular               4.Eustacnian Valve
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-1, R-4,S-2
B) P-1, Q-2, R-4,S-3
C ) P-4, Q-3, R-1 ,S-2
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

13. Assertion (A):Heart of fishes is branchial heart
Reason (R) : It receives blood only from gills
A) A & R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
B) A & R are true, but, R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true

14. Read the following statements
P. BP is monitored by pressure sensors in the aorta.
Q. Volume of blood is controlled by hormones such as ADH and aldosterone.
R. Blood performs postman’s job and police man’s job in the body.
S. Albumins provide capillary osmotic pressure .
Select the correct answer
A) Only R
B) P, Q and T
C) R and S
D) P,Q,R and S

15. Kidneys are located in between.
A. Dorsal body wall and visceral peritoneum
B. Ventral body wall and dorsal peritoneum
C. Dorsal body wall and parietal peritoneum
D. Ventral body wall and ventral peritoneum

16. Match the following
     List I                              List II
P. ANP                          1. Aldosterone
Q. Adrenal cortex          2.Angiotensinogen
R. JG cells                     3. ACE
D. Liver                        4. Rennin
                                     5. Heart
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-1,S-4
B) P-5, Q-1, R-4,S-2
C ) P-4, Q-5, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-5, Q-4, R-2,S-1

17. Match the following
        List I                     List II
P. Uricotelic             1. Cartilaginous fishes
Q. Ureotelic             2.Mammals, except apes, man
R. Allantoin             3. Apes and man
S. Ammonotelic       4. Tracheate arthropods
                               5. Bony fishes
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-1,S-4
B) P-5, Q-1, R-4,S-2
C ) P-4, Q-5, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-4, Q-1, R-2,S-5

18. Match the following
       List I                               List II
P. Telencephalon               1. Cerebellum
Q. Myelencephalon           2. Medulla
R. Dencephalon                3. Amygdala
S. Metencephalon             4. Thalamus
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-4,S-1
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-1, R-2 ,S-3
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

19. In adults spinal cord extends up to
P. Coccyx Q. Sacral vertebrae
R. Second lumber vertebra
S. Beginning of coccygeal vertebra
Select the correct answer
A) Only R
B) P, Q and T
C) R and S
D) P,Q,R and S

20. Following are the cranial nerves
P. Vagus Q. Glossopharyngeal
R. Occulomotor 
S. Facial
T. Trigeminal
The above nerves that are concerned with craniosacral outflow are
A ) C,F,B,D,E
B) A,F,B,D,E
C ) C,B,A,D
D) C,D,B,A

21. Match the following
List I
P. Hyperthyroidism
Q. Hypothyroidism
R. Hyperparathyroidism
S. Hypoparathyroidism
List II
2. Increased metabolic rate
3. Addison’s disease
4. Kidney stones 
5. Myxedema
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-1,S-4
B) P-5, Q-1, R-4,S-2
C ) P-2, Q-5, R-4 ,S-1
D) P-5, Q-4, R-2,S-1

22. Which of the following is not paired correctly ?
A. Myxoedema – Swollen facial tissues
B. Cretinism – Mentally retarded
C. Grave’s - Exophthalmos disease
D. Insulin – Raise blood glucose

23. Read the following statements
P. Urethra 
Q. Ductus ejaculatorius
R. Duct from seminal vesicle
S. Vas deferens 
T. Urethral meatus
Arrange in sequence
A) P-Q- R-S- T
B) Q – R- S- P- E
C) S- R- Q- P- T
D) T – S – R- Q – P

24. Match the following
          List I                       List II
P. Hyaluronidase             1. Acrosomal reactior
Q.Corpus luteum            2. Morphogenetic Movements
R. Gastrulation               3. Progesterone
S. Capacitation               4. Mammary glands
T. Colostrum                  5. Sperm activation
Select the correct answer
A ) P-1, Q-3, R-2,S-5,T-3
B ) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1,T-5
C ) P-1, Q-4, R-2 ,S-3,T-5
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1,T-5

25. Match the following
       List I                       List II
P. Genital warts         1.Chlamydia trachomatis
Q. Syphilis                2. Protozoan
R. Trichomoniasis     3. Treponema pallidum
S. Chlamydiasis        4.Human papilloma virus
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-4,S-1
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-3, R-2 ,S-1
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

26. Match the following
      List I                 List II
P. Chemical         1. Tubectomy & vasectomy
Q. IUD’s             2. Copper T & loop
R. Barriers          3. Condom & Cervical cap
S. Sterilization    4.Spermicidal jelly & foam
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-4,S-1
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-3, R-2 ,S-1
D) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

27. Match the following
        List I                                        List II
P. Pleiotropy                              1.ABO blood groups
Q. Poygenic inheritance             2. Phenylketonuria
R. Linked inheritance                3. Rh blood type
S. Multiple Allelism                  4.Human height
Select the correct answer
A ) P-3, Q-2, R-4,S-1
B) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1
C ) P-4, Q-3, R-2 ,S-1
D) P-2, Q-4, R-3,S

28. Match the following
   Syndrome                      Chromosome pair
P. Down’s                       1. Monosomy on 23rd pair
Q. Edwards                    2. Trisomy on 23rd pair
R. Patau                         3. Trisomy on 21st pair
S. Klinefelter                  4. Trisomy on 18th pair
T. Turner’s                    5. Trisomy on 13th pair
Select the correct answer
A ) P-1, Q-3, R-2,S-5,T-3
B ) P-4, Q-2, R-3,S-1,T-5
C ) P-1, Q-4, R-2 ,S-3,T-5
D) P-3, Q-4, R-5,S-2,T-1

29. Match the following
           List I                                List II
1. HBA1, HBA2 genes            a. Chromosome
2. Heterotetramer                   b.Alpha thalassemia
3. Beta thalassemia                 c. Haemoglobin
Select the correct answer
A) 1-b, 2- c, 3- a
B) 1-a, 2- b, 3- c
C) 1-a, 2- c, 3- b
D) 1-c, 2- b, 3- a

30. The term organic evolution was coined by
A. Darwin
B. Dobzhansky
C. Herbert spencer
D. Lamark
Biology Notes for Gurukula Teachers


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