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Model Question Paper for SBI Po Exam


1. India's neighboring countries have seen a surge in their imports of the metal. This gold is then being carried across into India by smugglers. Which of the following inferences can best be drawn from the above statements?
a) There is duty differential between India and its neighboring countries
b) The tough restrictions on the metal's imports could be eased.
c) India has a high current account deficit
d) There has been a sharp depreciation of the rupee
e) None of these
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2. Travellers should generally be careful about booking a hotel at the time that a big convention is in town. Which of the following is the most plausible reason for exercising this caution?
a) Hotels boost rates when conventions are going on in town
b) Terrorist threats are likely at the time of conventions
c) Conventions are a breeding ground for swindlers of all types
d) If you go to a town where a convention is going on, you are
most likely to spend all your time attending the convention
e) None of these
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3. The alarming surge in the incidence of crimes committed by juveniles - National Crime Research Bureau Data shows a majority of juveniles involved in crimes are 16 to 18 years of age - calls for urgent and considered action. Studies have shown that children are now attaining maturity earlier. Which of the following inferences can be made in the above situation?
a) Manipulation in date of birth should not be allowed by certificate - issuing authorities
b) There should be uniformity in our laws on the age of majority
c) Blanket protection should not be extended to all juveniles below 18 years of age
d) Juveniles involved in heinous crimes are different from children in need of care and protection
e) None of these
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4. A hung verdict is just that: divided and unclear. And Party X would be quite justified in querying why, despite its consistent stand on governing only in case of a clear verdict, should the onus of forming the government be laid at its door. Which of the following assumptions is implicit in the above statement? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.)
a) Party X does not have a clear majority
b) Party X is the single largest party in the house
c) Party X is not the single largest party in the house
d) Both a and b
e) Both a and c
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5. Statement: In a major decision to weed out black money from the country, the government of country A has decided to make PAN mandatory for any transaction above Rs.2 lakh. Which of the following will be an effect(s) of the steps taken by the government of country A?
a) The sales of luxury products will come down in country A
b) The revenue of the government will fall
c) More people will apply for PAN card
d) Black money will be reduced the country
e) Only a and d
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Directions: In the questions below are given some conclusions followed by five set of statements. You have to choose the correct set of statements that logically satisfies given conclusions either definitely or possibly. Assume the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.

6. Conclusions:
1. Some homes are floors is a possibility.
2. Some ships are not cities.
i) All floors are antenna, All antenna are ships, No antenna is city, No hospital is ship.
ii) Some floors are antenna, All antenna are ship, Some antenna are city, No hospital is ship.
iii) All floor are antenna, All antenna are ship, No antenna is city, All homes are ships.
iv) All floor are antenna, All antenna are ship, No hospital is floor, Some homes are cities.
v) Some floors are antenna, All antenna are ship, No antenna is city, No homes are cities.
a) Only i and ii
b) Only ii and iii
c) Only iii and v
d) Only iv and v
e) Only v and i
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7. Conclusions:
1. At least some ducks being bird is a possibility.
2. Some swans are ducks.
i) All ducks are swans, All ducks are crows, No duck is bird.
ii) All ducks are swans, All swans are crows, No crow is a bird.
iii) Some ducks are swans, Some ducks are crows, No duck is bird.
iv) Some ducks are swans, All swans. are crows, No duck is bird.
v) All ducks are swans, Some duck are crows, No crow is bird.
a) Only i
b) Both ii and iii
c) Only iv
d) Both iv and v
e) Only v
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8. Conclusions:
At least some hills being lake is a possibility. Some mountains are hills. Statements:
Statements-I: All hills are Mountains. All hills are rivers. No hill is a lake.
Statements-II: All hills are Mountains. All Mountains are rivers. No river is a lake.
Statements-III: Some Hills are Mountains. Some hills are rivers. No hill is a lake.
Statements-IV: Some Hills are Mountains. All Mountains are rivers. No hill is a lake.
Statements-V: All Hills are Mountains. Some hills are rivers. No river is a lake.
a) Only Statements - I
b) Only Statements - II
c) Only Statements - III
d) Only Statements - IV
e) Only Statements - V
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9. Conclusions:
All months being year is a possibility. No month is a day.
Statements - I: Some months are weeks. No week is a day. No month is a year.
Statements-II: All months are weeks. No week is a day. All days are years.
Statements-III: Some months are weeks. All months are days. No month is a year.
Statements-IV: All months are weeks. No week is a day. No month is a year.
Statements-V: Some months are weeks. All months are days. All days are years.
a) Only Statements - I
b) Only Statements - II
c) Only Statements - III
d) Only Statements - IV
e) Only Statements - V
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10. Conclusions:
Some covers are pillows. All sheet being cover is a possibility.
Statements - 1: No pillows is cover. Some covers are bed. No pillow is sheet.
Statements-2: Some pillows are covers. Some covers are bed. No Sheet is cover.
Statements-3: All pillows are covers. Some covers are bed. No pillow is sheet.
Statements-4: Some pillows are covers. All covers are bed. No Sheet is cover.
Statements-5: No pillows is cover. All covers are bed. No pillow is sheet.
a) Only Statements - 1
b) Only Statements - 2
c) Only Statements - 3
d) Only Statements - 4
e) Only Statements - 5
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Directions : Each of the questions below consists of a question and three statements numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read all the three statements and give answer

a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement III are not required to answer the question.
b) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II are not required to answer the question.
c) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
d) If the data in statement I alone or in statement II alone or in statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
e) If the data in all the statements I, II and III together are necessary to answer the question.

