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Logical Reasoning Questions with Answers


Directions (Q.No. 1 - 7): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, who are of different heights, are sitting around a circular table facing at the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them plays a different game, viz Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Football, Chess, Basketball, Swimming and Shooting. The Swimmer, who is shorter than only Basketball player, sits second to the left of C. The Basketball player sits third to the left of A.There is only one player between the Shooter and the Hockey player, and he is taller than E but shorter than Tennis player. There is only one person between A and E. Football player, who is shorter than E, sits immediately next to Basketball player who is immediate right of D. Hockey player is not seated adjacent to Basketball player. B and F always sit adjacent to each other. F sits second to the right of the Shooter who is taller than only chess player. E, who plays Hockey, sits third to the right of the Chess player. G is not a Swimmer. B and A do not play Chess and cricket respectively.

 1. Who among the following is a Tennis player?
1) A
2) D
3) C
4) G
5) Can't be determined

2. Which of the following is true with respect to the given sitting arrangement?
1) The Shooter is on the immediate left of the Cricketer
2) The Basketball player and the Swimmer sit opposite to each other
3) The Football player sits exactly between the Cricketer and the Chess player
4) F is a Basketball player
5) None of these

3. Who is ranking fifth in the descending order of heights of the persons?
1) A
2) D
3) E
4) G
5) Can't be determined

4. What is the position of H with respect to the basketball player?
1) Third to the left
2) Third to the right
3) Fifth to the left
4) Fourth to the left
5) None of these

5. Which of the following would come in place of question mark based upon the given sitting arrangement?
EC, BF, HE, FG ?
1) CD
2) DB
3) HE
4) BD
5) None of these

6. In which of the following third person sits between the first and second person?
1) CDE
2) DBF
3) HEA
4) BDC
5) FAG

7. How many persons are there between H and D in the order of heights of the given persons?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) Five

(Q.No : 8 - 12) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
Seven people - A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a straight line with equal distance between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north and some are facing south. Only two people are sitting to the left of G. Only two people sit between G and B. A sits second to the left of B. The immediate neighbors of A face opposite directions (ie if one of the neighbors faces south then the other faces noth and vice versa). Only one person sits between A and C. F sits third to the left of C. D is not an immediate neighbor of B. Both the immediate neighbors of C face the same direction (ie if one neighbor faces south then the other neighbor also faces south and if one neighbor faces north than the other neighbor also faces north). A faces the same direction as C. E faces north. B sits on the immediate left of E.

8. Who among the following sits exactly between G and the one who is sitting on the immediate left of B?
1) A
2) C
3) Other than those given as options
4) E
5) F

9. Who among the following sits exactly in the middle of the line?
1) D
2) A
3) F
4) E
5) C

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE as per the given information?
1) D faces south
2) G sits third to the left of B.
3) None of the given options are true.
4) D sits exactly between C and A.
5) F sits in the immediate right of A.

11. Which of the following pairs represents the people sitting at the two extreme ends of the line?
1) BC
2) Other than those given as options
3) EF
4) DB
5) DE

12. Who among the following sits second to the right of D?
1) F
2) G
3) B
4) Other than those given as options
5) A

Directions: (Q.No 13-17): Give an input, a coding machine generates pass codes for seven batches every day as follows:
Input: Gaining wisdom is the objective of life
Batch I: Wisdom the of gaining is objective life
Batch II: Wisdom of is life the gaining objective
Batch III: Is of wisdom life objective gaining the
Batch IV: Of life gaining is wisdom objective the
And so on till the seventh batch. The first batch begins work at 10.00am. Each batch works for one hour
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate step for the given input or vice versa in the following questions:

13. If the input on a day is "character is the essential thing of life", then what will be the pass code for the batch at 3.00pm?
1) Is character of essential thing the life
2) Is character of essential the thing life
3) Is character of essential thing life the
4) Character is of essential thing the life
5) None of these

14. Input: Focus and dedication lead us to success Which of the following steps would be "to success focus dedication and us lead"
1) Step I
2) Step IV
3) Step III
4) Step II
5) There is no such step

15. Jayesh was to attend the batch at 4.00 p.m. on a day with a pass code "always reach the goal at any cost". However, he was compelled to work in the batch at 12 noon on that day, what was his pass code then?
1) The at goal any cost always reach
2) At the goal cost any always reach
3) The at goal cost any always reach
4) The at goal any cost always reach
5) None of these

16. The pass code for the 6th batch on a day was "marks scored in the exam are final". What was the input provided to the machine on that day?
1) scored marks are the exam final in
2) scored marks are the in exam final
3) scored marks the are exam in final
4) scored marks are the exam in final
5) None of these

17. If the Input is "focus and dedication lead us to success", then in which of the step/steps "to" is placed in the first position?
1) IV
2) V
3) III
4) Both I and II
5) None of these

Logical Reasoning Questions with Answers


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