11. Among six persons Rahim, Ravi, Raja, Rakhi, Rani and Rohit, each lives on a different floor of six-storey building having its six floors numbered one to six (the ground floor is numbered I, the floor above it 2, and so on, and the top most floor is numbered 6). Who lives on the topmost floor?
I. There is only one floor between the floors on which Raja and Ravi live. Rahim lives on an even-numbered floor.
II. Rani does not live on an evennumbered floor. Ravi lives on an even-numbered floor. Ravi does not live on the topmost floor.
III. Rakhi lives on an odd-numbered floor. There are two floors between the floors on which Rakhi and Rahim live. Rani lives on a floor immediately above Raja's floor.
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12. Are all the four friends, viz Amar, Arun, Ashish and Avinash, who are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre?
I. Arun sits to the right of Avinash. Avinash faces the centre. Ashish sits to the right of Arun and opposite Avinash.
II. Amar sits on the immediate left of Arun. Ashish is not an immediate neighbour of Amar. Ashish sits on the immediate right of Avinash.
III. Avinash is an immediate neighbour of both Amar and Ashish. Arun sits on the immediate left of Amar. Ashish sits on the immediate right of Arun.
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13. How is 'the' coded in a code language?
I. "the following information below' is coded as 'zo pi ko fe' and 'look beyond stores of' is coded as 'ga to ru ko".
II. "the given data goes' is coded as 'ba le fe me' and 'given in small business' is coded as 'yu si mi de".
III. "given big look stores' is coded as 'to mi ru hy' and 'big information required below' is coded as 'qu ko zo hy".
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64. Point A is in which direction with respect to point B?
I. Point D is to the west of point B. Point L is to the north of point B. Point A is to the south of point L.
II. Point M is to the south of point A. Point M is 4m from point B. Point A is 9m from point B.
III. Point D is to the west of point B. Point B is exactly midway between point D and C. Point O is to
the south of Point C. Point A is to the west of point O.
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15. In a family of seven members, how is S related to V?
I. T and U are offspring of R, who is the wife of S.
II. Z, the cousin of W, is the niece of T.
III. V is the only brother-in-law of W.
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Directions : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement.

Input: 53 mixtures 75 averages 91 profit 86 and 34 loss 80 cistern
step- i: mixtures 53 75 averages 91 profit and 34 loss 80 cistern 86
step-ii: averages mixtures 53 91 profit and 34 loss 80 cistern 86 75
step-iii: cistern averages mixtures 91 profit and 34 loss 80 86 75 53
step-iv: profit cistern averages mixtures  91 and loss 80 86 75 53 34
step-v: loss profit cistern averages mixtures and 80 86 75 53 34 91
step-vi: and loss profit cistern averages mixtures 86 75 53 34 91 80
step-vii: 5 5 3 8 8 3 7 8 1 4 8 3 Input: 96 emphatic 25 changing 84 Xiaomi 56 Redmi 46 Asus 32 HTC 66

16. How many steps are required to complete the rearrangement?
a) vii
b) viii
c) xi
d) v
e) None of these
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17. Which of the following word/ number is third from the right in step-v of the given Input?
a) Xiaomi
b) Emphatic
c) 84
d) 96
e) None of these
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18. Which of the following word/ number 7th to the left of 3rd from right in last but one step?
a) Asus
b) Xiaomi
c) HTC
d) 56
e) None of these
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19. In 'step- iii', 'xiaomi' is related to '84', 'changing' is related to '66', in the same way 25 is related to?
a) 96
b) 32
c) HTC
d) Asus
e) None of these
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20. Four of the following are so form a group. Which of the following that does not belong to that group in step - v?
a) Redmi
b) Changing
c) 25
d) 32
e) HTC
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Directions:   Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions
There are five units i.e, l, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each unit has different height. Also each unit contains books and boxes. Unit 2 is above unit1 and unit 3 is above unit 2 and so on. Every unit is belongs to different cities i.e. Beijing, Paris, London, Sydney and Zurich. The total height of all five units is equal to 252"ft. "Total Height of Unit is equal to the total height of books plus total height of boxes in each unit "Height of books is not equal to the height of boxes. Unless specified so. The books belongs to London is an even unit. The total height of unit1 is 75"ft. Sydney is not unit l. The total height of unit, which belongs to Sydney is 55"ft. There is only one gap between London and Paris. The height of books and height of boxes in unit 3 are equal. The height of books in unit 2 is not less than 30"ft. The books are in unit 4 is four more than books, which is in unit3. The total height of London is not 37"ft. The total height of unit, which contains 37" ft is not taking place, which is immediate above the unit, which contains 20"ft more than the unit, which belongs to Sydney. The height of boxes in unit2 is 23"ft. Unit belongs to Zurich does not contain the equal height of books and boxes. The total height of unit 2 is odd number and height is more than 50"ft and less than 55"ft. Unit l contains 23"ft height of boxes more than unit4 contains height of boxes and unit 5 contains 7"ft height of books less than unit l contains.

21. Unit3 belongs to which city?
a) Paris
b) Zurich
c) Sydney
d) Beijing
e) London
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22. If 'Sydney' Is related to 37"ft in the same way as 'Beijing' is related to 53"ft.Which of the following is 'Paris' related to, following the same pattern?
a) 53"ft
b) 37"ft
c) 75"ft
d) None of these
e) 32"ft
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23. Four of the following five are alike in certain way and hence they form group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
a) Sydney
b) 32"ft
c) 75"ft
d) Paris
e) Beijing
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Model Question Paper for SBI Po Exam

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